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CCL 2025 : Telugu Warriors కంటే Karnataka Bulldozers ఇష్టం...ఎందుకంటే? | Akhil Vs Kiccha
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కానీ కర్ణాటక బుల్డోజర్స్ గెలవాలి అంటున్నారు !

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00:00Right now, in Hyderabad Uppal Stadium, Karnataka Bulldozers' domination is seen in the match with Chennai Ronalds.
00:05So, here we can see, there are a lot of fans cheering for Karnataka Bulldozers' team.
00:10Let's try to talk to them. Madam, how is the performance of Karnataka players?
00:14It's very good. We can see, 7 to 8 runs are already in the lead.
00:19So, there are 10 more innings. So, I think, they will score a lot.
00:25They can score more than 9 runs.
00:27You speak Telugu very well. Why do you support Karnataka Bulldozers instead of Telugu players?
00:32Mother tongue Telugu was born in Karnataka. So, it's like that.
00:38So, whenever we say Karnataka Bulldozers, it automatically goes to Karnataka, not to Telugu or Kannada.
00:45It's not that I don't like it.
00:47So, more than anything, I love Sudeep sir and Karnataka team. So, I support Karnataka Bulldozers automatically.
00:54So, you are a Kichaboss fan?
00:55Yes, I am a Kichaboss fan.
00:56What is your favorite movie among all the movies you have watched?
00:58It's not just one movie. I like all the movies.
01:01Recently, I watched Max. He did a very good job.
01:05So, I liked that movie even more.
01:07What does Kichaboss mean to you?
01:09Kichaboss means, sir's leadership, the way he leads the boys, his passion.
01:17Similarly, boys have the same passion as sir.
01:21So, Karnataka team is one of the strongest team in CCL season.
01:26Kichaboss and Kichaboss boys too.
01:28Do you think Karnataka team will go to the finals?
01:30Definitely. No doubt.
01:31What do you think is the main rival team of Karnataka team?
01:35Telugu Warriors and Chennai Rhinos.
01:37If both of them win, it will be great.
01:40Ma'am, you tell me. Why do you like Karnataka Bulldozers team so much?
01:46I was born and brought up in Karnataka.
01:49Similarly, I like Kichaboss brother very much.
01:52That's why I like Karnataka team very much.
01:56How do you feel about Karnataka Bulldozers' domination?
02:03I'm very happy.
02:05All the players in our team are very good.
02:07I always tell everyone that they are playing very well.
02:10They should always play like that.
02:12What is your favorite movie among all the movies you have watched?
02:14I like all the movies.
02:16I can't say which one is my favorite.
02:18But I watched Max recently.
02:20But I like all the movies.
02:22You speak Telugu very well.
02:23Do you have any important reason to support Karnataka Bulldozers team?
02:28There is no reason.
02:30I was born and brought up in Karnataka.
02:32That's the main reason.
02:34Nothing else.
02:35That's why I come to Manakonam for every match in Hyderabad.
02:41I always support Karnataka.
02:44Do you come to Telugu Warriors match?
02:46I come if my team is there.
02:48If Karnataka Bulldozers is there, I come.
02:50If not, I don't come.
02:51How do you feel about Kichasudip's captaincy?
02:54He is very good.
02:55No team can lead like him.
02:58He is a captain.
02:59He is not just a big boss.
03:01He can do anything.
03:03We should all learn from him.
03:05We should learn a lot from him.
