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50 year old Kim is transitioning from female to male gender over a period of two years. The story follows his life, surg | dG1fZnBxd1BYbTNLUkE
00:00There's always a risk with surgery.
00:10Surgery is, there are no guarantees that the surgery is going to be successful or effective.
00:16But it's a really long incision and if you measure it, in total length probably two feet.
00:23So most of the people I know who've had surgery have only gotten top surgery, not bottom surgery.
00:29You have to reprogram your whole hormone system, your whole body changes, your immune system
00:35changes, your muscle mass decreases.
00:37It's all very difficult.
00:38It's so many social changes, legal changes, physical changes happening at once and at
00:45the same time your family might be rejecting you.
00:48Don't sit there fearing your family's rejection.
00:51Burst in there and make them fear yours.
00:57By the time I'm 50, I want to be legally a man, I want to have facial hair, I want
01:02to have lost weight, and I want to feel good.
01:11Once I transitioned and I really came into feeling balanced, you know, it just made sense.
01:19Outside world is only just now catching up on what transsexual people are.
01:26They're only just now kind of figuring out that we exist.
01:29And we have to work hard to create a world that is not afraid or ashamed.
01:36It's all about just being treated as a human being that's respected and treated fairly.
01:42Transition is never easy, it's never perfect, and it's never over.
01:47But it does get easier, it gets better, and it gets less important as time goes by.
01:54I'm a 50-year-old man, and that's awesome.
01:57I never wanted to be a 50-year-old woman, so now I don't have to be.
