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Two students in Dubai have come up with a project that helps ensure the safety and quality of food donated to community fridges using automatic sensors.

Aptly titled ‘Generous DXB Smart Refrigerator,’ the award-winning prototype is an example of how different segments of the community can support the UAE’s National Food Loss and Waste Initiative, Ne’ma, that aims to halve food waste and loss in the country by 2030, or even earlier.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/uae/dubai-students-reveal-prototype-to-ensure-food-safety-in-community-fridges-1.92658029

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#UAEnews #food #dubai


00:00Nowadays, existing fridges, the existing donating fridges, are extremely unhygienic fridges.
00:13The food inside the fridge is contaminated, and people who are in need of food will have
00:19no choice other than taking this food, which will increase the food poisoning cases.
00:25So this is why we came up with Generous DXB Smart Refrigerator to tackle the two most
00:31important challenges, the food wastage and food poisoning cases as well.
00:36Today I will be showing you the interface for the prototype, the Generous DXB Smart
00:40Refrigerator system.
00:42So let me walk you through some of the scenarios, let's start with the first scenario, the
00:46donate journey.
00:47You can click on this continue button and you will be displayed to choose whether you
00:51want to donate or you want to request.
00:53We will start with donating, it will prompt you to open the window.
00:57So you open the window, you open the container, and as you can see within the container we
01:03have several different sensors that are used to measure the quality of the food, whether
01:07it is edible or not edible.
01:09And then you put it here, you close it, you close the window, and you hover over to continue.
01:18Once you press continue, this is the processing part, it will check whether the food is storable
01:23or not.
01:24The food is accepted in this case.
01:27As you can see, you can either choose the view food information or the skip.
01:30So let's hover over to view food information and check what we have stored.
01:36This is the page, it will prompt you to enter the food name, we're going to type apple because
01:41clearly it is an apple.
01:45And as you can see, all these values over here are taken from the sensors from within.
01:51These values are from the sensors and from the sensors are sent to the cumulosity dashboard
01:58in which the interface takes the values from.
02:03As you can see, there's methane gas content, the food humidity, and the food temperature.
02:06If you want to input some feedback, you can do so here.
02:09There's a keyboard and anything, the three buttons that you can press to place your reviews
02:16and stuff.
02:17Let's go back to the homepage, request.
02:21As you can see, the food is stored within.
02:24You can now request for the food by pressing on plus, it will ask you to open the window.
02:29This scenario is mostly for the people who are needy, who need the food.
02:34And so, they are able to take the food simply, opening this, closing the window, and they're
02:43It's as simple as that.
02:44Now, this is just the prototype version one.
02:47Our aim is to go for something a little like this.
02:50This is our vision.
02:51This is a 3D model of our vision on how we want our fridge to be.
02:57As you can see, there are the sensors will be shown over here, these are robotic arms.
03:03This is the food container right here.
03:05There's a camera, there's a contactless temperature sensor, humidity sensors, and all essential
03:10gas sensors that we will need to measure the food quality.
03:15And now, the food will be placed on the elevator motor, and it will be placed on a slot within
03:25the fridge.
