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It’s never too old to take up the sport as part of an exercise regime, but only after checking with your doctor, explains Ramji Srinivasan.

Read the full story here: https://gulfnews.com/special-reports/fitness-quest-how-important-is-exercise-and-how-long-should-you-workout-1.1660207776134

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00:00Of course there are many advantages in embarking on sport rather than just sticking on to one
00:15aspect of fitness which may result in plateauing or overloading or injuring yourself unnecessarily
00:24over a period of time if not done right or if not the progression has not been calibrated
00:32scientifically so that you can get bored boredom consented. Research have a lot of research
00:39have proven that playing a sport or playing a game whether it's indoor or outdoor has
00:46got its own benefit. As far as age is concerned there is no age limit but you have one has
00:54to be very mindful and careful in taking up sport in a very progressive way. Prior to
01:00taking up the sport you need to be very sure that you finish your medicals and if possible
01:07your physio assessment. First and foremost we need to segregate whether it's a basic
01:12level or intermediate level advanced level or elite athletes those who are going to benefit
01:18from exercise patterns. So I'm sure most of you are very well aware of the benefits
01:23of exercise and fitness apart from working on your skill set. Finish your medicals get
01:29your physio assessment and get your fitness testing done so that you can have a very well
01:34designed program according to your need, your fitness levels, your long-term, mid-term and
01:41short-term goals and also your skill set because everybody is different everybody needs an
01:46individualized schedule so one size doesn't fit all. Apart from embarking on a very specialized
01:52individualized protocols you need to embark on other parameters like a prehab work, prevention
02:00of injuries, your diet, a specific diet regime according to the season whether you are in off
02:07season, preseason, in season. Many people ask is exercise good enough to keep yourself into
02:16good shape. Of course it is good but it is not enough because exercise, your nutrition
02:22and your psychological well-being are like a tripod stool. You know you need to have
02:27all these parameters into your system to see yourself progressing over a period of time.
02:34You need to have a proper diet protocols, you need to have a proper recovery protocols.
02:39Most of them undervalue the importance of recovery. That's when a lot of issues crop up.
02:46Recovery can be an active recovery or a passive recovery depending on a level of fitness whether
02:53you are a professional sports person or a recreational athlete or a beginner or just
02:59a weekend warrior or just embarking on fitness diet, recovery protocols and sometimes if it
03:06is required your psychological interference if needed. I mean it is purely individual,
03:11very subjective. So exercise alone will not make you a successful athlete. Tips for a common man,
03:18there are huge number of tips. You know for me as far as I am concerned there are I would say
03:2510 point program or 20 point program. What are the things you need to look at? Point number one is
03:32enjoyment. If you the moment you start enjoying your workout, enjoying things,
03:37always there are results. You see greatest icons of sport or any any field for that matter. The
03:44moment you enjoy your body responds. That is a beautiful mind and body sync or the
03:48biorhythm which gives you a massive benefit over a long period of time. So it is purely
03:55individual again. Second one going into the exercise pattern you need to have a proper
04:00warm-up protocols. Third one will be your cool down post workout. Fourth one will be
04:09your food according to your desired goal.
