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How do Filipinos ring in the new year? We ask Filipino expatriates in Dubai about the special things they do to celebrate the occasion


00:00I always do wearing polka dots and jumping because they told me it helps me
00:07increase my height. So I still jump in the midnight yeah. This is what I do every year.
00:14I used to gather fruits like 12 no 13 kinds of circled fruits like
00:22watermelon anything anything circle and then I put them together in one
00:27container and then one of the things is that I put coins in my in my pocket and
00:31shake them that's at 12 o'clock shake them shake them so that as far as I know
00:38it brings good luck to my pocket more money inside. Before you enter the house
00:44you just have to pass the coins there and put some coins at the four sides of
00:50the house. We prepare fruits in our home during New Year. We wear polka dots.
00:55Normally we prepared bibingka as a delicacy during New Year's Eve because
01:01we believe that when you eat bibingka during the New Year's Eve it will make
01:06the family tight more tighter it becomes more closer I collect coins and then
01:12during the New Year's Eve I shake it at the middle of the night 12 o'clock
01:16midnight then I believe that because of that we become more prosperous. We have
01:22lots of Filipino traditional practices like 13 fruits round fruits we are
01:27always doing that. Some of the people are especially a small one they're making
01:31jam because they believe that they will be taller on that on the next year or
01:37whatsoever and also we have a fireworks or firecrackers every midnight throw it
01:44away the bad spirits and evils or something. There's so many things that we
01:49believe every new year that we have to avoid so like on our family with our
01:53family we're not allowed to have like chicken dish during New Year and then we
01:59have to wear polka dots clothing we have to put put coins on our pockets and to
02:04those who are not blessed with height you have to jump so that's the little
02:09part but as a family we're doing it 14 fruits it should be round fruits so that
02:15you will be blessed the whole year round for us is 14 because when they say 13
02:19it's bad luck so you have it's 14 because they said there should be an
02:23extra like bonus so we collect 14 round fruits every new year. We believe in this
02:29tradition because we are really fond of I think wishes and everything Filipinos
02:35are full of hope and we are always happy so we always want to achieve better and
02:40the best in our lives. I think Filipinos are very superstitious when it comes to
02:45to these kinds of things I think it's already part of our culture. We've been colonized by the other countries just like the
02:51Spanish and more of like just like Chinese. In the Philippines, we just like more on Chinese beliefs than the Filipino beliefs.
03:02In the Philippines, we are colonized by different races like Spaniards, Chinese and Japanese like that so
03:09different cultures influence us a lot like for the Chinese we use
03:15different fireworks we eat noodles during the New Year's Eve and for the
03:20Spanish we become more luxurious in preparing food. There's a lot of Filipino
03:25traditions that we are usually using or usually doing I mean every year or every
03:31end of the year especially midnight of the new year because Filipinos are
03:36always have their beliefs of blessings, prosperity and of course good health.
03:43Our family are really fond of believing on that something that there's still a good thing
03:49that will happen to us so even these are like a belief but we there's no
03:56there's no problem if we're going to follow it. If we do this then nothing
04:00will happen to us so if we do this maybe if it's really a good luck then we will
04:05receive good luck.
