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Stephen Graham, Erin Doherty & Malachi Kirby are starring in Disney+'s brand new epic series, A Thousand Blows.

It's a family affair as Stephen's wife is also in the show. The three of them have the best chemistry, told us about initiations on set, body transformations, naughty nicknames and how Erin has the best walk ever!

Created by Steven Knight, about the Forty Elephants, a 19th to 20th century all-female London crime.

It launches on Friday 21st Feb on Disney+ Report by Jonesl. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00You're like, no, it isn't. I've just done it myself.
00:02I'm not doing anything.
00:04Not what we were thinking.
00:06That's my private life.
00:09So from actual royalty to robbing royalty.
00:13I want to be you. My God.
00:14I hear it.
00:15Oh my goodness. What a character.
00:17Yeah, she's wicked.
00:18Bolshie. Zero Fs given. Oh, love, love, love.
00:22The way you walk as well. I was like, bit of me.
00:24It's great that walk.
00:25People said this to me, right? They were like,
00:27I love the walk you're doing for Mary.
00:29And genuinely, I wasn't doing anything.
00:32I was like, I don't know what you're talking about.
00:34It's the love gone into that walk.
00:36You're like, no, it isn't. I've just done it myself.
00:38But then, you know, that's not how I talk.
00:41But genuinely, I was like, I'm not doing anything.
00:44But I think it's the corset.
00:45I think the corset makes you have to like lump yourself around a little bit
00:48because you can't move your middle bit.
00:50So you're kind of like walking around.
00:52And I will add the skirts, they're like curtains.
00:55So you're walking around, you can't move the middle bit
00:58because you've got like weights on your bloody arse.
01:00So this one would top off the whole time.
01:03You don't have any clothes on.
01:04Yeah, so there you go.
01:07He's getting all shy.
01:09He is.
01:10Wow, buffer, what you two.
01:11I mean, were you texting each other out of set going,
01:14fancy meeting up in the room?
01:15Fancy a little...
01:16No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:20No, no.
01:22I thought you might be practising in front of the mirror,
01:24you know, practising your moves.
01:27We practised in the respect of, you know, it's finely choreographed.
01:32All of the fights are choreographed to within an inch,
01:35do you know what I mean?
01:36So it's basically like dancing.
01:37It's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
01:40It's all of that.
01:41And then you video them, we video them in the ring,
01:43and then you're at home, basically.
01:45I was lucky because I had Aralfi to help me.
01:48Did you?
01:49Yeah, so me and Aralfi, I'd go, watch this with me,
01:51and then I'd go, right, and then we'd do the thing.
01:54So we videoed it, and we did it.
01:56So in that sense, we were texting each other,
01:58and we'd go, let's meet up and go to the fight whenever we could,
02:01you know what I mean, whenever there was a spare moment.
02:03No FaceTime boxing then?
02:04No, no.
02:05A bit delayed.
02:07You must be the coolest dad ever doing that.
02:10That's ridiculous.
02:11I love it.
02:12And, you know, they say don't mix work with pleasure.
02:14You brought your wife along to this one, fantastic.
02:16Well, she brought us all, if I'm honest.
02:18She did.
02:19She's a very talented lady.
02:20She was the one, we had a photograph of Hezekiah,
02:23and we had two paragraphs that were given to us by Tom,
02:27who was one of our other producers.
02:29We had a paragraph about Sugar and a paragraph about Treacle.
02:33And they were like, look, we'd really love you to be involved.
02:36And Hannah went, I know who's going to write this.
02:38And I went, who?
02:39And she went, Steve Knight.
02:40I went, no chance, don't be ridiculous.
02:42She went, watch, I've been talking to Julie, his assistant.
02:46And I was like, what?
02:47Because he wanted me to do Peaky Blinders.
02:49And she sent it with the stuff.
02:52And then literally, she sent it on the Friday, I think,
02:54on Monday morning.
02:55She went, hey, you, come here.
02:56I was like, what?
02:57And she went, have a look at that.
02:58I was like, what?
02:59She went, look at that.
03:00And I had to read the email, and I was like, oh, wow.
03:04He said, I'd love to be a part of it,
03:05and I'd really like to write the script.
03:07And he had some wonderful ideas already,
03:09and that's where he added the 40 elephants and Mary
