• last month
00:00All right, uh, you got all of the like who's the best and worst and everything ats
00:06Overs unders odds mvp, you name it league wide skinny
00:11League wide skinny. I will uh, there was one game. I forgot and I will just bring it up for this point
00:16uh, the pistons destroyed the bulls last night cover they they had a
00:21A 71 to 29 lead at the half
00:25Both scored 29 points in the first half
00:28Uh on their way to getting rocked by 40
00:31At home by the pistons and uh, they play again tonight. Same two teams in chicago
00:37We'll give you those numbers, uh in a little bit. Uh,
00:41Hope the bulls give you a little bit of a better effort this evening best and worst
00:45Against the spread our weekly. Look at this. Uh, here's the best side first grizzlies calves thunder
00:52Raptors there's the raptors. We told you 32 21 and won the raptors clippers and the blazers now
00:59After their hot streak, uh have made it into the top, uh, the top, uh best of yeah
01:04I'm, not arguing with any of that anymore. I mean we have turned it into
01:11money homie
01:13We got it all going
01:15Uh with all these teams when we had the blazers they covered in 11 straight games, whatever it was
01:22And we were cashing every night the raptors spitting out 20s out of the machine
01:27uh, the thunder calves and grizzlies are
01:30Three of the best teams in the league
01:33Every night cash flying out of the atm. I mean the bottom line is i'm not surprised about any of those
01:41in the least
01:42No, uh, not at all the worst side of things
01:45Uh, the heat pelicans sixers kings and the sons the sons and abysmal
01:521334 and one
01:54Against the spread. I looked at them last night. You know, I had the grizzlies
01:59Uh hit three or four have hit 11 of the last 14 spreads that we played
02:04Uh now hopefully tonight we can stand up to it. There's you know, 15 games. So
02:11The rubber meets the road tonight. Like if you're hot, can you stay hot is the question? Obviously there is
02:18Certain levels of danger that I see on the board around every corner
02:25Lots of danger when you have 15 games, uh on the board. There's always going to be some danger lurking
02:31Uh in several quarters. All right, uh up up up and away
02:35The best over teams in the nba, uh so far as we're about to hit the all-star break the calves
02:4134 games to the over so far grizzlies nuggets pelicans nicks pacers
02:46And spurs, uh the best at going up up up and away
02:50I mean the only one i'm surprised about is the pelicans and
02:55I you know, look no one wants to hear this and I really
02:59Don't care
03:00I was down there and I was there for a week and I was we kept going by the smoothie center
03:06Which is right next to the superdome and I thought to myself
03:11Literally, I I said this
03:14How does this town have an nba team
03:17Like honestly, like how do they have a pro hoop team down there? I mean
03:23Let's just get real here. They they eat fish
03:30They drink booze
03:32They got brothels
03:33They got strip clubs. They got jazz
03:37Uh, and they've got just massive murder and crime and drug infested streets
03:43And you're and then they got this basketball arena over by the river
03:47I'm, like I looked at it and then they showed a zion on the side of the building the guy that doesn't want to be
03:51there and who never plays
03:53and I just
03:55I gotta tell you. I just don't think they should have an nba team there. They don't deserve it
03:59I really I mean like they got everything else. They got the seafood down pat. They got the jazz down pat
04:05They got 11 super bowls. Congratulations. That's because the crescent city is a party city
04:11but to me
04:13I I'm, not surprised they have the saints. I am surprised they have an nba team and i'll live with it
04:19I'm, not afraid to say it. I think it's a bad spot for the nba and there's no players
04:25That like playing there not one not one anthony davis couldn't get out of there fast enough zion
04:31Wants to drown himself in the mississippi river. He hates it so much. Don't tell me he likes it there
04:35He hates it. The only thing he likes there's uh, acme oyster bar and uh, you know, gw fins. That's it
04:42He likes food. There's no other reason he hates that place
04:45I'm telling you he'd rather be in new york or la as sure as i'm sitting here
04:50I don't doubt it. Uh, and I think they're on that list because they you know, they give up some nights like 130 140
