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Stray cats and kittens are looking for a new home.
00:00The Bean Kitty Collective is a group that's been set up to help people help in regards
00:11to the animal welfare problem in the UAE.
00:14So the adoption day you're seeing here is the result of people finding lost, abandoned
00:19or stray cats that they've socialised and got healthy and ready for rehoming.
00:23We have 17 cats here for adoption today.
00:27Probably most of them are Arabian Mouse or mixed breed cats.
00:31We have a couple of fluffy cats with no particular breed in particular, they're just fluffy.
00:37How do we screen them?
00:38We talk to the families in depth.
00:40We take the cats out to the kiss and cuddle room and we talk to them about their previous
00:43experience with cats, who they currently have in their home and where their plans are going
00:49for the future.
00:50So a lot of the times we find really good matches for the cats and sometimes we do encourage
00:54families to look elsewhere.
00:55This is Matilda, this is Dylan, this is my wife Adriana, I'm Luther and this is Mozart's
01:00the cat.
01:01I'm here with my baby boy now.
01:02Instead of having another baby I'm having a cat.
01:03He's gorgeous and also as soon as I pet him up, look he's just comfortable, he just likes
01:15I think he bonded straight away.
01:20It's important that they commit to the following things.
01:22It's a lifetime home, which means the cat stays with them for the course of their life,
01:2615 to 20 years.
01:28They need to do things like maintain annual vaccinations.
01:32If they're adopting a kitten, get the kitten neutered.
01:34If they adopt a cat from us, it's actually already neutered and be prepared to take the
01:38cat with them when they leave the UAE.
01:41So when we go back to the UK as expatriates, I think eventually we'll also look to take
01:45Mozart back.
01:47Cats or animals in a home bring benefits in terms of just your harmony in your home.
01:52It can bring benefits to people in terms of their immune systems.
01:55Personally, I can't live without animals in the home.
01:58I need them.
01:59A lot of people do feel that need as well.
02:01And cats are great pets.
02:02They're often quite independent.
02:03Well, cats are easier to take care of, especially the first time around.
02:09I think as a first pet, if you want someone who is still huggable and has got a personality,
02:18then you have to be.
02:21With a cat, they are happy at home.
02:23They just become a part of the family.
02:25Binkity Collective hold adoption days once or twice a month across Dubai.
02:30We're either at the British Veterinary Hospital or at the Dubai Garden Centre.
02:34So all of the cats are at the adoption days.
02:36We do ask for a donation that goes directly into the Binkity Collective TNR fund.
02:41And what we do with that is trap neuter a lease of the street cats of Dubai.
02:45Last message is, you don't have to walk by.
02:47There is an animal welfare problem, but there is a community solution to the community problem.
02:52And if you want to get involved, email binkitycollective at gmail.com.
02:56Say that bit louder.
02:59Do you know what the cat's name is?
03:01It's Mozart.
03:03I know the cat's name, Mozart.
03:07Who's going to feed him?
03:10You can take turns.
03:11Me, me, me.