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La vuelta al cole y el precio de los útiles.

🗣️ @edubattaglia
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00:00Let's start the class. We have to buy the tools.
00:06Leo Godoy, on the street, where are you?
00:08Leo, how much does the school basket cost?
00:10We are on Nazca Avenue, with the variety of prices.
00:16And when you start to see the marketing, you start to say,
00:19well, the beginning of the class is approaching.
00:21Look, look what I have here.
00:23How are you guys?
00:25Good morning, good morning to all your students.
00:28Listen, what grade are you going to?
00:30I'm already in the 19th grade, more or less.
00:33The thing is that I took this very seriously,
00:35that one never stops learning.
00:37Very good. That's a good philosophy.
00:40Well, are there any gifts?
00:42Are there any gifts for the people who are approaching the store
00:44Nazca 20 in Flores?
00:46Nazca and Rivadavia.
00:47Is the beginning of the class coming?
00:48The beginning of the class is coming, and we have thousands of offers.
00:50You buy, it's all over Buenos Aires, and you have thousands of offers.
00:53And the dustbin?
00:55Dustbin of 10.
00:56Do you take the gift to the teacher when you start?
00:58I take the apple, I take everything.
01:00Yes, I want to pass, I want to pass, I want to pass.
01:02Very good, thank you.
01:03Well, let's see now.
01:06We leave the marketing behind,
01:08and let's go around a bit to see how much it is worth,
01:11everything that has to do with the beginning of the school,
01:14the school basket.
01:15Well, I tell you, there are a lot of people.
01:18It is clear that there is very little left.
01:19Look what it is.
01:21Look, here we are with Georgely,
01:23who is in charge of this store.
01:26So, well, how much is a basic basket worth, more or less?
01:31A price.
01:32Hello, good morning, Leo.
01:33Well, the basic basket, for the most priority items for the school,
01:39can easily be spent between 30,000 and 40,000 pesos,
01:42taking for a single child.
01:44Of course.
01:45Does it include the backpack or not?
01:47Yes, we have economic backpacks from 8,500,
01:50as well as backpacks of the first or second brand,
01:52a little more expensive.
01:54It all depends on what the representative has in mind,
01:57with the budget, of course.
01:58You see that everything can also vary in the taste of the children.
02:00Sometimes the children choose what they want.
02:02Of course.
02:03Well, Eduardo, here, well, we are touring, I tell you,
02:05there are a lot of people.
02:06Leo, Leo, not to leave us.
02:09Georgely is listening to you.
02:10Not to leave us from those 30,000 that come out of the basic basket,
02:13as Georgely said, right?
02:17Georgely, Georgely.
02:20Well, what makes up that basic basket?
02:23What does it have?
02:24If you can show me around, what is useful.
02:28Good morning, Eduardo.
02:29Good morning.
02:30The basket includes what is liquid, polygon,
02:33hardcover notebook, eraser, pencil,
02:36graphite pencil, sheet replacement for 480 sheets,
02:40folders and colors.
02:42And usually people renew everything
02:45or buy some things that perhaps over the year have been spent.
02:51Mostly they come and buy everything.
02:55Everything, everything.
02:56We also have many clients who are resellers,
02:58who come from abroad,
03:00but most of the representatives come with their list and buy everything.
03:04How do sales come in this pre-school?
03:09Well, since we started in February,
03:11sales have gone up a lot because it is already the strong season.
03:14Everything that is really school sales has already started.
03:19But is it a good summer, is it a good year?
03:21Has it exceeded the expectations that there were
03:23in relation to what one estimates, you see,
03:25when the cash cycle is starting?
03:30This year, the truth is that we have worked with excellent costs
03:33for the representatives,
03:34so that they can take everything to a good budget.
03:37We do a market analysis,
03:38because this year there is a lot of local competition
03:41that previously had never sold school items.
03:43This year they did.
03:45So we are there, within the competition,
03:48always offering the best for the clients.