04:57Like there's a lot of nights where the pelicans they're hitting those overs because they're giving up
05:02a ton of points, uh on a nightly basis, uh getting smashed, uh on the underside down down down
05:10Uh hornets magic nets clippers and celtics. Uh, the unders best under teams in the nba
05:18Yeah, you know explain that to me because you know
05:22Now all of a sudden the nets are within striking distance of a play-in game
05:26Uh, why are the hornets on there? They don't they don't
05:31Do anything for me other than lamello lamello and bridges are the only reason another uh, you know
05:36I'll give you north carolina loves their hoops. They love college hoops
05:41uh, I don't believe
05:43They've ever loved the hornets. I honestly like they they've been around there forever and they they don't draw
05:49And no one cares about them
05:51They're another disastrous nba market. They really are. Let's get down to business here today and talk about teams
05:56That shouldn't be in places you talk about vegas and seattle need nba teams. There you go
06:02Pelicans and hornets should both move
06:05but the the funniest part of it is is that
06:09The pelicans they came from charlotte the hornets moved from charlotte
06:15That's even more bizarre
06:18That's pretty original the original hornets were moved to new orleans, right and I
06:25That's how bad they are
06:27And then they gave charlotte back a team what they call her the bobcats. Uh, yeah, and then the hornet
06:32You remember they got the hornet jordan when he owned the team. What a disaster
06:38The bobcats
06:40He didn't even go to the games. They were so embarrassing
06:43They've been bad for a really long time
06:46Really long time, uh, we'll see if they can ever turn things around. Uh, we'll come back
06:51I do have some uh updated awards for you as well
06:54Uh, I even have how about this, uh coming up soon, too
06:58Some ben simmons for you very excited
07:02To be joining the clippers and ready to play
07:06Uh says he's ready to play the black cloud diner we're gonna air him live on c2c i've seen it all
07:14Honestly mike I was just watching some of his highlights of his career with every single team and
07:21I mean jesus h christ this guy when he was young
07:26He not even you can't even stop him now. I mean to tell you when he was young
07:31Coming into the league and okay. See his moves were just I mean silly string. I mean you couldn't guard him
07:38I mean this guy had so many shake and bake moves and
07:42stepbacks and and drag steps and dunks and flush dunks and poster dunks and
07:48He had every trick in the bag. I mean it watching his highlights
07:58It's he's got some of the greatest
08:01Facial moves ever dropping guys on the ground like he's got like hundreds of them guys breaking their ankles falling down being humiliated
08:08It's crazy
08:09Durant it really is. Uh, it is wild your boy slim
08:16getting involved
08:17Uh your boy, uh, he's not on this board. Uh mvp update as we hit the all-star break
08:24He's so good. He's got two nicknames easy money sniper, too
08:27He's got he's no good. He's got nickname
08:32minus 600
08:34As we're about to hit the break joker plus 425
08:38everybody else
08:40out of sight
08:41Uh way. Yeah, I mean triple digit type numbers. Just get him out of here. It's sga
08:46It's the joker. Uh, that's it down the stretch. Can we finally give it to?
08:52Shea gilgis and no, I I think that joker's just I think he is
08:59probably the most
09:01Undeniably difficult person to play against in the nba or in the world right now
09:07On you know many levels
09:09On both ends of the floor, but he doesn't even care like he just doesn't even
09:15Show any sign he'll literally say like he likes the horses better
09:19He doesn't care about any of this like can we give it to someone that actually cares?
09:24That wants to be great every night in the nba like this guy joker
09:27I i'll be surprised he's in the league in two years
09:30Like it's just like he's not even getting off doing it. Like why play if you hate it so much
09:35Give it to shea gilgis. Stop with all this nonsense. He's had a better season than jokic jokic triple double every night still
09:43Shea gilgis better
09:46Uh better indeed this year, uh, he's going to get it. I don't see much of that changing as we continue on most improved player
09:54Uh, this is always a a hot topic. How do you actually?
