• last month
(Adnkronos) - Per il terzo anno consecutivo, Generali è partner del Festival di Sanremo. Anche questa 75esima edizione della kermesse, dunque, è raccontata dalla prospettiva privilegiata del ‘balconcino Generali’, stavolta dalla voce dell’attrice Caterina Ferioli. Generali non solo propone collegamenti in diretta durante il ‘Prima Festival' ma è presente anche sui social e con lo spot dedicato a ‘Generali Partner di Vita’ su Rai 1 e Rai Premium dal 10 al 15 febbraio.


00:00From the privileged perspective of the balcony, Generali, also this year, third consecutive edition, Generali tells the Sanremo Festival.
00:13On the occasion of the Kermesse that celebrates Italian music, Generali not only offers live connections during the first festival, but is also present on social networks and on TV, on Rai Une and Rai Premium from 10 to 15 February, with the spot dedicated to Generali, life partner.
00:29Tradition, Italianness and closeness are values ​​of the Sanremo Festival and are also the values ​​of Generali, which applies to them on a daily basis, just to be life partners of our customers, we work together with them to build their world together.
00:48This is the balcony of our Generali agency in Sanremo, which ideally represents all the squares, all the balconies, all the places where our exceptional network of agents operates every day.
01:02It is really a great network, an exceptional network of Rai, composed of 2,000 agencies, over 20,000 colleagues who are with our customers every day and represent the values ​​of Generali on the territory to be life partners and build their future together with our customers.
01:22The presence at the festival is an opportunity for Generali to testify the closeness of the group to Italians and to events that are important to them.
01:30We have a fantastic agency here, directly facing this Ariston Theater, it is a way to be close to everything that is an important moment for Italians, a light moment from this point of view, but also a way to present that Generali are something you don't expect.
01:50A brand that wants to be close to the moments of life of Italians, a bit like our spot that we launched on this occasion and that when everyone sings in Sanremo, there are thousands of people who are making important decisions for their lives and we with our consultants, with our people, we want to be close to them in these important moments of their lives.
