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Get ready for the most outrageous and entitled litigants who took their complaints to Judge Judy! From ridiculous fence disputes to absurd rental arguments, these Karens prove that entitlement knows no bounds. Prepare for some serious courtroom drama and Judge Judy's legendary takedowns!
00:00Ms. Martin, let's not play with each other.
00:02You appear to be an intelligent woman.
00:05Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the litigants who wanted
00:09to speak to the manager and had to face Judge Judy instead.
00:12By 66 years of age, you should know that there are alternatives to acting like a fool.
00:17I tried.
00:18We're done!
00:19Number 10.
00:20You're a Hustler When a property was taken over by a new tenant,
00:25plaintiff Alana Rader didn't go back to collect her belongings for several months after she
00:31Now she's in court suing the new tenant for throwing her abandoned items away.
00:36And he says that he got rid of all the stuff because he was paying rent on this property
00:41and didn't want your stuff in a place where he was paying rent, right?
00:46Apparently, as she tells Judge Judy, she had been told that she could keep it there through
00:50the first day of his lease.
00:52Well, that's not how leases work.
00:54No, he was moving in on November 1st.
00:57So you had to get your things out of there by October 31st.
01:01That isn't what I was told.
01:02Well, I don't care what you were told.
01:03The judge doesn't seem sympathetic at all.
01:05Whether or not Rader sees it that way, the judge doesn't believe a woman leaves her items
01:10for that long without paying if she's not playing some kind of angle.
01:14Judge Judy, I want to say one thing.
01:16This man is a liar and a thief.
01:18You're a hustler.
01:19And I'm a what?
01:21Number 9.
01:22Painting a fence It's a terrible day in the neighborhood.
01:26Just ask plaintiff Bob Ketcherside, who seems to be a one-man HOA unto himself.
01:31When his neighbor painted his side of their shared fence, Ketcherside was outraged by
01:36the color he chose.
01:37It was simply not to his liking.
01:40It's completely visible to the rest of the neighborhood, anybody on the street, anybody
01:44on the sidewalk.
01:45Who cares?
01:46That has nothing to do with you.
01:48They may like this color.
01:49The hilarious thing is that Ketcherside can't even see the color from his house.
01:54The neighborly feud turned hostile to the point that they ended up before Judge Judy.
01:59This is your house.
02:00Yes, ma'am.
02:01On the other side of this is his house.
02:04A complete property over.
02:05I want you to answer my question!
02:07All this over the color of a fence he can't see unless he goes out of his way to look
02:11at it?
02:12His case is proof, if any were needed, that you don't need to be a woman to be a Karen.
02:17Well, first he repeats what I am again, and I said, you'd better stop saying that.
02:22You're not insulting me.
02:24You're insulting my mother.
02:25Oh, get over.
02:26And I'm not going to put up with that.
02:27Number 8.
02:28The Dog Whisperer
02:29Katie Swoboda is really, really upset that Lauren Coyle's dog made a mess in her home.
02:3618-year-old Katie Swoboda is suing 21-year-old Lauren Coyle for damage to her home caused
02:43by Lauren's dog.
02:45Of course, Swoboda was dog-sitting at the time, so while the dog may belong to Coyle,
02:50she wasn't responsible for it at the time.
02:52Apparently, it was also Coyle's responsibility to see into the future and tell her that the
02:56dog would destroy her home.
02:58Yeah, that one's not going to fly with Judge Judy.
03:01She did not tell me that the dog would do this damage, and she assured me...
03:04How did she know that the dog...
03:05You think the dog told her that it was going to damage your apartment?
03:08This case is over before it begins, and Swoboda actually seems stunned at the idea that her
03:13complaint is in fact ridiculous.
03:15The judge doesn't sugarcoat it either.
03:17She assured me that everything was going to be okay.
03:21Number 7.
03:25I Said No Refunds
03:27In this case, the Karen is the manager of a motorcycle rental company.
03:31Kim Knoller seems to run her business with an iron fist.
03:35He called you within 24 hours to tell you that his plan has changed, and you told him,
03:41according to your papers, that you had a no refund policy, that you would send him
03:46vouchers for another time.
