• last week
00:44No, you put in Cito fue una pena que te enfadarás por el pudding de la vat de priscos
00:49Te perdiste la mejor escena de la noche
00:52Cacao de un puñetazo en la mesa y los puso a todos en su sitio y visto películas mucho peores que esta y pagué por
00:59Verlas oye porque no te pones a hacer algo en vez de quedarte ahí sin hacer nada mientras haces tu monólogo
01:04Escucha hubo de todo hubo acción hubo drama
01:10Desde la chica que se reveló en nombre del villano que minutos antes la había leado como tú pero que al final se fue
01:17comportándose como una princesa
01:19hasta el gran héroe que llegó como un campeón pero se fue a casa con el rabo entre las piernas bajo la mirada impasible de
01:24los anfitriones
01:26Esto no será una película pero es digno de un Emmy
01:29Eso de que me compares con el villano me parece muy mal acaso me marché como hizo él pero te fuiste
01:36Te fuiste no no no es un debilucho
01:41Y este no es lugar para gente como él
01:45No es el adecuado para cacao
01:55Su y el hombre más feliz del mundo me alegro
02:12Disculpa no por el amor de dios estas en tu casa somos nosotros los invasores
02:18no bueno yo yo venía a ver si estabas
02:23Bien y ya veo que si estáis bien los dos así estamos estupendamente
02:31Qué te parece si hoy dormís en mi cuarto de una vez por todas hoy
02:37te importa que sea mañana marquina se acaba de hacer te parece claro que sí
02:42te amo mucho
02:46Que descanses
03:00Y yo que pensaba que me iba a encontrar con un ambiente de entierro
03:10Hablaba muy en serio cuando te dije que necesito tener a mi familia unida
03:16Le pedí a justino que me ayudara a convencer a tiago de que se fuera
03:21Pero también necesito pedírtelo a ti estás segura de lo que estás haciendo cacao
03:27Es imperativo que las cosas con marcos salgan bien
03:31y también necesito que tiago se marche créeme es lo mejor para los dos
03:42Buenas noches hasta mañana hasta mañana
03:56Va va va va
04:01Va va te entendido bien
04:03en serio crees que el ingeniero es débil a los orixás no les gusta nada su energía
04:10mano y
04:12baba y y que más dicen
04:19Las malas noticias se avecinan se avecinan malas noticias malas noticias
04:26malas noticias
04:30Soraya has oído eso
04:34Y que hacemos con esas noticias
04:37nada nada no no sabemos nada en concreto
04:48Hoy en serio en serio
04:50Al presiento que alguien va a morir me voy a morir en esta cocina
04:53No vas a morir con todos los sustos que me doy en serio escucha crees que esto es cosa de baobá
04:58ella ve cosas de otro mundo
05:00crees que podríamos pedirle que nos explique de qué está hablando exactamente es que siempre dice menos de lo que sabe
05:06si quieres pregúntaselo tú yo he visto demasiadas cosas del más allá para soportarlo no
05:12voy a darme un baño con sal marina
05:15Intenderé una vela y me voy a dormir
05:17a dormir
05:19pero tú puedes dormir después de sí como un tronco
05:22por dios yo no sería capaz ni aunque me dieran tres porrazos en la cabeza
05:54No le digáis nada a soraya pero este rollito de queso de barba parece más buenos días buenos días buenos días
06:01buenos días
06:02de quién son esas maletas son mías
06:05he decidido seguir tu consejo nos mudamos a la casa principal
06:09Por fin una buena noticia le pediré a baobá que recoja tu cuarto no va a ser necesario
06:15sólo necesitamos que monten la cuna en mi cuarto porque cacao dormirá conmigo
06:21Marco piénsatelo bien no podrás dormir el bebé no te dejará no te preocupes por la calidad de mi sueño todo está bien
06:30no te preocupes
06:32Vamos al carrito
06:37Jamia porque has cambiado de idea
06:41Bueno, no he cambiado de idea. La verdad es que es algo que siempre he pensado hacer creo
06:47Creo que la cena de anoche ha acelerado las cosas
06:50qué cosas que nos veáis como una pareja de verdad
06:54todos sabemos que sois una pareja
06:57está seguro de eso no veis que marco no tiene sentido de lo no anita
07:02Quieres una exclusiva para tus redes sociales
