• last month
(Adnkronos) - “Oggi presentiamo il treno a idrogeno, un fatto storico anche se non è ancora operativo. Nel frattempo, su tutta la rete stanno partendo i lavori per la predisposizione alla costruzione delle centrali di produzione e distribuzione". Così Fulvio Caradonna,  consigliere delegato di Fnm, in occasione dell'evento di presentazione del nuovo impianto di manutenzione, il primo in Italia specificatamente progettato e realizzato per la manutenzione dei treni a idrogeno.


00:00Today we present the train, in fact it is not yet operational, in the sense that it cannot
00:10yet enter the network, but it is a historical fact.
00:13In the meantime, work is underway on the entire network for the provision and construction
00:20of production and distribution plants, so I would say that today is a very, very important
00:27and significant day of the event.
00:29The next steps will also be these trains, they will make a path of, let's say, of
00:37control, of putting in the network of proofs to obtain authorizations and in the meantime
00:44the construction sites for the construction of the three distribution plants will continue.
00:49The construction sites are in Borgo San Giovanni, in Edolo and in Bisogne, to build the three
00:59plants where not only will the distribution be carried out, but an important fact, too,
01:06hydrogen will be created, that is, there will also be the creation of hydrogen, so this is
01:11a very important fact.