09:57Uh gauge who's the most improved but I think kade cunningham was minus 140 right now
10:03That's that's a pretty good one and norm pal too. I think deserves some some flowers and he's plus 125 still very close there
10:09Uh with cunningham and norm pal. I mean, I I sent you a story late this afternoon
10:14He's he's one of three players in nba history at his age to have the four thousand points
10:23thousand rebounds and 1300 dimes
10:26Kade cunningham and dodged is one of the other ones. I forget who the third one is oscar robertson
10:33Robertson, there you go. Oscar robertson the big o and dodged and kate cunningham
10:39Who's the most improved player this also is over
10:43That this is over. He is the most improved player. No one
10:47Three guys and he's one of them in the history of the nba have done what he's done
10:52And you're not going to give him this cheesy award
10:55Well, you better get your head on straight
10:58Third fastest was that note 187 career games. It took him, uh to reach all of those numbers as you mentioned
11:05Big o and luca the only ones who did it faster
11:08Than kade cunningham and this guy another guy who's missed a lot of time
11:13Since he's come in the league and he plays on an absolute for the first couple years of his career on an absolute
11:20landfill trash team
11:23Yes, uh, and the reason why that team is finally back, uh in a playoff spot
11:29Is because of him
11:30He's the reason why that team, uh is in there. And finally, uh, the only other award i'll give you today rookie of the year
11:37And this has changed a lot
11:38There's been a lot of guys who have been at the top of this odds board throughout the season
11:42But castle stefan castle from the spurs
11:45Plus 190 there, uh where they're uh, pretty heated plus 220 and then wells edie
11:52Richechet sar a few others there in the mix
11:56Yeah, i'm pulling uh for zach edie, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen
12:00But i'll tell you one thing everyone that uh thought he was going to be a bust
12:04Can have a sandwich that conversation's over
12:08I mean that guy is a true big in the nba and can take on anyone
12:14in the league
12:15There's no one he's afraid of he's
12:18A monster
12:19He's an absolute monster and it's only going to get worse
12:23He's just going to keep getting smarter stronger bigger more muscle carver
12:28Hi, I gotta listen to ben simmons. Uh, what a player he's turned into
12:33He should be playing in the rec leagues. He should be playing down at the y or the jcc or with me on
12:40930 tip nights
12:42I I just felt this clip was hilarious, you know, he was he was introduced yesterday
12:47his first time I guess in clipper practice or introduces a clipper, but like
12:52he makes it sound like
12:54Somebody's been holding him back
12:57from playing or something like he makes it sound like uh, you know, the nets like keeping him down or or the
13:04Like the student play because like he always walks around with his hand on his back like my back hurts this hurts that hurt
13:10That's why he doesn't play but he says
13:12Uh, he's not listening to anybody. He's ready to play for the clippers. That's great. I'm a competitor
13:17I just want to compete. Um, regardless of I don't know all the bull that is said online that doesn't come from me
13:23Um, I want to compete and i'm here to do that. Um, and to play alongside, you know, some of these great players
13:30Um, it's gonna be great. You know, I think everyone's just gonna push each other to be better. Um and expect greatness. So
13:36Um, that's that's my expectation, you know coming to the clippers
13:40I mean i'm gonna i'm gonna start uh, I may start crying in laughter this guy
13:47This guy is so awful
13:50It's just over
13:52his career
13:54From philadelphia to now as literally a train
13:59Flying off the tracks into the woods and blowing up and catching on fire
14:03I mean literally a massive derailment
14:06He has just completely been worthless
14:10He's 6 10. He used to be the best north-south player in the nba
14:14And now he's east west from one bench to the next I don't like he's meaningless
14:21I'll believe it when I see it that he could ever
14:2510 games in a row
14:27I mean, honestly, he couldn't play 10 games in a row if they
14:31Uh, if nobody else showed up and they had to play him, he still wouldn't play
14:35He was absolutely
14:39Effing worthless with the brooklyn nets
14:42He was a roster spot they were paying him tons of money and he was he was just all he was was in the way
14:48And it had to have something to do with this marks and him both being australian
14:52One of these like countrymen type bullshack stories. I can't let my guy down. He's from down under whatever
15:00I don't have feelings like that. I thought they should have whacked that worthless gm toe. He's another one. That's a disaster
15:07I don't know what it is
15:08I always thought they had good ball down there and those two made me change my mind about that