07:05vas a dármela una pedazo de excluir quieres grabar
07:12Estás grabando no un momento
07:15Os cuento que espera déjame hacer una introducción para mis seguidores y después hablas tú te parece claro
07:22voy a hacer un directo vale
07:25Hola chicos está aquí cacao mi hermana maravillosa a la que todos adoráis y que ha pasado por mucho últimamente
07:32quiere dar un mensaje a los mejores seguidores del mundo y va a compartir con nosotros una gran exclusiva preparados
07:40ya está
07:43Así bien otra vez está genial
07:48Diego hola
07:53Buenos días qué tal todo bien
07:55tienes que ver esto es el insta de anita
07:58está haciendo un directo desde la hacienda con cacao y marco está a su lado que sí sí mira
08:06Sube el volumen que se oiga es aquí sí
08:10La verdad es que aún no se ha dado las gracias por todo el apoyo que
08:14que me habéis dado a mí y a mi familia durante el tiempo que he estado desaparecida
08:19Y ya que sois los seguidores a los que mi hermana tanto adora
08:24me gustaría compartir esta noticia con vosotros al mismo tiempo que se lo comunico a toda mi familia
08:30Ay cacao dilo ya no mates a mis seguidores de curiosidad
08:34este de aquí es marco
08:37El padre de mi hijo creo que todos sabéis que soy madre
08:45Nos complace deciros que nos vamos a casar
08:49Se casan
08:54Como que se casan
09:16Vitoria Jaime como estas
09:19Me has puesto nerviosa con tanta prisa
09:22No, no, no era esa mi intención tengo que decirte algo bueno así que alivio
09:27Como me has ayudado tanto tenías que ser la primera que uno
09:32Dímelo ya que me muero de curiosidad
09:35No me digas que el tribunal ha levantado tu suspensión
09:39Todavía no pero lo va a hacer como cuéntame que pasa un milagro
09:44Pero te lo voy a contar todo siéntate ponte cómoda
09:50Pues resulta hola buenos días
09:55Qué sorpresa verte por aquí
09:58Te sorprende
10:00No me dijiste que si quería tener noticias sobre Jaime debía venir a verte pues eso es
10:05Sí pero no esperaba que vinieses por la mañana porque
10:09Después de una noche tan larga
10:12Escucha si me dijiste que viniera aquí solo para atacarme que sepas que hoy no estoy yo siento disculpa
10:18La verdad es que quería hablar contigo
10:29Tengo buenas noticias a ver
10:32allá y me
10:34Le van a retirar los cargos
10:36Estás hablando en serio como di con la mujer y tuve una conversación con ella una conversación
10:44A juzgar por lo que vitoria dijo no me pareció que fuera tan sencillo pero
10:50En fin lo conseguí le di los argumentos adecuados y ella
10:55Cambió de idea de hecho va a ir hoy mismo a la policía para cambiar su declaración
11:01De verdad has conseguido todo esto solo con una charla si te lo prometo
11:07Claro que en cierto modo tuve que intimidarla un poco le di información concreta y bueno
11:14Se dio cuenta de que cooperaba o podría acabar en la cárcel
11:20Bueno como ya sabes adoro a vitoria creo que es una
11:24una de las mejores abogadas
11:27Pero me alegro mucho de que te hayas involucrado
11:30Porque cuando hay que lidiar con gente tan malintencionada como es el caso estas cuestiones solo pueden resolverse con medidas radicales
11:38Si pero ese no es el caso porque mala que se diga mala no es la palabra adecuada
11:47Se aprovecharon de ella en un mal momento Lala y dio todo esto ella es la mala
11:52No me puedo creer lo que acabo de oír perdona te refieres a Lala
11:56Dices que Lala es la mala de verdad después de todos estos años Lala tu amada Lala
12:02Julia déjalo ya
12:04Lo que importa es que Johanna lo confesó
12:08Menuda zorra ha resultado ser
12:10Después de todo lo que le ha hecho a Jaime y precisamente contigo como bien sabes
12:14Aún ha tenido el descaro de hacer esto por el amor de Dios
12:17Yo sabía que era capaz de mucho pero no que llegara tanto
12:20Ah no, no lo sospechabas
12:23Si pero he tardado en darme cuenta
12:25Entiendo así sois todos los hombres
12:27La verdad es que me encantaría hablar con ella
12:29No lo hagas Julia no hagas eso
12:31¿Por qué?
