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Bringing back traditional Filipino games. #Pinoy looks at the fun behind traditional Filipino games

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00:18Hashtag Fast Resetting for Don Quijote!
00:54Other player crouches while other players jump over him or her.
00:58The other crouching player gradually stands, making it harder for other players to jump over him or her.
01:04During my elementary days, I really loved doing Luxong Baka.
01:11I really love playing this game because it really signifies being a part of it.
01:20The objective of the game is to cross a series of lines guarded by the opposing team.
01:28Apart from that, there will be a perpendicular line where there is also a guard.
01:33Members of the opposing team will try to cross all the way to the far end and back.
01:40If one member is tagged, the whole group will be hit.
01:44When I was a kid, I used to play this Patintero.
01:48Even in the night, I used to play this game, Patintero.
01:51We are using that water just to have the lines.
01:59Pampreso really means a fallen prisoner.
02:02Each player is provided with a large throwaway object, which we call a pamato.
02:06Usually, it's a sleeper.
02:08A semi-flat and empty tin is placed in the upright position,
02:12and one player, or the preso, has to guard the empty,
02:16while the other players take their throwing their sleeper, trying to knock it down.
02:27The prisoner can tap on the sleeper, and the owner of that sleeper becomes the prisoner.
02:32As long as the tin is in the upright position, the guard can tag players who move outside.
02:37The throwing line to recover their sleepers.
02:44Luxum Tinica, literally, it is a jumping over the thorns.
02:48Two players serve as the base of the thorn, or the tinic, that serves as the base.
02:54They can use their left foot, right foot, their left hand, and right hand.
02:59And all the other players take turns jumping over that foot and over that hand that is compiled
03:05until a player fails to make a clear jump.
03:08The hurdle gets higher.
03:12I remember when I was in my elementary years, I lived beside a church,
03:17and there is a green grass every afternoon.
03:20Me and my friends used to gather there until we reach in the evening,
03:24like 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock in the evening.
03:27Right now, if I'm going to choose if I'm going to use the computers or the traditional games,
03:33I think I will teach my children, or I prefer myself to play the traditional games.
03:37Why? Because traditional games, we learn to mingle with other children.
03:42Filipinos is known to be strong family ties.
03:45The parents should teach the children, and the children should adopt the traditional games.
03:50Because, as I said, it will give you a good experience of your childhood days.
