• last month
00:00I gotta listen to Ben Simmons on what a player he's turned into
00:04He should be playing in the rec leagues. He should be playing down at the wire to JCC or with me on
00:12930 tip nights. I
00:14Just felt this clip was hilarious. You know, he was he was introduced yesterday. It was first time
00:20I guess in clipper practice or introduces a clipper, but like he makes it sound like
00:26Somebody's been holding him back
00:28from playing or something like he makes it sound like
00:32You know the nets like keeping him down or the six
00:35Like the student play because like he always walks around his hand on his back like my back hurts this hurts that hurt
00:41That's why he doesn't play but he says
00:43He's not listening to anybody. He's ready to play for the Clippers. That's great. I'm a competitor. I just want to compete
00:50Regardless of I don't know all the bullet that is said online that doesn't go for whoa
00:55I want to compete and I'm here to do that and to play alongside, you know, some of these great players
01:01It's gonna be great. You know, I think everyone's just gonna push each other to be better
01:05and expect greatness, so
01:07That's that's my expectation, you know coming to the Clippers. I
01:12Mean, I'm gonna I'm gonna start I may start crying in laughter this guy
01:18This guy is so awful
01:21It's just over
01:24His career
01:25From Philadelphia to now is literally a train
01:30Flying off the tracks into the woods and blowing up and catching on fire. I
01:35Mean literally a massive derailment. He has just completely been worthless
01:41He's 610. He used to be the best north-south player in the NBA and now he's east-west from one bench to the next
01:49I don't like he's
01:52I'll believe it when I see it that he could ever play
01:5610 games in a row. I
01:59mean, honestly, he couldn't play 10 games in a row if they
02:02If nobody else showed up and they had to play him. He still wouldn't play he was
02:10F'ing worthless with the Brooklyn Nets
02:13He was a roster spot. They were paying him tons of money and he was he was just all he was was in the way and
02:20It had to have something to do with this marks and him both being Australian one of these like countrymen type bullshack stories
02:27I can't let my guy down. He's from down under whatever. I don't have feelings like that
02:33I thought they should have whacked that worthless GM toe. He's another one. That's a disaster
02:38I don't know what it is
02:39I always thought they had good ball down there and those two made me change my mind about that
02:45Instantaneously, I think nothing of what they do in basketball down there now when I see them on a schedule in the Olympics
02:51I'm licking my chops