12:32No lo hagas porque todavía no sabe que la mujer se ha echado atrás
12:35No lo estropeemos ahora por favor no lo estropeemos
12:39Con permiso señor
12:42¿No te han dicho que estoy ocupado?
12:43Si señor pero no podía esperar
12:45Santos ha ido a recoger a la testigo pero no ha aparecido
12:50¿Cómo que no ha aparecido?
12:52No ha salido de casa y no ha contestado al timbre señor
12:56Pues que Santos busque la forma de entrar en su casa y la obligue a subirse al coche
13:00¿Y cree que no lo ha hecho ya?
13:02La cosa es que ha desaparecido no está en casa señor
13:05A ver que lo entienda ¿Está hablando de la testigo de Jaime?
13:10Os dije que no perdierais de vista a esa mujer os lo dije o no
13:22Deberías darte un baño e intentar dormir un poco
13:27¿Cómo podría dormir después de lo que pasó ayer?
13:37No puedo creer que matara a esa mujer
13:39Dame el mechero damelo tú no fumas damelo
13:43Fumo cuando estoy nerviosa
13:45Escucha lo que pasó ayer fue una una desgracia un accidente
13:50Calculaste mal tu fuerza la empujaste y la mujer por desgracia se dio en la cabeza
13:55Fue un accidente
13:56Dilo ante un tribunal a ver si el juez sea piada de miti aseguro que no
13:59Ya por eso lo que no tienes que hacer es dejarte influenciar por tu estado emocional
14:03Tenemos que pensar con claridad y con cuidado por la situación
14:06¿Qué pasa?
14:07¿Qué pasa?
14:08¿Qué pasa?
14:09¿Qué pasa?
14:10¿Qué pasa?
14:11¿Qué pasa?
14:12¿Qué pasa?
14:13¿Qué pasa?
14:14¿Qué pasa?
14:15¿Qué pasa?
14:16¿Qué pasa?
14:17¿Qué pasa?
14:18¿Qué pasa?
14:19¿Qué pasa?
14:20¿Qué pasa?
14:21¿Qué pasa?
14:22¿Qué pasa?
14:23¿Qué pasa?
14:24¿Qué pasa?
14:25¿Qué pasa?
14:26¿Qué pasa?
14:27¿Qué pasa?
14:28¿Qué pasa?
14:29¿Qué pasa?
14:30¿Qué pasa?
14:31¿Qué pasa?
14:32¿Qué pasa?
14:33¿Qué pasa?
14:34¿Qué pasa?
14:35¿Qué pasa?
14:36¿Qué pasa?
14:37¿Qué pasa?
14:38¿Qué pasa?
14:39¿Qué pasa?
14:40¿Qué pasa?
14:41¿Qué pasa?
14:42¿Qué pasa?
14:43¿Qué pasa?
14:44¿Qué pasa?
14:45¿Qué pasa?
14:46¿Qué pasa?
14:47¿Qué pasa?
14:48Bueno, voy a salir un momento para preparar unas cosas—
14:51No, no, no quiero quedarme sola con ella
14:52Tranquila, la miujer está en el congelador
14:55Tú cálmate, fúmate un cigarro, dúchate, vístete y vete a trabajar ¿vale?
14:59No quiero ir a trabajar
15:01No es una pedición
15:02Necessitas una coartada ¿entendido?
15:04Tienen que verte trabajando en la oficina esta tarde
15:09¿Crees que podrás hacerlo?
15:10Hey, do you think you can?
15:36I know you're very happy for me.
15:38It's great that, after so many problems, I've finally found someone who truly makes me feel at peace and happy.
15:51And it's wonderful to do it next to this incredible man.
15:57Hey, no one's smiling?
16:01Don't tell me you were so surprised by the news.
16:09My daughter, like any father, I want what's best for my daughters.
16:17And if this is your decision, I'll be here to support you.
16:23Thank you, dad.
16:25Don't overdo it.
16:27Mom, our foot is this moment, please.
16:30Wow, the whole family together.
16:35It seems I'm missing something.
16:38Yes, your best friend is getting married.
16:41But you already knew, didn't you?
16:43Are you going to be the godfather?
16:45Or the one who wears the rings?
16:50It seems neither one nor the other.
16:57Daughter, I hope you know what you're doing.
17:02And I'm telling you the same, Marco.
17:09If it wasn't time for breakfast, I'd tell you to open a bottle of champagne.
