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Dubai Customs handles more than 30,000 passengers and 50,000 baggage items a day at Terminal 3 alone. Daily headlines from the UAE and around the world brought to you by Gulf News.

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00:00Inside one of Dubai's busiest airports, with at least 30,000 arrivals every day and more
00:11than 50,000 luggage handled for screening, ever wondered how this is taken care of in
00:17a seamless manner without any compromise on your security?
00:21Behind the scenes are hundreds of men in dark blue uniforms, working tirelessly to make
00:26sure the UAE laws are not being violated and your security remains a top priority.
00:32It's the Dubai Customs officers handling such an intricate job that we may not be fully
00:37aware of.
00:38At one point, almost all of us with our handbags and luggage have passed through three checkpoints
00:44without even realizing it.
00:46The passenger's journey with Dubai Customs begins once they have completed their passport
00:51control clearance.
00:52And here is where we come across some of the world's top devices and systems employed
00:57to ease passenger flow and reduce inspection time to only a few minutes.
01:03With standalone x-ray machines scanning each and every luggage coming into the country,
01:09surveillance cameras acting like an eye from above, and additional smart technologies to
01:13further check the luggage and people marked as suspicious, the role of Dubai Customs is
01:18to guard what is coming into the country or transited through and ensure nothing prohibited,
01:24restricted or illegal is being smuggled by anyone into here.
01:28So as we are Dubai Customs, we monitor more than 50,000 bags daily.
01:35And the most common items, the most common detained items we caught, for example, knives,
01:42narcotics, handcuffs, medicines.
01:45Also in place to be used in all terminals when needed is the Kashif, a detection golf
01:51It holds more than 14 devices.
01:56For instance, it has explosive detection device and narcotics detection device.
02:04It has live camera, so we can live chat when the passenger chat with our inspector, he
02:14can see what they are talking.
02:17Furthermore, it has metal detector device.
02:22So previously we were facing problem that we cannot search or we cannot, for instance,
02:32if a passenger have tablets, for instance, tablet, so we cannot check the tablets, we
02:37send the tablets to the specialist, for example, a hospital, then we get the result back again
02:46It will take more than five, seven days if the passenger are, for instance, he's a traveler
02:52for his transit for four hours or five hours, we face this too much difficult.
02:58Then we innovate a device that it's reduced from seven days to seven minutes.
03:05In 2017, in Terminal 3 only, 10.6 million passengers and 20.9 million bags were screened
03:13by Dubai Customs from 90,568 flights.
03:17My advice is for people who are coming to Dubai to don't take any bags not belong to
03:24them because they will be responsible for that bags.
03:26The second advice is to take self-aware the law and the regulation for UAE.
