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obrigado por assistir ♡

🖥️ Meu PC 🖥️
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600
Placa-mãe: B550M AORUS ELITE
Placa de vídeo: AMD Radeon RX 6600 (8GB)
Armazenamento: Husky SSD 1TB
Gabinete: Corsair 480T RGB Airflow Tempered Glass Mid-Tower
Mouse: Redragon Storm Pro
Mousepad: PCYES Speed Black 500x400mm
Teclado: Redragon Kumara
Headset: Fallen Morcego
Microfone: Fifine K688 USB Dynamic
Caixa de som: Edifier 2.1 15W RMS X100B
Monitor Principal: TGT 24" 165Hz
Monitor Secundário: LG 21" 75Hz

🔍 Créditos aos criadores abaixo:

Gothic 3 from @OnlyHardModeOHM
Two Worlds: Epic Edition from @ErmacgerdLongplays
Overcooked! 2 from @stormthalion
Gas Station Simulator from @oAdix_
Punch Club from @MuSticksArcade
Grand Theft Auto V from @rockstargamesbrasil
Burnout Paradise from @MrBurnoutYT
Baldur's Gate 3 from @PineappleExpressGaming
The Amazing Spider-Man (PS3) from @tetraninja
Playboy: The Mansion from @oAdix_
The Hunter Classic from @PCGamesArchive
Elden Ring from @Shirrako
Harvest Moon: Back to Nature from @NoveGAMES
Conflict: Vietnam from @xTimelessGaming
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories from @NightFore + @DNKA9x
Spider-Man 2 (GBA) from @Pikachun
God of War: Chains of Olympus from @MKIceAndFire
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge from @oAdix_
Need for Speed: Most Wanted from @glp
Need for Speed: Underground 2 from @WaurufEx
Time Crisis from @oAdix_
The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrob from @oAdix_
KeyWe from @MillionsplaysGames
SpongeBob SquarePants featuring Nicktoons: Globs of Doom from @oAdix_
Ico from @NiZZULiVE
Red Dead Redemption from @Shirrako
Disney's Tarzan: Untamed from @trollajudante
God of War (2018) from @BALEEIROGAMES
Time Crisis from @oAdix_
Les Visiteurs: La Relique De Sainte Rolande from @gcie
Phoning Home from @nikolasines
Steambot Chronicles from @oAdix_
Scaler from @oAdix_
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons from @GamePlayOnly
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes from @irrelevantgames
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters from @Smoe05
Ed, Edd n Eddy: Jawbreakers! from @longplayarchive
Hades from @SilentLongplays
Hotline Miami from @oAdix_
State of Decay 2 from @thegamearchivist
Kill Knight from @glp ​


