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Is there a "growing divide" between Craig Breslow and Alex Cora when it comes to Alex Bregman? How come Bregman hasn't signed with a team?
00:00Both Alex Cora and Craig Breslow spoke yesterday and it appears that there may be a growing
00:09divide over there perhaps between them. Another one? Did we just have this with Cora and Haim?
00:16Yes. I mean sometimes when there's a problem when there are repeated problems and the same
00:23person is involved you would point the finger at that person but Alex Cora to me does not seem like
00:29a troublemaker. The man has won a world series championship so I don't know what to tell you.
00:37I grow ever more depressed because it doesn't it seems like they're in the running when it
00:47comes to Bregman but it doesn't seem like they are a shoe-in for Bregman and Alex Cora we talked a
00:53little bit about this yesterday. Alex Cora I thought gave you the in on getting Bregman.
01:01It seemed like Fenway Park gave you an advantage when it came to Bregman but I don't know what to
01:07tell you. My fear is that they have the best prospects in all of Major League Baseball
01:17and that therefore they are they're pointing to that shiny object which is available for you in
01:252026 and that is going to be their out if they are unwilling to spend what it takes to get Alex
01:33Bregman. However it's not a lot of money to get him though. That's the thing Curtis that drives
01:38you nuts it's the Boston Red Sox. Well I would just say this I think all of this is on purpose
01:43like they're they're doing everything they can to make it appear as though there are people in the
01:48organization that are dead set on winning when in reality if Alex Cora really didn't like the
01:54direction of the organization he could have gone elsewhere you know and what I thought was a sign
01:59the organization was going to reinvest because why would Cora resign well maybe he's just happy
02:05making seven million he likes where he lives he likes Boston his family's still going to his
02:10daughter I think is a senior in college here still so like it's all nonsense it's a bunch of
02:16fire and fury and no action and I just sitting with Sam Kennedy at the Fenway Fest where they
02:22gouged fans 90 bucks a head for like a Q&A with a Netflix producer it's just there's zero urgency
02:30it's like how long can we get away with this grift like that's it I mean in what way have
02:36they shown you that they're investing they sold off prospects for a good pitcher and then they got
02:42another guy on short years like where is the investment in the actual on-field roster it just
02:48seems like they're pinning everything on the future and I guess maybe the fans will Red Sox
02:56fans will you know put the uh put the the doctor's office smock on and turn around and cough yep but
03:04I but it but you have you have the money I get it that you're trying to lead this revolution in
03:14major league baseball and adjust the length the term length on deals and adjust what guys are
03:21going to get paid but it ends up being the fans who are the ones who pay for that so what's the
03:26offer they gave him four years uh hundred and I don't know what the number ended up was it four
03:32was it four years four years and 20s okay so whatever so they gave him an art somebody's gonna
03:39have to look nothing is actually an offer until they sign the guy for the money they're saying
03:45and we actually see the signed contract like everything else is nonsense what about other
03:49teams has there been any other teams that have like like is it Bregman saying all right I want
03:56more money or is there a good deal on the table where Bregman's like I don't want to go there
04:01we talked about this yesterday you were here I think yeah there are you know the Red Sox are one
04:06of three finalists when it comes to him right and I would assume that the offers are pretty similar
04:10okay I mean as an offer to go back to Houston so uh if he wants to do that he can do that
04:17they're not going more than four years so it's not that it's it's not the all of these deals
04:23are four-year deals am I correct about that Curtis yes and the other side of this Greg
04:28what we were told was that part of the reason Cora signed to come back for three more years
04:35was that he would have a bigger seat at the table he felt Heim was gun was a gun shy is that the
04:40word he was afraid to make a move and this if Bregman doesn't come here doesn't it suggest
04:49to you that that's nonsense as well yeah but they're already setting it up for that because
04:53if you I know we're going to hear from Craig Breslow during they said it but he was going
04:56on saying that he believes that they have a playoff team already under their belt so
05:01that's what they're doing they're they're they're getting you ready for a big disappointment because
05:06they are saying they believe they already have the talent on this team it's a team it's not a
05:10World Series winning team correct maybe maybe maybe I'll accept that it's a playoff do you
05:15think Breslow would say that if he had to manage it there's hence why there's a divide right yeah
05:22and the whole Nolan Arenado deal that they already leaked that they have a deal ready
05:26like they're just trying to squeeze I think Bregman's got Boris Scheim correct me if I'm
05:30wrong but they yeah I think they both do yeah so I feel like these are all you know just games
05:37we're all being played which he at some point is he gonna he's not getting I mean he obviously
05:45he could retire on the Soto deal but he didn't get Pete Alonso what Pete or he didn't advise
05:52Pete Alonso well because he turned down six years and 175 whatever yeah and then he got
05:58Pete got two for 54 with him right so I mean at some point is he going to fall out of favor
06:04Curtis or is is he a forever the forever super agent Scott Boris is the very best at what he
06:10does so I mean he is there's I don't think there's a close second in terms of agents in my lifetime
06:15maybe Rosenhausen football but no he if you're a great player you want Boris well I guess that the
06:21initial offer from Houston was six years 154 so if you're a four years you're probably less
06:28than that so I mean maybe maybe he's looking for more money and he's a he seems like he's not
06:35getting the money that he want maybe similar to like a Blake Snell right Blake Snell wanted more
06:40money never got it did a one-year deal and ended up and ended up hitting what it hitting it big
06:45this year so yeah maybe Bregman does that yeah I don't know I gotta go I would have to go back
06:49and read I like everybody I believe that offers off the table like I think the latest reporting is
06:54that all three teams have offered him four years so the deals are somewhat similar and it's up to
07:01him to choose if he would like to choose friendly Fenway and the Boston Red Sox then he could go
07:06ahead and do that this is Kevin from my adopted home continent of Maine hello Kevin hey good
07:13morning how you doing what's up first time caller guys I love the show I listen on my way home from
07:17work every day I work night thank you very much thank you my biggest thing Greg is I don't want
07:23Bregman I don't agree with you because if you bring in Bregman and then they go ahead and
07:28they've got this whole arenado thing we've been beat over the head for five years about kids kids
07:34kids farm yeah the kids are finally ready why do we want guys in their early to mid 30s who
07:40were going to take contracts that are going to go into their late 30s and watch them decline who
07:44were going to block these kids well because you might as well just trade the kids out Kevin it
07:51gives you the luxury of bringing those kids in when you want to bring those kids in and waiting
07:58on them and having the luxury of doing it at the end of May or the you know mid-June or whatever
08:05as opposed to rushing them it also gives you somebody who is a an adult in in the clubhouse
08:14and so I like they it's not it shouldn't be a money thing with them they have the guy has a
08:225,000 foot yacht that he docks in the over by the Boston Harbor Hotel I like it's not it shouldn't
08:30be pay Bregman and bring those guys along when you want to bring them along like I don't you and I
08:38are going to disagree on that and I I just think I think the fans second question yeah go ahead
08:45if you're going to bring them in and give them a four-year deal though when are you going to bring
08:49those kids in it doesn't matter they're still paying Chris Sale they're still paying Manny
08:56Ramirez like Kevin you're coming home from a night shift you work your ass off like the Red Sox
09:03should invest for fans like you and you should not give them an out like I just do whatever you
09:08can to make this team as good as possible but I think they're going to be in for rude awakening
09:12I was like looking the other day Greg the home opener I could find seats 10 14 together
09:21which it used to not even be allowed to be sold online because it would sell out too quickly
