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Full Video: Are you capable of love? || Acharya Prashant, in conversation (2023)


00:00If everybody becomes so enlightened as you are, people will probably not fall in love, people will probably not reproduce, people will probably not follow their biological mandate.
00:13When people are wise, that's the only time they can be in love. Wisdom and love go together.
00:20When you know who you are, when you have some insight into yourself, that's when you become capable of love for the first time.
00:28Most people spend their entire lives not loving, not because they didn't find someone worthy enough to be loved, but because they were fundamentally incapable of loving anything.
00:41But our education does not teach us what real love is. So what do we have? We have animalistic love, and we think of that as the only love possible.
00:49The result is a very loveless society, a loveless earth that we have.