03:51Can you show us a series of prices,
03:53what most people take?
03:55If you want to tell us what varieties there are,
03:57if people end up choosing the cheapest product
03:59or buy the most expensive one.
04:04Let's start.
04:05What do you think, Edu?
04:06Let's see a tour.
04:07We do it outside,
04:08because the sector where people are walking is exploited,
04:11but we will show you.
04:12Let's start with the notebooks.
04:13Do you think it is fundamental?
04:16Of course.
04:17You will see that we have notebooks with spirals,
04:19number 3, number 1,
04:21but the cheapest notebooks are counted from 3,000 per unit.
04:24And since we also work at a higher price,
04:27from 3 units of the same item,
04:29they have a majority price,
04:31which the notebook would stay at 2,500.
04:34Well, that's a lot, right?
04:35We also have scissors.
04:37We have scissors from 1,200.
04:39Of course, the price changes a lot, Edu.
04:41If you need,
04:42and generally during the year,
04:44you use more than three notebooks,
04:46so it is convenient.
04:48It is more than 15%.
04:50It is more than 15%.
04:51More than 15% discount.
04:53And what other things do you have?
04:55Give me the range.
04:56From how much to how much?
04:57We also have scissors.
04:58We have scissors from 600, 1,200, 1,000 pesos.
05:02Scissors for left-handed people,
05:03we also count on them.
05:07What other items?
05:08Let's see.
05:10Look, we have scissors from 600 pesos to 1,500.
05:15With the Canson leaves, do you think?
05:17Go ahead.
05:19We have Canson answers from 600, 900, 700 pesos.
05:23It all depends on the number.
05:25And well, if they are white,
05:26colors, black, blue, cakes.
05:29We have a variety in that.
05:31Let's go with the pencils.
05:32Let's see, let's move to the pencil area, Edu.
05:34Go ahead.
05:35Let's see.
05:37Tell us, let's see.
05:38Look, for the graphite pencils,
05:40the common one, you can take the box of 12 for 1,000 pesos.
05:44Or if not, with rubber, for 1,200.
05:47You can also take individual for 200 pesos each.
05:51And pencils, what values?
05:54Pencils, do you want?
05:56So that we move a little to the pencils.
05:59Let's see, there it is.
06:01Here we have.
06:02We have pencils from 100 pesos.
06:04Which ones?
06:05Can you pick one up?
06:06Can you pick one up?
06:07Show us which one costs 100 pesos
06:09and how much we get if we want to buy the most expensive one.
06:13Yes, the most expensive one costs 500 pesos.
06:16And which one would it be?
06:17Do you have it there?
06:18Well, a brand already registered.
06:23Okay, okay, perfect.
06:25Of course, here the camera can show it.
06:27And pencils, do you still use pencils?
06:31Do you still ask for them at school?
06:33Pencils are usually asked for a few times, but not much.
06:37And at least this year we prefer not to bring them.
06:41They are expensive, apart.
06:44And do the pens come out as a gift?
06:47Yes, now we are going to the backpack area.
06:49But I say, we are article by article, more or less,
06:51what is best sold at this time of year.
06:53Does the brand pen come out?
06:55How much is a brand pen today?
06:56Yes, yes, yes, a lot.
06:59500 pesos per unit, and you have 3.50 or 4.00,
07:03depending on the brand you are carrying, from 3 units.
07:06Good, good.
07:07Backpack, rubro backpack, which not all of them replace.
07:10But the cheapest.
07:12The cheapest of all.
07:13The cheapest I have.
07:14And what is it, if you have it at hand?
07:15The cheapest is 8.500, which are the basic ones.
07:21Or we already have backpacks with carts,
07:24backpacks with exclusive design, from different brands.
07:28We have unique models for this season,
07:32models that have been requested for a long time,
07:35and we have them.
07:37How often does the backpack change?
07:39Do you have experience there?
07:43And it depends on the children, the care they give them,
07:45and the representative, if he wants to change it annually.
