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Adopting a dog in Dubai - Part 2. Gulf News visits the Sharjah Cat and Dog Shelter adoption day, held at Creatures Oasis Pet Shop in Dubai. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Right now we're at the pet store, or Creatures Oasis, and around every two weeks they hold
00:15adoption day where they invite all sorts of rescuers and animal shelters to bring their
00:21animals, display them at the shop, and it gives them a higher chance of getting adopted
00:26because the location is great here in Jumeirah, and we actually get more dogs adopted on this
00:31one day in these three hours than we do in an entire month sometimes.
00:37Usually on adoption days we bring around five to six dogs, or more if there are puppies.
00:43We can usually bring more puppies if they're small enough, and they get adopted a lot faster
00:48as well.
00:50And we are currently housing over 40 dogs and 50 cats at the shelter, and we get around
00:5710 animals a day.
00:59We get dozens of animals every single day that we simply don't have space for.
01:04Not just us, but lots of other shelters as well.
01:07There are plenty of shelters in the UAE.
01:09All of them are full capacity because people keep breeding animals that we don't have enough
01:15homes for.
01:16Dogs are very social creatures, and you need to give them lots of attention every day.
01:24Exercise the dogs enough.
01:25This is something as well that lots of people don't do enough.
01:29Dogs need to be walked every single day at least twice, and keeping them exercised prevents
01:34them from getting bored, and a bored dog is a destructive dog, and that's also another
01:39reason some of them end up in shelters.
01:41We think it's a really good idea to take a rescue dog.
01:45We've been thinking about getting a dog for some time.
01:47We came along to the adoption day, looked around, lots of lovely little dogs there.
01:51My daughter really liked the look of Foxy, and my son agreed, so we were sold on the
01:56idea and we chose Foxy today.
01:58Yeah, I like dogs that run about and jump, and are just a bit crazy in general.
02:04I thought she was a really pretty dog, and the way she liked running, and it would be
02:09really fun to play with her.
02:11I liked her because she looked like she was full of fun, and she's got a bit of character.
02:17She's a mixed breed, what we call a desert dog, so there's a bit of everything in her
02:21I think, but I think a bit of retriever, something like that, a bit of collie, definitely a bit
02:26of collie.
02:27She's just shy of one years old, and yeah, she's good fun.
02:32It's a family decision to take the dog, so the family is going to look after it.
02:35Yeah, well I would say we've talked about a dog for a long time, and you look about
02:39and you see the price that you can pay for some dogs, and then you see something like
02:42the adoption day-to-day, where there's lots of dogs desperate for a home, looking for
02:46people to love them and look after them, and I think that dogs will give you so much love
02:51as long as you look after them.
02:53So yeah, adopt a dog if you can, take a rescue dog, and they'll give you back so much from
03:01just taking that one step and taking the dog in.
03:04I think it's, rather than, the way life is out here, a lot of people just buy dogs and
03:09then throw them out on the street when they realise that they're too much work, at least
03:14take that decision and think about it carefully, and then if you go to adoption, there's been
03:17so many dogs just abandoned, it's nice to give them that loving home back again.
03:21I think it's better to get rescue dogs, because the new ones, they've never really had a home,
03:29so they don't know what it's like to be home, but they've been chucked out of homes, and
03:33they know what it's like, and they feel alone.
03:36I think it's a really good idea, so that you're not spending a bunch of money on some dog
03:44that the people who you buy it from say you must feed it this, and you have to treat it
03:48like that, where you can get a dog who has pretty much just been given away for nothing,
03:59and you can take that dog and you can look after it, and you can make sure it's well,
04:04and it's a good feeling.
04:07Yeah, we're heading back to Scotland next year and we'll definitely take Foxy with us.
04:11We've already started looking into how much it's going to cost and all the rest of it,
04:15but she's part of the family now, so I wouldn't leave my kids behind, so we're not leaving
04:19Foxy either.
04:20Yes, if you're interested in one of our animals, you do need to cover their vaccination, neuter
04:25and microchip costs, which total to 400 dirhams if it's a crossbreed, or 800 dirhams if it's
04:31a purebreed.
04:32Please don't breed or buy dogs from pet shops.
04:36Adopt these rescue dogs.
04:38They are no less special.
04:39They all need love.
04:40They will all love you back just as much, and they all deserve a home.
04:44They really are very good dogs.