15:14Instantaneously, I think nothing of what they do in basketball down there now when I see them on the schedule in the olympics
15:19I'm licking my chops
15:22It is amazing he played uh
15:25So he's played 33 games this year. He played 15 games last season
15:29He's 15 games. He's worthless played 42 the year before that his back is fried
15:35His body is fried his mind is fried. I mean, you know what he does better than anybody
15:42He wears uh dolce and gabbana clothes on the sideline and gucci. That's what he does better than everyone else
15:49He's got his million dollar diamond earring and his and his million dollar watch
15:54He's made more money than god and he isn't worth shack
15:59He isn't worth shack. He is worthless
16:03They're gonna find out in short order you'll see him
16:06He has a perfect spot on every nba bench now eight nine ten eleven or twelve. He's sitting in one of those chairs
16:13That's where he should be. Uh, there was thought that alex len
16:17Uh was gonna sign with the pacers of garbage, but but I guess after the lakers
16:23Lost out, uh, or had to rescind that uh, mark williams trade. They needed another big man in house
16:29So alex len to the lakers
16:32He'll be there I score more than him
16:36And I know and he's and he's got eight inches on me
16:40And I will score more than him and play better than him and i'm almost 60. He is
16:47He shouldn't be he shouldn't be allowed to play in china
16:51That's how bad he is
16:53Not good. They have no chance of doing anything without galoof playing for the lakers like let's just stop here
17:00There has to be someone like you and I to come along and just call these people out for what they are he's a hack
17:07He's a hack he's never done a g-damn thing in the nba for one second he's never done one thing
17:14He's never been on a highlight
17:17his entire career
17:19You know, he's still in the league. I'm not
17:22If you want nice go watch all the girls on espn. You'll have a great time
17:27They'll even teach you about hockey and they've never been to a hockey game in their life
17:31They'll teach you about basketball. They got no men doing that either
17:35Also with the lakers austin reeves in his last five games and i'm right about that
17:4027.4 points per game six boards a game six assists a game two steals per game austin reeves in fuego
17:49for the
17:52I like his game and they got two of them now
17:55They got two
17:58Larrys, they got austin reeds and they got donjich two larrys
18:02I mean, you don't see white boys putting up those numbers not in this league
18:08Speaking of donjich, uh, the jersey that he wore in his debut the other night allegedly could be worth
18:15Up to a million dollars. There's a problem though
18:18There's some speculation that he gave gave the jersey to puka. Nakua. Did you see this?
18:24He took his jersey off at the end of the game and swapped jerseys with puka. Nakua could be a million dollar jersey
18:31Uh that he gave uh puka shells walking around with everyone loves puka shells
18:37I will not engage in berating one of our favorite players if he has the jersey
18:44So it is written so it is done
18:47That's it, uh, that's how it goes, uh all-star game this weekend, of course everyone's very excited
18:53Uh for for the format that they're going to have
18:56Uh, they're actually going to have their first ever
19:00on court mc
19:03Of the all-star game on sunday night. That would be kevin hart
19:06You think he does enough commercials who who is on more commercials the mannings or this guy? I said the other day on twitter
19:14That what is next for the mannings ky commercials gonna start doing lube
19:20Uh, have we had any?
19:22Have we had any uh, kevin hart and manning brothers together in the same commercial if we had that yet
19:29And the kelsey's, uh, they're also on the top five list of painful reminders
19:34Uh, and adam silver says there could be
19:38a usa versus the world format
19:41Down the road, I mean what the nhl already did that 30 years ago
19:47No one
19:48Will care nobody cares now
19:51Nobody cared then so nobody's here in the future. Aren't they having the like skills thing saturday night?
19:58So here's the deal
20:00Uh valentine's day is friday
20:02Uh can't go out friday like chop scott basketball or something
20:07Friday's those rookie softball games rookie softball
20:13So i'm not i'm not watching that so saturday
20:16I'm taking chop and 34c out to a fancy dinner
20:20It's like a day after valentine's valentine's double date for uncle food trelly and i'm going large to some place
20:27I've never gone to allegedly some five-star place. I've never been to hot ticket. I'm going to this place
20:32I'm not watching any of that stupid nba all-star weekend. My buddies all work in the nba
20:37They're all going to san francisco. I go enjoy the 12-hour flight
20:42There and back after just the worst. That's it. I go to san francisco's the worst i'd rather fly to tahiti