17:16Since you're all excited about the news.
17:26And now?
17:28I don't know.
17:30No one disappears without a reason, right?
17:33He may have been scared or have doubts.
17:35But he must go to the police. You have to find her, you know that, right?
17:39Besides, Jaime already found out about the news.
17:42He can't stay like this, he'll be devastated, it can't be.
17:46I know what I'm going to do.
17:51Joanna told me that her sister pressured her to accept the plan.
17:55I'm going to talk to her, I'm sure it has something to do with it.
17:57And you know who her sister is?
17:59Who is she?
18:01Figueroa's secretary.
18:03I'm going with you, I want to find out about this.
18:06Okay, let's go.
18:23Baba, when you said yesterday that bad news was coming,
18:28did you mean what they announced in the salon?
18:30What did they announce?
18:32That Kakao is going to marry Marco.
18:36Say something, come on.
18:38Hey, Baba, do you think there's anything you can do to stop that?
18:44Say it, say it, say the word, say it, come on, say it.
18:48Some kind of macumba?
18:52Others, others, others.
18:57No, leave it.
18:58Okay, sorry.
19:00I'll answer you later, come on.
19:07Kakao, I know it's your life, that you're free to do whatever you want,
19:13and that it's not your fault to have had the bad luck of having a son with Marco.
19:19But getting married, I think it's still a very important step.
19:24Whoever listens to you will think that you have made a great choice with your husband,
19:28but you don't even know where he is.
19:30Marco, how can you be so miserable?
19:33Was it necessary to say that?
19:35You have to have a lot of face to say that, don't you think?
19:42Salome has not been the only one who has made a mistake.
19:46I also made a mistake when I stayed with her mother.
19:50That's why I'm worried.
19:52Every father always tries to prevent their children from repeating the same mistakes.
19:59Well, yes.
20:01Marrying the wrong person can cause a lot of suffering.
20:05Look at what Simone has done to Justino.
20:08Or to Kakao, or to me.
20:10Don't tell me you're comparing me to Simone.
20:13I understand that you all have your traumas.
20:16But let me live my life, please.
20:19Let me make my own decisions.
20:21Is it a lot to ask?
20:23No, daughter, no.
20:25Okay, thank you.
20:26You're absolutely right.
20:32I'm going to take your bags inside.
20:35Don't worry.
20:37What's going on?
20:39I'm taking Marquinho to your room.
20:44Don't worry, they'll figure it out.
20:57But how could you marry a man like that?
21:01He was responsible for mom's death, for Kenny and for Titi.
21:05Anita, he is a partner of the woman who was responsible.
21:10They are different things.
21:12What are you doing?
21:14Are you trying to cover the sun with a finger?
21:16I will never accept Marco.
21:27Marry Kakao?
21:30Have you lost your mind?
21:40Oh, it's time, Sal.
21:42I thought you weren't going to call me back.
21:45You were calling me in the middle of the night.
21:47What's so urgent?
21:49Well, I need you to tell me everything that happened there yesterday.
21:54Why are you asking me?
21:56Because Marco is completely out of his mind about Tiago.
22:00He asked me to go back to the old plan of pairing him with someone.
22:04I don't know why.
22:06Marco and Kakao just announced that they are getting married.
22:09They should be celebrating instead of bothering you with that.
22:13Are they getting married?
22:15Are you sure about that?
22:17But then why did he ask me to do that?
22:20I guess he's afraid that Tiago will ruin his wedding.
22:24But oh well.
22:27You know what?
22:30I think it's a great opportunity for me.
22:34Gutiño is what he had to do.
22:37If not, everyone would keep insisting that Tiago doesn't give up.
22:41But it wasn't enough to move into his room.
22:45And now that we finally have the chance to put Connie in a cage.
22:50Why are you getting married?
22:51Whoever gets married gets married.
22:54Believe me.
22:56I have many more chances to get close to Connie if I'm married to Marco.
22:59If I'm not.
23:01Because he will believe that he really controls me.
23:03I don't know, Kakao.
23:05Besides, I'm sure that Tiago won't want to stay here when he finds out about this.
23:09Of course not.
23:11Unless he feels a morbid pleasure from being tortured.
23:15Kakao, are you sure there's no other way?
23:18What if you tell the truth to everyone?
23:19Let's talk to Justino.
23:21Listen to me.