07:47Mostly, annually, the representatives buy everything.
07:50The one who can, the one who can, changes it.
07:52John Shelley, the kids are not listening.
07:54But tell me the truth, when the kids go,
07:57do they want the backpack with the latest franchise,
08:00the latest brand, the latest character,
08:02and there is a dispute between parents and children?
08:07Yes, because we have very nice models,
08:08and the children are very interested in this.
08:10Besides, we have models with carts, lights,
08:13with cartridges, with the...
08:16How much is that Formula 1? Show me.
08:18Three pieces.
08:20Look, the three-piece backpack,
08:22you can count on it from 50,000 pesos.
08:26And do you end up mediating between parents and the kids?
08:29Do you end up being the referee to know...
08:31Well, calm down a little.
08:33I think it's convenient for them,
08:34because of the type of use you're going to give them,
08:36is it convenient for you to take this or another backpack?
08:39Yes, parents always negotiate with their children.
08:41They always tell them, look, this one brings you the cartridge,
08:44this one brings you the lighter, this one has a cart,
08:46this one doesn't have this,
08:47and they always negotiate with the children,
08:48but the children always want the most striking.
08:51So, let's repeat,
08:52backpack, the cheapest and the most expensive?
08:56The cheapest 8,500,
08:58the most expensive 120,000 pesos.
09:01Where is the 120,000?
09:02At least, if you can't take it down,
09:04so we can see it with the camera.
09:05Show it to them.
09:08I don't know how many people there are at the moment,
09:12but the camera is focusing on...
09:15We're showing this one.
09:17We're showing this one, look.
09:20I can even sleep in this backpack.
09:24And the 8,500, which is the one we saw first,
09:27the one that was on top?
09:29It's in the front part.
09:32We're already at the bottom.
09:33You can guarantee that 127,000 for a car.
09:36Yes, why not?
09:37And how do people buy and pay?
09:42They pay a lot in cash,
09:44because of the area we're in.
09:46We're close to Flores, Nazca,
09:49and people usually come with a lot of cash,
09:51but we accept all means of payment.
09:53We accept credit cards, QR codes, transfers,
09:55and in cash as well.
09:57But cash is perhaps the most common means of payment.
10:03Yes, cash is the most common means of payment.
10:04Besides, they give you a discount.
10:07There's a difference.
10:08The one who pays in cash has a difference in favor.
10:15There's usually a 10 or 15% difference in favor,
10:18depending on the purchase.
10:20And does the public's schedule change
10:22at this time of February,
10:23knowing that it's before the start of classes?
10:25Does the schedule extend a bit more?
10:29Up to what time?
10:30At least here, people work from 8 in the morning,
10:32and now that the schedule is extended,
10:34it closes at 6.30 p.m. and 7 p.m.
10:38They almost have dinner there, right?
10:40I think they have lunch and dinner.
10:44Very good.
10:45Giorgel, thank you for talking to us.
10:47Thank you for your time and patience.
10:49No, please.
10:51Well, Eduardo, you're more than welcome
10:54in all of our branches.
10:55We have branches in Onsen, in Cochea, in La Salada,
10:58here in Flores.
10:59In Flores, we count when NACA 20 or in Bacacay.
11:02You're welcome.
11:03Whenever you want to come, you'll be welcome.
11:05Very good.
11:06And Leito has already been welcomed,
11:08and I suppose he's going to make his minimum purchase,
11:10at least, right?
11:11Leo, it's all yours.
11:12Yes, we have to buy a few things.
11:15It's always about the backpack.
11:17The backpack is key.
11:18That's the thing.
11:20What do you want?
11:21What kind of drawing?
11:24I call it a drawing.
11:25It's an old way to define it.
11:26A character.
11:27What's the fashion one?
11:29What's the fashion character?
11:31Very good.
11:32Of course.
11:33And that's where it changes.
11:35So, well, let's see.
11:36I'm going to keep looking.
