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Tras el anuncio del Gobierno, la empresa Jan de Nul emitió un comunicado en el que habla de un “contexto de interferencias y competencia desleal”.

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00:00The company Deme, which is a Belgian company, was the one that made a tremendous noise, accusing several, but especially the company Jean Denul, of various irregularities and which was also in collusion with the national government, etc.
00:21Let's take a look at a letter that Jean Denul sends to the Executive Director of the National Port and Navigation Agency of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation, Dr. Iñaki Miguel Arrezaigor, who was with us yesterday, explaining this whole process.
00:38He says, I address you, on behalf of Jean Denul, I inform you that we have acquired the application form with the strong conviction to participate in a transparent, reasonable and efficient process for granting the concession.
00:58Competitors have unjustifiedly questioned the technical requirements included in the application forms, raising an alleged direction that is not such.
01:10The direction was that the government was directing the bid to win Jean Denul, which if not, Jean Denul would have presented himself and won, and she did not present herself.
01:27He says, they have seen all these issues complemented with a very hard media campaign, I imagine paid for by Deme, the accusation.
01:44They have expanded the scope of the concession and have included additional aspects, for example, the installation of maintenance of systems and surveillance, security and spill control.
01:56But the strongest is almost at the end of the letter, where it says, in this context of interference and disloyal competition, we are convinced that the process faces a very high risk of not achieving its completion and or being suspended indefinitely.
02:20I believe that this will not happen, because of the data I have in the government, if not, they will collapse and give back in a few months back to the bidding.
02:30Jean Denul decided not to present himself to an offer in the current terms in which the bidding process is located, waiting for the conceder, the conceder is the national government, not the national state, to be able to adequately review the situation mentioned here.
02:44Well, nothing, I think it's a hard letter.
02:48Hard message, especially because it also induces that Deme also participated to torpedo from within the process of the Hydrovía bidding, that is, from within access to information and from there to torpedo the bidding.
