• last month
El INDEC difundió este jueves el dato de inflación del mes de enero 2025, que fue de 2,2%. De esta manera, el índice de precios al consumidor acumula 84,5% interanual. Este dato es el valor más bajo del Gobierno de Javier Milei y también desde el mes de julio de 2020, que registró 1,9%.


00:00January inflation was known. It was 2.2%. It is the lowest level since 2020,
00:10that is, the lowest inflation in the last five years.
00:14But also, if you clean up the effects of the pandemic that had it artificially depressed,
00:20it is the lowest since 2018.
00:22In addition, the inflation in goods was 1.5%,
00:27that is, where you do not look, the effect of the delayed rates was left by the previous government.
00:33And if you look at the basic basket, it was 0.9%.
00:37That is, in goods and in the basic basket, Argentina has a deflation in dollars,
00:43since the crawling peg was at 2%.
00:45Therefore, we continue to make history.
00:48We are the best government in history,
00:50no matter how bad it is for the economists and the group of crooks who want Argentina to go wrong.
00:57Long live freedom!
00:58Well, this was said by the president of the nation.
01:00I think Eduardo Feinman is already settled.
01:03We are going to get into the passage area.
01:05Thank you very much, girls.
01:06The truth is very grateful.
01:09Edu, dear, how are you?
01:10Hello, dear, how are we? Fine?
01:12Fine, very good, very good.
01:13Sorry I asked you to pass,
01:15but the truth is that I needed you to react live to what the president said, Edu.
01:20Of course.
01:21Actually, he made a synthesis of what the number of inflation has been in recent years.
01:26I fully agree with the president.
01:29Undoubtedly, it is the best number of inflation of his era as president.
01:34The one who assumed up to there, up to here, is undoubtedly the best inflation rate.
01:38And I agree with him.
01:40Five years that we did not see such low inflation.
01:44For me, it is still high.
01:46Of course.
01:47I would not celebrate the World Cup.
01:49Not at all.
01:50Because normal countries do not have 2.2% monthly inflation.
01:55Of course.
01:56The United States is crying because it has 3% annual inflation.
02:01Of course.
02:03Of course.
02:04So, I don't know, I wouldn't celebrate as if we had won the World Cup.
02:10In no way, in no championship.
02:12Nothing, I think it is something very important.
02:15Of course.
02:16I think it is the right way.
02:18Apparently, inflation tends to slow down even more.
02:24Willy has said it several times, that this year there is an inflation of 1.
02:29No, Willy?
02:31The inflation starts with 1.
02:32One and a half.
02:34In fact, I think that for the October elections, perhaps the number starts with 0.
02:41I don't know.
02:42The elections are the third or fourth week of October.
02:45Of course.
02:46The second week will be the inflation of September.
02:48Of course.
02:50And that number they give before the elections starts with 0.
02:51Now, Edu, notice that the data that the president puts in relief, I had not taken it into
02:56account, it is very interesting.
02:57You see that we all talk about July 2020, even us in the graph, but the president talks
03:02about 2018, of course, because he says it was harmonious, the number was artificially
03:06sustained in July 2020.
03:08So he even goes back in the Macri government, not even in the government of Alberto Fernández.
03:14Of course.
03:15A very interesting fact.
03:16Of course.
03:17He talks about 2018.
03:18Of course.
03:19If it is not true, it is the year 2020, but a year in a pandemic.
03:23In a pandemic.
03:24Everything was absolutely stopped, absolutely stopped.
03:26Do you remember that it was said, lower inflation or do not replicate inflation because people
03:31do not consume because they do not leave their homes?
03:33Yes, of course.
03:34But obviously.
03:35Of course.
03:37The car had no fuel sales.
03:39Do you remember that absolutely everything had stopped?
03:42So, I don't know, it seems to me a very, very positive fact.
03:47I insist, it seems to me that it is not to throw butter on the roof.
03:51No, no, no, no, it's not that, ready, it's over, it's over, how good, let's celebrate.
03:56I insist, the number is low, yes.
03:59It is low in the last five years, yes.
04:02It is low since 2018, yes.
04:05Is it the best number of the whole era, my law, so far?
04:09Yes, of course.
04:10Now, it is still a very high number, 2.2, per month.
04:15Okay, when one says, yes, but we came from 25, right?
04:19Of course.
04:20And if we take the acceleration that the president was talking about, you will know, today, with
04:24another government, of Sergio Massa, out there, where would we be?
04:28Of course.
04:29You will know one, right?
04:30Of course.
04:31Out there, we would be in this place, or a recontravolting inflation.
04:36Because we would have met with a government that had not made the adjustment that this
04:41government made.
04:42Of course.
04:43We would not be, at this moment, still printing Gita Lopabote, right?
04:48Because Peronism, Kirchnerism, actually, loves the machine of making bills.
04:54He likes it so much that even Voodoo.
04:57He wanted to keep it.
