• last month
A large section of bushland along the Molonglo River will be safeguarded from future development, following a long campaign for its protection. The ACT Government has reclassified Bluetts Block, near Denman Prospect, as a nature reserve, securing its environmental significance for future generations.


00:00For years, this patch of heath and woodland has been an outdoor playground for nature
00:09Sitting next to the growing suburbs of the Molonglo Valley, Blewett's Block is a haven
00:13for many native plants and animals.
00:17But a question mark has been hanging over its future and its potential to be developed
00:21for housing.
00:22Today, an answer.
00:23Two of those blocks that have been part of the community discussion have come into the
00:28formal river reserve and will now be managed as a nature reserve.
00:32While it's music to the ears of those who have been pushing for the area's protection,
00:37they say a further section to the west of the reserve should also be safeguarded.
00:42Because it is an integral part of what would be a good reserve, a sustainable reserve,
00:48big enough to support the mammals that are here.
00:52A landscape architect will be appointed by the government to oversee how future nearby
00:56developments and Blewett's Block will coexist.
01:01But the ACT Greens say today's decision doesn't go far enough.
01:05The community is exhausted with block by block fighting and this piecemeal protection.
01:10What the community want is good strategic planning and protection for all of the Western
01:15You should see how many people walk here.
01:17There are walking groups who come here just purely for recreation, purely to come and
01:23enjoy the ambience.
01:25Just walk through here.
01:26It is a lovely piece of bushland.
01:29Another place in the bush capital to enjoy the great outdoors.