03:12and these wonderful characters.
03:13Do you know what I mean?
03:14Absolutely amazing.
03:15And has the name Sugarstock at home, a little nickname?
03:17No, but we were thinking, that's my private life.
03:23I think it's a lovely nickname.
03:25We've got two dogs.
03:26We've got Bonnie and Clyde.
03:28They were lovely.
03:29And we were thinking, we might get another dog
03:31and call him Sugar.
03:32Oh, yeah?
03:34Get two.
03:35You can't just have Sugar.
03:36No, you've got to have Treacle.
03:37You've got Treacle?
03:38Yeah, OK.
03:39Come on, now.
03:40That's four dogs, then.
03:41Yeah, well, just get more.
03:43Maybe guinea pigs, a bit smaller.
03:46Get Treacle.
03:47I love that.
03:48Sugar's such a lovely nickname.
03:49I do like that.
03:50It's a good name.
03:51So what about what it takes, Erin, to get into your crew, then?
03:53In real life.
03:54Well, we were already-
03:55Because you know how hard it is to get to Mary?
03:57We were discussing this, and Stephen's already said
03:59that I wouldn't be allowed in, because I cry too much, essentially.
04:02So I don't know.
04:03Do you cry?
04:04I do.
04:05I cry every day.
04:06It's healthy to cry, guys.
04:07I just cry.
04:09If I see, like, an old-
04:10You're too soft.
04:11No, come on.
04:12I mean, in the nicest possible way.
04:14Do you know what I mean?
04:15It's said with love and conviction.
04:17Mary wouldn't have you-
04:18No, she wouldn't.
04:19So, honestly, I don't know the answer to that question,
04:22because I would not be allowed in.
04:25You tell me.
04:26What the hell do you have to do to get into a gang?
04:28I don't know.
04:29Mary would have some kind of-
04:30Yeah, you'd have to have some kind of initiation.
04:33Oh, yeah, which we kind of-
04:35I'm actually not going to go there.
04:36We kind of had-
04:39Oh, my coffee.
04:40Oh, no, there we go.
04:41It's fine.
04:43We kind of had, like, a weird initiation thing before we started,
04:46but actually, the way it bonded us was because we all kind of
04:50opened our eyes mid-thing and were like,
04:52what the hell is going on?
04:54And so we just bonded over the weirdness of this whole experience.
04:56You weren't drinking out of shoes like rugby boys, were you?
04:58No, but we kind of, like, hit each other with phones.
05:00No, that wasn't us.
05:01No, it was the 40 elephants.
05:02Yeah, they were like,
05:03you need to be initiated into this gang.
05:05I almost thought that this morning you'd do that.
05:07No, no, no.
05:09And I do love the way that the women financially support the men.
05:12I know.
05:13I mean, I love that.
05:14Yeah, we're wicked.
05:15We are wicked.
05:16No, no, not much has changed.
05:17The detail, by the way, of this, in the background,
05:20London just felt so alive, and it felt so similar to now,
05:24but in a really lovely, nostalgic way.
05:26Did you find yourself looking around the set being like,
05:28that's so good.
05:29The set was unbelievable, wasn't it?
05:33They built this, if you think, to be realistic and to be honest,
05:36it was a car park, do you know what I mean?
05:38It was a flat space, and within a space of maybe, what,
05:42three, four, five months, this world was built.
05:45But you could, it was an immersive, interactive set, wasn't it?
05:50So we shot, we used every single corner, every nook and cranny on that.
05:53And that set, one of my favourite bits was,
05:57what's his name upstairs who made the booze?
06:00Jack Mack.
06:01Jack Mack.
06:02Oh, yeah.
06:03From Jack Mack's gas, you can see right across the whole square,
06:06can't you?
06:07And there's booze, was there?
06:09Yeah, but it wasn't real.
06:10Oh, no.
06:11Shame on them.
06:12But it was an amazing set, wasn't it?
06:13Yeah, no.
06:14And who took the arm home, by the way?
06:16The severed arm.
06:17Anyone take that home?
06:18Who took the severed arm home?
06:20Oh, when you have to cut his thing.
06:22Oh, dear.
06:23Oh, yeah, no.
06:24I don't think, like, I was there that day,
06:26and everyone was genuinely just kind of like...
06:29It was horrific.
06:31It was disgusting.
06:32It was disgusting.
06:33The sounds he was making.
06:36Yeah, no, that was...
06:37Oh, guys, I loved it.
06:39I binged the whole thing.
06:40It was amazing.
06:41I want to be in your gang.
06:42I said that already.
06:43Well, you're welcome.
06:44You can be.
06:45I can't.
06:46Thanks, babe.
06:47I'm going to pop you out there.
06:48Yeah, hell yeah.
06:49Thank you so much.
06:50Have a lovely day.
06:52Thanks very much.