11:37Thank you, Leo.
11:38From the school supplies basket,
11:41that we used to take the kids to school,
11:43to the technological basket.
11:45Technological, because when we were kids,
11:48this didn't exist,
11:49but it was inevitable to have a technological kit
11:51for the beginning of classes.
11:53Well, the increase goes up to 40% per year,
11:55well below the average inflation,
11:57which was announced on Thursday, at 84.5%.
12:00Let's review it, Edu.
12:01Let's do it.
12:02Let's go one by one,
12:03and looking at your uniform,
12:04the orange financial education blog of Kismira.
12:07It goes from 841,000 pesos,
12:11this notebook, 14 inches, 4 gigabytes.
12:14A printer, with color scanning,
12:16164,000 pesos.
12:17I was asking a person today,
12:19hey, but do you use printers?
12:21It's printed a lot less.
12:22Yes, it's printed less,
12:23but the kids scan documents
12:25and send them to you by WhatsApp.
12:26So, you end up using the printer.
12:30Headphones with microphone.
12:3220,000 pesos, 33% increase.
12:34And basic internet service,
12:36which had a 160% increase.
12:38This kit gives you 1,045,000 pesos.
12:41Pay attention.
12:42Look, it's not a small amount.
12:4440% increase in the notebook,
12:4617% increase in the printer,
12:4833% increase in the headphones,
12:50and the service, which went up a bit,
12:53The ones that increased the most, Edu.
12:54All below the average inflation.
12:56All below the average inflation,
12:57but you know what?
12:58We need to ask the sector,
13:00what happened?
13:01Of course, in January or February of last year,
13:03what happened was that there were prices
13:05that were effectively ahead.
13:08Because a higher level of depreciation
13:09of the peso in front of the dollar was foreseen,
13:11and an inflationary acceleration.
13:13They had to lower prices to be competitive in the market.
13:15Let's go to another of the images.
13:16Let's go to another.
13:17This is also perhaps the most used,
13:19which is the cell phone.
13:23Of 4GB,
13:24look, it's 409,999 pesos,
13:27a 37% increase.
13:29Headphones with microphone, 20,000 pesos,
13:32and the same internet service, 19,500 pesos.
13:34This kit gives you 449,498 pesos.
13:39It's a lot of money.
13:40It's a lot of money.
13:41It's a lot of money.
13:42If you look at the increases,
13:43they were not shocking from one year to the next,
13:45but it's a lot of money.
13:46Do you think that a boy,
13:47in addition to what we were seeing,
13:48of the classic,
13:49can start classes without this?
13:51Because today the boys need,
13:52they actually do a lot of work.
13:54What's more, for example,
13:55in my neighborhood,
13:56I see that the famous meeting,
13:58I go to this house,
14:00today it's done by Zoom,
14:01it's done by WhatsApp.
14:02You need the technology.
14:03You need to be communicated and do tasks.
14:05Are there more?
14:06I think we have one more.
14:08Ah, yes.
14:09This is key.
14:10How did the macro cycle change
14:11in the micro cycle of purchases?
14:13How did it advance?
14:14Consumption habits.
14:16Last year,
14:17the 20-24 elective cycle,
14:18purchases started in October-November of 2023.
14:22Because a depreciation of the weight against the dollar was foreseen,
14:25which ended up giving,
14:26and inflationary acceleration was foreseen.
14:28This year, look,
14:2912% bought in December,
14:3126% bought in January 2025,
14:3342% buy now,
14:36but 20% the last week.
14:40Because there are no more people stocking,
14:42there is already a higher level of predictability,
14:45and they expect that the last week
14:46there will be strong promotions, offers and discounts.
14:49Classes start?
14:50Fifteen and a half million Argentines.
14:52Fifteen and a half million Argentines.
14:54The economic impact is phenomenal
14:56at the beginning of the class.
14:57Do you upload this to social media?
14:58We upload it to
14:59arroba.mendy.pase, Instagram and TikTok.