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00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we're counting down our picks for the most lethal antagonists
00:19across the Final Fantasy franchise.
00:38Don't let a design fool you, this maiden is an eldritch abomination waiting to suffocate
00:55the world and all who live upon it. A manifestation of the void that seeks to flood darkness upon
01:00practically everything, not much can be said in the way of the Cloud's personality other
01:04than a knack for deception. It simply yearns to return all things to the void, and its
01:18avatar certainly has the power to do so. We'd say watch out for her tentacles, but it's
01:23more her use of particle beam that truly makes her a menace.
01:44As a Lunarian with immense psychic powers, Xemnas was already quite the threat to Cecil
01:48and the gang, but it's this personification of his hatred that stands tall as the strongest
01:53being in the game. His manifested scorn affords him a multitude of attacks, able to cast classics
01:59like Flare and Meteor, but it's his ability to use the likes of Black Hole and Big Bang
02:03that you need to watch out for. While one nullifies all status effects, the other unleashes
02:14grandiose damage on the entire party. You can see how the Moon Man's malice could easily
02:20end the world with a form like this.
02:41This is where it all began. While on the surface, Chaos just seems like your run-of-the-mill
02:46demon, various expansions to the lore have demonstrated just how next level it is. Not
02:51only a master of black and white magic, but it is also the embodiment of discord and darkness.
03:04It also maintains an endless timeline that ensures its reincarnation no matter how many
03:08times it's bested. It's the granddaddy of all evil, so you'd better put some respect
03:13on its name, or at least learn to fear it.
03:26Ultima. Final Fantasy XVI. A primordial being that helped cultivate humanity. A faithless
03:46god who seeks to hasten the world's end whilst playing puppet master. The ultimate
03:51sore loser. Ultima is all these things and more, with the power to back up his hubris.
04:04Able to wield the power of all icons for himself, as well as transform into a larger, more vicious
04:09version of Ifrit, the sheer amount of abilities Ultima has to his name is absurd. If not for
04:15the power of Clyde, Steel, your girl, Rosfield, the world and the stars beyond would be doomed.
04:28Necron. Final Fantasy IX. When an entity has the moniker of the embodiment of death and
04:42existential dread, you know it's not to be messed with. Compelled by what it believes
04:46to be humanity's yearning for its own extinction, Necron's sole goal is to reduce all life
04:52to zero, and has the tools to make it happen at its fingertips. It literally realigns planets
05:05and distorts the space-time continuum as a flex. Perhaps what makes Necron so terrifying
05:11is its lack of malice. It is a creature performing its function, a living inevitability. So long
05:17as there is life and death, Necron's return is an absolute.
05:27Exdeath. Final Fantasy V. Following in the footsteps of the Cloud of Darkness, this malevolent
05:38knight's sole yearning is to bring all to nothingness via the Void. Once a tree so corrupted
05:44with evil it became sentient, Exdeath was already formidable in his humanoid frame.
05:49But after merging with the Void, he became something else entirely. As Neo-Exdeath, he's
05:54a collection of horrific monsters born from the Void itself. All able to unleash the
06:08strongest spells in the series. Needless to say, the Void ate well during Exdeath's
06:13monstrous campaign.
06:24Sephiroth. Final Fantasy VII. The one-winged angel that everyone loves to hate, and arguably
06:38the most iconic villain of the franchise. Even as just a swordsman, Sephiroth's strength
06:44is boundless, able to slice through all but the most skilled of warriors. It's when he
06:48taps into his inner monster as a child of Jenova that he transcends all limits.
06:59As Bizarro Sephiroth, he's a grotesque force of nature. But it's safer Sephiroth that
07:04really propels him to almighty status. All the magic at his disposal is devastating,
07:10but it's his use of supernova that cements his infamy. He summons a shooting star that
07:15decimates planets before pushing the sun onto his foes. That's straight up metal.
07:29Kefka. Final Fantasy VI. The jester that's no laughing matter. A psychotic murderer that
07:42actually succeeded in his goal of breaking the world, and becoming a literal god of magic
07:48in the process. As a deity of Luciferian proportions, few can hope to rival Kefka's power after
07:54dancing his way to the top of the heavenly food chain. Whether by his backstabbing machinations
08:05or the all-consuming light of judgement, Kefka immortalised himself as an antagonist not
08:10only to be revered for his particular brand of villainy, but also the raw omnipotent power
08:15he comes to possess. The Endsinger. Final Fantasy XIV. A being that ushers in the death
08:39of the universe with their song. Yeah, we say the Endsinger's pretty powerful in the
08:43grand scheme of things, but the raid boss to end all raid bosses taking on the final
08:48day is not for the faint hearted. This nihilistic herald of the end of all things will unleash
08:57AoE after AoE that can barely be avoided at the best of times. Spawning planets, unleashing
09:03waves of deathly magic, and of course, ultimate fate. An attack that will instantly end everything
09:09unless you're able to, quote on quote, transcend your limits. No matter how you slice it,
09:14the Endsinger is unfathomable in their ability to unmake reality itself.
09:25Ultimecia. Final Fantasy VIII.
09:28The sorceress who would bend all of time and space to her whim. Ultimecia is staggering in
09:41her cruelty, her dark designs, and her accomplishments. Projecting her mind back
09:47through time to possess every sorceress of the past, she was able to gather the knowledge and
09:51power needed to compress history, the present, and the future together, and in doing so became
09:58a god the likes of which the franchise has yet to best. If that wasn't dangerous enough,
10:15the magnitude of her spells such as apocalypse ensures that if not for Leon and the law of
10:20causality, none can stand against her. Which Final Fantasy villain do you think
10:34stands tall above all others? Let us know in the comments.
