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The RTA has launched a new smart technology aimed at counting passengers to help curb fare evasion. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00The RTA's public transport agency in Dubai has rolled out a sophisticated new passenger
00:12counting system on its buses called RASID. The aim of the system is to match the captured
00:17passenger rider information with the information from the NOL cards so that the agency will
00:21be able to identify which stops and routes some commuters tend to evade paying their
00:26bus fares.
00:27So currently it will count the passengers on the boarding, on the alighting, then these
00:36numbers will be compared with the NOL system. So we can detect or we can identify the number
00:44or the percentage of the evasion on the routes and the stations of the buses. So rather than
00:50I send my inspectors without any clear plan, today I can plan it based on the numbers,
00:57based on the percentages of evasions. So I can plan to organize and distribute the inspectors
01:05in specific areas. We have different phases to expand the system so it will cover all
01:15bus services.
01:17The system will enhance the ability of the RTA inspectors to pinpoint the bus routes
01:21with the largest concentration of fare dodgers, thereby helping to curb potential fare evasion
01:26and increase RTA revenues. Logan Fish for Gulf News.
