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(Adnkronos) - "Il treno a idrogeno è per Fnm una scommessa vinta. Abbiamo iniziato sei anni fa con un'idea e oggi è uno standard, non solo per l'Italia ma per l'intera Europa. Siamo orgogliosi che questo avvenga in Lombardia". Così Andrea Gibelli, presidente di Fnm, durante l’evento di presentazione dell’impianto di manutenzione del primo treno a idrogeno italiano che si è svolto a Rovato in provincia di Brescia.


00:00What is F&M?
00:04For F&M it's a win-win. We started six years ago with an idea,
00:10today it has become a project that has become a standard not only for Italy,
00:15but for the whole of Europe and we are proud that this is happening in Lombardy.
00:19Let's call it a formal reunion between the train and its part, let's say hidden,
00:26which is the infrastructure on which we are very proud because it is our project,
00:31to build a series of plants for the production, storage and distribution of hydrogen,
00:39which is unique as a model at the European level.
00:42Being an innovative technology, it is not very easy to make predictions,
00:46we believe that in a year, ASFISA will complete its security and service work.
00:54Today it is in the hands of the agency.
00:57In 2019 there was no PNRR, there was no European hydrogen strategy.
01:04However, we compared all the technologies in absolutely neutral terms.
01:10The first candidate was electrification, but it involved the construction of the chains
01:16and therefore to redo 110 km of line that would have cost around 450 million euros.
01:23We have zeroed this voice.
01:26It could be zeroed with batteries, but being on a slope, batteries are not efficient
01:32and then there was a big load problem.
01:35Hydrogen, on the other hand, was a technology that was the most reliable for a mountainous area.
01:45After six years, we believe that we have been further strengthened in this conviction.