23:23This has to stay between us.
23:25Marco can't suspect that I don't want to marry him.
23:40But why do children have to give us so much trouble?
23:43Lola, don't compare Kakao with Lala.
23:46They're like water and oil.
23:50Sir, I'm sorry.
23:52But why are you authorizing this union?
23:54What do you want me to do?
23:56She's an adult now.
23:58There's something she can do, boss.
24:00Delay the registration process like her own daughter.
24:03Don't you remember that she was pending
24:06because when she was going to sign the papers, she disappeared?
24:09That's a great idea, son.
24:11Of course.
24:13I hope Marco isn't opportunistic.
24:15Wait, I have another idea.
24:17There's something she can do, boss.
24:19I was thinking...
24:21What if she postpones the wedding for a while?
24:24Tell her she wants it to be a big, big party.
24:27Then who knows?
24:29Maybe she'll change her mind.
24:31That's a good idea, too.
24:33But I'm a little confused about this matter.
24:35I can assure you that if you talk to Baobab,
24:38he'll clear all your doubts right away, boss.
24:42Baobab, do you know something I should know?
24:48I just know that he's not trustworthy.
24:56Joanna, I just read your message.
24:59Yes, I think you should stay there for a while.
25:02I've seen strange people walking around my house.
25:05Oh, Mr. Salomão.
25:08Mr. Engineer is on a trip.
25:11If you want to talk to him, I can...
25:13No, no, no, I'm not here to talk to him.
25:15I'm here to talk to you.
25:17To me?
25:19But why, Rafa?
25:21Don't hide it from me, you know it.
25:31Sal, can we talk?
25:34If you want me to apologize for something I said about Marco...
25:37No, I just need you to listen to me.
25:40I know we agreed to bring Tiago here,
25:43but now I need the opposite.
25:44And what about the love you said you felt for him?
25:47Can you stop asking me questions, please?
25:50If you want to help me, I need Tiago away from me.
25:54Are you aware of what you're doing?
25:56Of the risk you're taking?
25:58With the wedding, it's very likely that Tiago
26:01will want to move on with his life
26:03and look for another girlfriend to forget.
26:05Okay, then tell him to do that.
26:07I think it's good. Convince him to look for another one.
26:15Then don't tell me I didn't do what you asked.
26:28I've already asked Sal
26:30to help me keep Tiago as far away from me as possible.
26:35And? What did he say?
26:37He says it's very likely
26:39that with the wedding, he'll look for someone else.
26:41Well, yes. I agree with that.
26:44And what other option do I have?
26:46Kick you out.
26:48We're going to tell everyone the truth,
26:50and I'll be with you, my friend.
26:52Don't you dare tell anyone about our plan.
26:55That woman can't suspect what we're up to.
26:58We've already unpacked.
27:00We just need to put the clothes in the closets.
27:03Your mother is in the room.
27:05Regina, maybe I should...
27:07Is everything okay?
27:11I'm going to the city
27:13to see if I can find a ring like the one you deserve.
27:16Marco, there's no need.
27:18I know there's no need,
27:20but you deserve it.
27:22And if you're going to be my wife,
27:24I want you to be the most beloved bride of all.
27:27And believe me,
27:29you're going to be the most beautiful bride of all.
27:31And believe me,
27:33a special ring makes all the difference.
27:36And you're going to look great.
27:39A special ring makes all the difference, right, Guto?
27:47It's true, a diamond is a diamond, right?
27:50I don't want any of that.
27:52I'm a traditional man.
27:54Get that into your head.
27:56I'm like your father.
27:58He would do the same if he were in my place.
28:00Looks like someone's trying to win over their father-in-law.
28:03I'm going to let you go,
28:05because I doubt you'll find anything nice here.
28:08I'm going to help my mother.
28:16I regret not telling her what I think about you.
28:20You did the right thing by keeping your mouth shut.
28:23Because, as you can see, your friend is happy with me.
28:27My friend is happy to have her family together again.
28:30Just because of that.
28:35Really, Marco.
28:37Doesn't it bother you to know that all of this is just a farce?
28:42Do you know what your luck is?
28:45I'm good at keeping secrets.
28:49And I have a lot of secrets.
28:58Sir, I'm sorry,
29:00but I really have no idea what you're trying to tell me.
29:04Please, don't play dumb. I'm not in the mood.
29:07And I don't understand why you're talking to me like that.
