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Revocarán permisos para cultivar marihuana.

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00:00We have on the line Claudia Pérez, who is the president of the NGO Madres Cultivadoras.
00:05Claudia, how are you? How are you doing?
00:07Hello, how are you? Good afternoon.
00:09How are you doing? I would like your opinion about all this.
00:13The truth is that as a mother cultivator,
00:19I have been fighting for this law, the Law 27.350, since 2016.
00:30On the one hand, we feel surprised, because Reprocan is a health tool,
00:40it is a model tool that is under the orbit of the Ministry of Health.
00:47So, we are a bit concerned about the interference,
00:51what is the participation of the Ministry of Health here.
00:55We wonder what it has to do with the Ministry of Health.
01:00It must be, you know what, Claudia?
01:02I think it is very commendable what you say,
01:04and it is also very necessary from the point of view of health,
01:07the medical cannabis, but it seems to me that 300,000 is an abuse of the law,
01:14of Reprocan, which harms you in the end.
01:18There are others who have taken advantage of that.
01:22I want to remember one thing.
01:26When Reprocan started, in its first month, it just collapsed.
01:33Yes, it may be a bit strange for those who are not linked,
01:41who are not so close to the cannabis user population,
01:44considering that the plant helps to alleviate a lot of symptoms and pathologies.
01:50Over the course of all these years, we have taught,
01:55obviously in a very responsible way, to cultivate and produce derivatives for a lot of families.
02:02That is why we are not surprised by the number of people who may be registered,
02:08Look, they have found huge nurseries.
02:11If you think that huge nurseries of people who have taken advantage of this,
02:16that is for the oil of cannabis for medicinal use,
02:19I don't know, ma'am, I don't know what your case is.
02:23Can you tell us your particular case?
02:26Why do you plant, what do you do?
02:29Can you tell me?
02:31Yes, first I would like to tell you that not only people who self-cultivate,
02:37that is, they can cultivate, it is worth the redundancy,
02:40but organizations are also authorized to cultivate up to 150 of their associates.
02:46This means that they can cultivate 9 plants for each of their associates.
02:51So there may be large volumes of cultivation.
02:55That's just to clarify it.
02:57It's just a little bit of information.
03:00On the other hand, also keep in mind that there are various ways to implement the use of cannabis.
03:07Not only oil, but also in a therapeutic way.
03:11Yes, I will tell you my personal case.
03:15I have a son who was born,
03:22he has a psychomotor delay, he has seizures,
03:27he also has Asperger's syndrome, which generates anxiety attacks,
03:33behavioral disorders, sleep disorders.
03:37That was the reason why he came to us to cultivate,
03:42and 23 years of conventional treatment without a positive response, of course.
03:51So that's why we came to the plant.
03:56And not only have we administered oil with it,
04:00different varieties, different chemotypes with which we have managed,
04:05first of all, to control those seizures.
04:08When I say chemotypes, I mean that we were able to use high-THC, high-CBD varieties,
04:18with the same proportion of chemotypes.
04:22Always with oil, or do you also smoke it?
04:25No, no.
04:29We initially and mainly used oil.
04:36We have used creams in certain circumstances,
04:39and we have had to vaporize, which would be the inhaled form,
04:45with a vaporizer, when we have not been able to regulate behavioral crises with oil,
04:52because oil has a period to begin to take effect,
04:56which is an hour, an hour and a half, it depends on the person's body.
04:59And you had to start manufacturing oil and all these variants?
05:03Of course.
05:04What a mess.
05:05Of course.
05:06What a mess.
05:07Of course.
05:08And I repeat, we have had to vaporize it in behavioral disorders,
05:11not only here in my house, but also on the street,
05:14because this has been a risk for him.
05:16If he is behaviorally disordered, he could have gone out running,
05:20on the street, or any other situation.
05:22That's why I say, I think it's important.
05:25And automatically, with the vaporizer, for example, on the street,
05:28he automatically calms down?
05:30Yes, yes, because it immediately enters the bloodstream.
05:35Everything that has to do with severe crises,
05:40such as a convulsion, such as a movement crisis,
05:43such as an anxiety crisis, a panic attack, acute migraine,
05:49can be rescued, it is called rescue, with a vaporization,
05:53they are cut off at the moment.
05:55We cannot achieve that with oil, for example.
05:57Of course, of course.
05:58Mrs. Pérez, good afternoon, I am Dr. Zinn.
06:00Good afternoon.
06:01Good afternoon.
06:02Let's see, I want to clarify one thing,
06:04because obviously it was left out of the question,
06:08and it was not clear.
06:09The Ministry of Health is involved in the law.
06:12The Ministry of Health approves, through Reprocan,
06:15the incorporation of cultivators,
06:17and has to give notice to the Ministry of Security
06:19to make the relevant controls.
06:21Of course.
06:22Because that is what marks the law.
06:24For this, Minister Woolrich took the reins,
06:27together with Lugones, to make a control of Reprocan.
06:30Having said that, I ask you, please, Mrs. Pérez,
06:33do you know what are the indications of cannabis oil?
06:39What are the indications?
06:40What are the indications?
06:41I did not understand the question.
06:42Of course.
06:43As you have just mentioned,
06:45and it applies to many pathologies, or to many symptoms,
06:49I remind you that the only indication at the national level
06:52approved is refractory epilepsy,
06:55and there must be around 2,000 children all over the country.
06:59No, no, no, excuse me.
07:00I mean, we, we...
07:03No, excuse me, but we,
07:05in the years that we have traveled,
07:08we have seen the effectiveness
07:10in a lot of health conditions.
07:13That is anecdotal, ma'am.
07:15That is anecdotal.
07:16No, it is not anecdotal.
07:17It is based on a case.
07:18But yes.
07:19No, it is anecdotal.
07:20But why is there only one indication, then?
07:24I don't understand what you're saying.
07:25Excuse me.
07:27She doesn't understand what you're saying.
07:29She doesn't understand.
07:30There is only one indication at the national level
07:32of the use of medical channels.
07:33That is the law.
07:34Which is refractory epilepsy.
07:35No, no, no, no.
07:36No, excuse me, but in the resolution it says
07:38that it is the pathologies that the doctor considers.
07:41It doesn't say only refractory epilepsy.
07:42Ah, that the doctor considers.
07:43That was...
07:44Of course.
07:45Of course.
07:46So you go to a doctor,
07:48and he tells you what he has to give you,
07:51or how.
07:53No, in my case, no doctor told me what he had to give me.
07:57Ah, you told him.
07:58Of course, when we started,
08:02When we started,
08:03there were no doctors who accompanied these processes.
08:06The doctors who accompany these processes today
08:09were mainly formed with organizations.
08:14Which are the ones we were doing this therapeutic relevance
08:20to the different families.
08:22Very responsibly, yes.
08:25Mrs. Claudia, I send you a big kiss.
08:28Thank you for attending us.
08:29Thank you very much.
08:30Claudia Pérez, mother cultivator,
08:32president of the NGO Madres Cultivadores.
