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Néstor Pinta, reconocido canoísta apodado el 'Rey del Río', está siendo juzgado por presuntamente facilitar el abuso sexual de jóvenes atletas a su padre. La investigación comenzó en 2020 tras la denuncia de una víctima que afirmó haber sido abusada en 2011. Las víctimas eran llevadas a la casa de Pinta bajo la excusa de recibir masajes deportivos. Victoria, una de las víctimas, pide que se acelere el proceso judicial para obtener justicia.


00:00a recognized figure, they called him the king of the river for his ability to score, he was very admired, many people, many young people, minors, came to him so that he could teach, so that he could pass on his knowledge, what was his double face, the justice believes that deprived of many of these girls who approached him for sports reasons, he handed them over to his own father to rape them, they are judging him now,
00:29tell us the story, that's right, Rolando, we are talking about Néstor Pinta, this multi-champion of regatta, this story begins in 2020 with the complaint of a victim, who says this situation, that they were going as a training group to the house where Pinta lived and his father Aldo, what happens at this moment is that she denounces an abuse,
00:51and from this denunciation, that she said that she had been abused in 2011, repeatedly, from this denunciation, another victim appears, a second victim, who advances the abuses, she says that she was abused in 2015, that is, this continued, also repeatedly,
01:09the champion always handed over the victim, according to the complaint, to his father, so that his father would rape her, according to the complaint, what Pinta did was take the girls home, and while he drank mate and chatted with the team, his father abused them within the tribunal, in a way, he freed the area, he freed the moment where these minors were, so that his father would act twice, there are at least two victims,
01:37we do not know if they are more than perhaps they encouraged us to denounce.
01:40Yes, let's see, the justice is investigating this, the oral tribunal number 3 of Bahia Blanca is judging it at this moment, and there is also a particularity of this case, is that there is no prosecutor, there is no prosecution, why? Because the prosecution withdrew only from a lawsuit, what they say is that there is no evidence to say that Pinta carried out this behavior.
01:59In other words, there is no evidence to believe that he knew what his father was going to do.
02:03Exactly, the victims obviously say otherwise.
02:06What is the protection for the victim? How do you do to prove that? But if you do it systematically ...
02:10But they were also next door, they were in the room with you, what the jury says is that the people who accuse him, the victims, is that he could not ignore that this situation happened next to the room where he was enjoying an afternoon talking to the rest of the team.
02:27Cecilia, and what happened to the father of the King of the River? Because the King of the River is now being judged as a deliverer, but according to the complaints, the one who committed the rapes was his father.
02:38Yes, the father, knowing this complaint, commits suicide, makes this decision. So what happens? He could never be judged. The victims now try to condemn their son to have a little justice, because they reported, they counted these abuses, which implies being in justice, talking over and over again about what happened.
03:03Increase your expertise, be victimized over and over again, have to face a face that surely, we believe in the victims, is the synonym of the beginning of hell. The man who was of your trust, your reference, who leads you to a situation where he leaves you face to face with a rapist.
03:23This is what they are telling, and this is what the victims have gone through. It really draws the attention of the prosecution, and it draws the attention that there is no more decisive action against this man, if this is confirmed.
03:37Yes, let's see, there is also a detail that the victims tell, which is important, which is that the excuse to take them to the room of this man, of Aldo Pinta, was to give them sports massages. He didn't have a bed, he did it in a bed. We are talking about 15-year-old teenagers, the responsible of those minors at that time.
04:00You are the guard, you are the guard, you are the teacher, you take them to a place, you have to take care of them at all times and do not let them lose their sight at any time. Let's see, let's talk to Victoria. Victoria is one of the victims, and Victoria, we greet you and thank you for the opportunity to hear your testimony. Good afternoon.
04:20Hello, good afternoon. Thank you very much for letting me speak at this time.
04:26How was your case? What can you tell us and what do you want to tell us about your case?
04:31I was 15 years old, I was in high performance, and Néstor Pinta was very close to my family, a person that I loved a lot and who I admired. For me it was a dream to train with Néstor Pinta.
04:48And at that moment he looks for me to train with him and the team of all the girls. And my parents, and we already accepted for all the confidence and the journey that this person had and who Néstor Pinta was for the sport.