04:58And Nestor Kirchner wanted to keep the factory of making bills, right?
05:02With Chicona and company.
05:04Why ask for a loan if it can be ours?
05:06Of course.
05:07That's why, that's why.
05:08So, calm down.
05:10What is that?
05:11But there are many who are, there are many who are sad, that duel.
05:14I understand, a lot of calm, a lot of caution, I don't win anything, we have to continue.
05:20But there are many who bet that this would explode, which is 2.2, yes.
05:25Days go by and it doesn't explode.
05:28The Kirchnerist sectors obviously live you militating that the country explodes in the air, right?
05:35That everything flies in the air, that the president goes in a helicopter.
05:39You saw that they said, they bit the ticket.
05:41In the last days, when there was some noise with the dollar, they bit the ticket.
05:45Toto Caputo was bitten by the ticket, right?
05:47The markets.
05:48The markets.
05:49The markets bit him.
05:50Oh no, Willy.
05:51They didn't say that.
05:52Yes, yes.
05:53That it was an operation.
05:54They bit the ticket, right?
05:56But I don't understand, don't they realize that it doesn't work?
05:58It's not going to work.
05:59It doesn't work because they asked for a devaluation, it didn't devalue.
06:03They tell him, delay or change and he doesn't change the roadmap.
06:07You can go the other way, Miley, but with that, you can't.
06:12No, no, totally.
06:14Talking about that, delay or change, I don't know.
06:17I told you that in Wall Street, the Wall Street gurus are still insisting.
06:24From there, and some reports from some important banks in the world also talk about delay or change.
06:32They say that the economy is spectacular, that it's going well, that this is the way,
06:37that the macro is spectacular, that it orders.
06:40What they told me is, in Wall Street, that Argentina is still a country for finance, not for investment.
06:52Do you understand?
06:53Yes, yes.
06:56For financial investment, not for the chimney, not to generate investments,
07:03that that will bring work, much better well-being.
07:09But Argentina still, even with Javier Miley's economic policies,
07:14is still a country for finance, not for investment.
07:20What are they waiting for in politics?
07:22Of course.
07:24Of course.
07:25Of course.
07:26Of course.
07:27Of the trader.
07:28Is that okay?
07:30What are they waiting for in politics?
07:31That politics leads to the direction.
07:32And what happens is, of course, remember the management of Mauricio Macri,
07:35they also bet hard on it, and history didn't end well.
07:40So they're seeing, as you say, Nacho, politics, mid-term elections,
07:44they're going to play a role.
07:45Of course, obviously.
07:46The fact that Christina is still politically in a position of power is another thing.
07:53The guy who says, oh, how I would like to invest, because Javier Milei, because the macro, because the reforms, the deregulation.
08:03And then he sees Christina's letter and says, no, no, stop, stop.
08:07I'll take five minutes.
08:09I'm going to wait a little longer.
08:12And what they have also told me in Wall Street, why the agreement with the fund is not yet closed.
08:20Because in the end they are not very, let's see, they don't want to give money for the government to gamble with that money.
08:32The word gamble is very strong, but it is the one that was used in the government of Mauricio Macri.
08:38To put the dollars on the table so that people come and take it away.
08:42To intervene in the exchange market.
08:44Of course, of course.
08:45That is the explanation.
08:46Well, but that's why they are looking for the mechanism in such a way that it doesn't have that effect.
08:53Now, it is not clear, right, Willie, correct me, that as soon as the agreement is signed, the pit is opened.
08:59No, no, no, no.
09:00It seems not.
09:01No, no, I'm telling you no.
09:02Neither does the government aim at that, of course.
09:04No, no, no, no, no.
09:05Remember the three conditions that Javier Milei and Luis Caputo gave at the time to lift the pit, which were very technical.
09:15But remember the one at the bottom and count with those 10,000, 11,000 million dollars, it was one of the three.
09:22Of course.
09:23I mean, I would tell you that that is for sure.
09:26And apart, I tell you the truth, before the elections it is very difficult for the government to risk anything.
09:34To any exchange jump in the preview of ...
09:37To any noise with the dollar.
09:39Little to win, much to lose.
09:41Of course, obviously.
09:42In addition, the president said it.
09:44We open the pit, yes, when?
09:46January 1, 26.
09:47That's it.
09:48After the election, after the exchange of Congress.
09:52Footballistically, you are winning.
09:55Center for you.
09:57Are they all going to head?
09:59Yes, you are winning.
10:00Then you don't lift the pit, you leave it there, calm.
10:02Two lines of four.
10:0490 minutes.
10:06You are winning 1 to 0.
10:10Where do you take the ball?
10:11To the corner.
10:12To the flag of the opposite corner.
10:14And you stay with the ball there turning around.
10:16Turning around.
10:17And let me come to play.
10:18Far from your arc.
10:19Yes, as it is.
10:20Until now you have been winning.
10:22Of course, that's why.