29:10And your sister?
29:12Where's your sister?
29:14Excuse me?
29:16Don't play dumb. You heard me perfectly.
29:18I'm sure you're aware
29:20of the enlightening conversation we had yesterday
29:23in which your sister confessed everything she had done.
29:25It seems to me that you've convinced her
29:28to back out of what she had agreed with me.
29:32No, I apologize for insisting,
29:35but I think she's talking to the wrong person.
29:38Your sister's name isn't Joana, is it?
29:41Yes. And?
29:43Is Joana in trouble?
29:45I don't know anything.
29:47Look, I don't want any trouble with you.
29:49And I'm sure you don't want any trouble with me either.
29:52So I need to know where your sister is.
29:55The last time I saw her, she was at home.
29:58At my house.
30:00Joana is going through difficult times and I'm helping her.
30:03And where is she now?
30:05She didn't show up at the appointment she had with the police.
30:09She had an appointment for today.
30:11So tell me where she is.
30:13With the police?
30:17I don't know why.
30:19I don't understand why you keep insisting that you don't know anything.
30:22And why did you convince her to shut up?
30:25Doesn't it bother you to know that she blamed a completely innocent person?
30:29On top of that, Jaime is such a decent person.
30:32Listen, ma'am.
30:34Don't get me involved in this situation.
30:36I'm not getting you involved in anything.
30:38You got yourself involved.
30:40And let my husband correct me if I'm wrong,
30:42because I stopped exercising a few years ago.
30:44But as far as I know and as far as I remember,
30:47whoever supports or encourages a crime is as guilty as the one who commits it.
30:52Do you know that?
30:54That's right, dear. You're right.
30:56That's exactly how it is.
30:58How absurd.
31:00I'm not responsible for my sister's actions,
31:02let alone without knowing anything.
31:05She didn't say that yesterday.
31:08She told me that you practically forced her to accept the indecent proposal they made to her.
31:15And I'm almost sure that you were the one who urged her to back out
31:19after she told you what she had agreed with me.
31:25So, my question is,
31:28is your boss aware of what you're up to?
31:33Do you know what kind of person works for him?
31:38I don't want to have problems with you,
31:41much less with Mr. Engineer or with justice.
31:45So, how can I help you?
31:47How can I help you?
31:49You really don't know the answer?
31:51We've been clear from the beginning.
31:54He's working now.
31:58Why don't you do us a favor and call him to ask him where he is?
32:02I don't know.
32:16Oh, you're awake.
32:19I thought you were going to sleep after yesterday's hangover.
32:25If you're insinuating that I was drunk, you're wrong.
32:27I only drank three glasses.
32:29Is that all?
32:30I thought you were drunk,
32:32because you went off-tongue when you told Susana what you told her.
32:36Do you think I went off-tongue, Mayoris?
32:39Do you think I went off-tongue and said too much,
32:41or did I say too much truth?
32:46Hey, Marlene.
32:50I don't know what you're up to.
32:53I thought we had a good relationship,
32:56but in case you haven't noticed,
32:58if anyone messes with Sisi,
33:02they mess with me, too.
33:04I still don't understand why you're so protective of her.
33:07Because we're friends.
33:09And friends do that.
33:11Don't you do that?
33:13Listen to me.
33:15If I find out that you're insinuating again
33:18that Mrs. Saleche didn't die of natural causes,
33:21you'll see them with me.
33:23You'll see them with me.
33:24Do you at least admit that your soul friend
33:27got pearls from you,
33:29that Mrs. Saleche died now?
33:31Stop it.
33:33I'm not stupid.
33:35Well, I think so.
33:37Not only did she die in front of my nose,
33:39but the police came and saw everything.
33:41And they didn't find anything.
33:43So stop with those conspiracy theories
33:45when nothing happened.
33:51How are you?
33:52What beautiful flowers.
33:54If you want to water them,
33:56I have a bidet in my room.
33:58I forgot to pay the electricity bill.
34:00Good morning.
34:02I was looking for Susana.
34:04I don't know if it's the right place.
34:06What Susana?
34:08The nurse.
34:10They gave me this address at the hospital.
34:12I found out about your mother
34:14and I wanted to pay her a visit.
34:16It's the right place.
34:18To whom do I owe the pleasure?
34:20David, I'm a doctor.
34:22We work together.
34:24Basically, I wanted to see how she was.