05:06The same day, in 2015, at the end of 2015, when I started rowing there, I noticed a situation that his father came out of the room with a minor and that minor never rowed again. And then the one who entered the room was me and I was abused on repeated occasions by Néstor Pinta's father.
05:29Victoria, and with what excuse did they take you to the room, they put you in the room? We understand, obviously, that it is all within a situation where they took advantage of the fact that you were very small, obviously you did not have the tools to defend yourself, but to understand the perversion of these people, what did they tell you? Why did they make you go to the room?
05:49The excuse and what was imposed within the house of the Pintas was that we were very tense, that the Piri had killed us in the water and that he was going to take our tensions out.
06:03And what did the Piri do at that moment? What did he do when this massage offer was given?
06:10The Piri sometimes said yes, he did not say the chubby ones, yes, go fat to the room with my dad, so take out the tensions, and he never asked or made any intervention, he kept drinking mate and talking about everything that had succeeded in the score.
06:31So he was there, meters from the place where the abuse or abuses occurred, as if nothing, as if nothing happened. Victoria, we want to hear what you said, surely you have heard it many times, I warn you and we tell you with all due respect, we want people to listen to this man, Néstor Piri, who spoke from prison and said this, and then I want to hear your reflection.
06:56What corresponds is to go to the municipality for the function that I fulfilled and put the decision in the hands of the mayor, which is what corresponds, perhaps until it is clarified, because it is the reality, I know that this is going to be hard, that it is going to be long, as everyone says, I would not like it to be so long.
07:12Since this was made so public and that it is so media, it would be nice if justice this time hurries a little the procedures and it is resolved a little faster, but for the good of all, either for one or for the other, but that it is resolved quickly, because the truth is that it is difficult to live the way I am living, and this if it is stretched to put this, say, let's go a year with this issue, I for a year I will be judged by people like the greatest degenerate, and perhaps after a year my innocence is proven, what are we going to do?
07:42I'm going to lose everything, I've already lost everything, no one gives this back to you, Raul, and that's what I say, I hope that this time with this case in particular, I don't know if it will be, that the truth can come out faster to light, whatever it is, but I'm going to prove my innocence, stay calm that it will be like this.
08:02What did you feel Victoria when you heard this, when you heard this man?
08:06Well, yesterday, I am not surprised that he said that, I had not heard this video, yesterday I heard him declare, I heard how he discredited my word, I also heard the violent way in which he referred to me and my family, and really, no, that's what he is, everything here in the region and in the world of connotation,
08:32he makes himself seen as a really nice person, the king of the river, the owner of the river, as they say, as he is caricatured on many occasions, but what really, Néstor Pinta is, is that, a cover for sexual abuse and a violent, because all the time I felt very bad and very attacked, and all the time discrediting our word.
08:56Victoria, in the trial he also said no, he had this reaction again that he did not know what was happening, but he admitted, he said, he said that it could be that something had happened, how did you fall into that, let's say, semi-confession, because he says something can be, then he could intuit something, he could intuit.
09:16Yes, he knew what was happening, apart it was very noticeable because the house is very small, we left with our heads down, sometimes we were 15 minutes in the bathroom, how bad we felt, the father closed the door, we were 15 minutes with his father inside the room and he never asked anything, we were minors, our parents did not have knowledge that we, they gave us supposed massages that actually were sexual abuse.
09:46He was aware of what was happening, of course he is going to say that he is innocent and all, and the violent way in which he handled during all those five, these five years, but he knew what was happening.
09:59Victoria, to close and we will continue to accompany you, there is a request of 15 years in prison for Pinta, are there more victims? There are two that reached justice at this instance, are there more?
10:11Yes, there are more victims, we are two of the denunciators, but you can clearly see the kind of person that Néstor Pinta is, and as I already told you, it is very difficult, the access to justice is very difficult to denounce, it is a very long journey that one has to do as a person and as a woman too, more in such a small town as Carmen de Patagones, the other victims did not dare to denounce until the moment.
10:38Victoria, you are very brave for all your struggle, for what you have achieved so far and for talking to us, we thank you very much, we will continue to accompany you.