34:26I want to see how she is.
34:28Because life hasn't been easy for her.
34:30The dismissal, her mother...
34:32Poor thing.
34:34Last night I had to give her a pill
34:36so she could sleep, to calm her down.
34:38But I'm going to see how she is
34:40and ask her if she wants to see him.
34:42I'll be right back.
34:44Yes, yes, don't worry.
34:46I'll stay with him.
34:48Okay, doctor.
34:50Can I do something for you?
35:06Are you awake?
35:09I was half asleep.
35:13I went to bed a little late.
35:15I've been looking at pictures.
35:17There are some I've never seen.
35:19It's as if you sleep all day.
35:21But there's a sweet-talking expert
35:23waiting for you outside.
35:25At the reception,
35:27she asks about you.
35:29That's why I came to see you.
35:31A colleague of yours.
35:35He's a doctor.
35:37Don't tell me you don't know him
35:39because I'll take him from you.
35:41No, no, I know David.
35:43I worked with him in the last hospital.
35:46I'm surprised he came.
35:50get dressed and look beautiful
35:52because I get the feeling
35:54that this is a gift from heaven
35:56that your mother sent you to cheer you up.
35:58Mayoris, do you think I want that now?
36:00Darling, get dressed, get ready,
36:02put on some perfume,
36:04put on some make-up.
36:06Listen to me.
36:08She brought a bouquet of flowers for you,
36:10my love.
36:12I'll be waiting for you.
36:18destiny is in my hands.
36:24I run and I sing,
36:26I scream to get away from you.
36:28I always have time to choose
36:30and to start again.
36:32I don't understand why all the men
36:34look at that pallet.
36:36He's marrying her.
36:38What do you mean you don't understand?
36:40The girl is pretty.
36:42Darling, pretty is the star's sign,
36:44when he was still young.
36:46He had something,
36:48I don't know, that curly hair, right?
36:50Curly and blond must be that contrast.
36:52I don't know, but there's something wrong with him.
36:54I think he needs a girl.
36:56And so much so.
36:58Speaking of girls,
37:00what about our maid?
37:02Has she gone mad?
37:04Why? She didn't come today either.
37:06No, no, and it's your fault
37:08for paying attention to her.
37:10What a face you have.
37:12The maid disappears and it's my fault.
37:14Yes, it's all your fault.
37:17The people from before
37:19knew how to treat the servants.
37:21They squeezed them so much
37:23they didn't have time to complain.
37:25Really? You really said that?
37:27What you say is very ugly, you know?
37:29So you think people
37:31can't be sick or depressed?
37:33Put this in your head.
37:35Rights and servants
37:37are two words that can't go together.
37:39You see, tonight you'll think the same as me.
37:42After spending all day
37:44cleaning, yes?
37:46The maid doesn't come because of you.
37:48You're the one who cleans.
37:50I'm not going to live like this.
37:52Who would have thought?
37:54The house you were living in
37:56is a real mess.
37:58Excuse me?
38:00What did you just say?
38:02It's a way of speaking.
38:04It's not a way of speaking.
38:06Have you been there?
38:08Looks like you have,
38:10because of what you said.
38:34Oh, the dead woman's phone!
38:54Valdemar, Valdemar,
38:56her phone's ringing.
38:58Her phone's ringing again.
39:00It's her sister.
39:02I think she didn't believe the messages.
39:05You want me to calm down?
39:07How do you want me to calm down
39:09with a dead woman
39:14She's got a message.
39:16No, I'm not going to touch it.
39:18I'm just going to see what she says.
39:20Call her.
39:22Oh, Valdemar, what are we going to do now?
39:24How are we going to get rid of her?
39:28as you can see,
39:30she's not answering.
39:32Yes, we can see that.
39:34Could you give us her number?
39:39Of course.
39:41How about we do a test?
39:43We'll call her again,
39:45but from my cell phone.
39:47Maybe she doesn't want to talk to her sister.
40:00It's just that when she's working,
40:02she usually doesn't answer the phone.
40:09We'll see if she answers now.
40:14Let's do the following.
40:16When you have any news about your sister,
40:18let me know.
40:20Of course.
40:22It's not a request, okay?
40:32And now?
40:34Maybe she won't answer the phone while she's working,
40:36but I'm sure she'll ring the bell.
40:38And do you know where she is?
41:09Oh, my God.