03:48Defendant Thomas Doherty booked a motorcycle from her, and then canceled that reservation
03:52less than a day later.
03:54But that doesn't sit well with Kim Knoller.
03:56She insists she doesn't give refunds.
03:59Ultimately, it went back into my account when he dropped the dispute at the end.
04:03So what are you doing here?
04:04Go ahead.
04:05Well, I'm suing for the NSF charges that I incurred for the money going in and out.
04:10In fact, she wants him to recompense for her taxes and her own inconvenience.
04:15Rather than keep a long-time customer, Knoller declares war over a $390 rental that was canceled
04:21over two months in advance.
04:24Knoller also doesn't know when to shut up, a major sin in Judge Judy's courtroom.
04:28My policy is no refunds.
04:30Ms. Knoller!
04:31Ms. Knoller!
04:32It's in my policy.
04:33I'm talking, you're not.
04:34I understand.
04:35She loses the case, and we can only assume Doherty's future business.
04:40But there was no zipline, Your Honor
04:42Claudia Airola just wanted to zipline with her family.
04:45She and her children rented a cabin near a ziplining business, only to find out the business
04:50was closed.
04:51They had closed their doors.
04:53Well, they don't own the ziplines, right?
04:55But they...
04:56Pay attention.
04:57They don't own the ziplines.
04:58Airola had her bank refund her for the rental, despite staying in the place for two days.
05:03But Airola's defense is that the cabin owners were guilty of false advertising.
05:07At the time that they rented you the cabin based on this, if I assume that this is advertising,
05:14this was perfectly accurate.
05:15Though the plaintiffs don't run the zipline business, Airola believes that her vacation
05:20was ruined by the business being closed, and so she shouldn't have to even pay for the
05:25After a brief visit to fantasyland, Judge Judy has to give her a lecture on reality.
05:30You rented the cabin, you rented it for four days, you have a responsibility to pay for
05:34it, and you have your responsibility because there's no false advertising here.
05:38Number 5.
05:39You sound like a fool.
05:41Carla Sanchez-Lopez can't help herself.
05:44So I went to pick him up, and he turned around and he bit me three times on the left hand.
05:48I have photos of the injuries.
05:50Her friend's dog has been accused of a heinous and vicious biting, and she must right this
05:55injustice, even if it means interrupting the judge, apparently.
05:59Unfortunately, her incessant commentary and unwillingness to hear what Judge Judy is saying
06:04doesn't get her very far.
06:06Did you ever see this lady?
06:08Did you ever see her?
06:09You saw me at the door, ma'am.
06:11Don't lie.
06:12I don't want to hear you unless I ask you a question.
06:15Do you understand that?
06:16Yes, your honor.
06:17After her whole argument, such as it is, is destroyed by logic, she just starts talking
06:22back like a scolded child.
06:24You know things aren't going your way if you're actually saying the words, that's your opinion,
06:28to a judge.
06:29You sound like a fool.
06:31I'm trying to sound what it is.
06:32You sound like a fool.
06:34That's your opinion.
06:36My opinion's the only one that counts.
06:38The whole thing is hilarious and kind of painful to watch.
06:41Number four, freedom of speech.
06:44This case has two Karens for the price of one.
06:46Luckily for the entire neighborhood, they live right next door to each other.
06:50I was going to have to see what led up to this since it does appear that for a substantial
06:55period of time, you peacefully coexisted, which is what you're supposed to do if you
07:00possibly can with neighbors.
07:02Stephen Hessley was offended by defendant Sheila Blazowski letting her twigs fall onto
07:07his property.
07:08A spat erupted between the two, police reports were filed, and Blazowski decided to invoke
07:13her First Amendment rights with a bullhorn and some foul language.
07:17And she says, and I quote, you want me to pick this up, you blankety blank blank blank,
07:23And yes, things went quickly south after that.
07:26Unfortunately, there's a fine, fine line between protesting and disorderly conduct,
07:31and the judge suggests she find it.
07:34It started out with some twigs.
07:36How did it end up like this?
07:37If I lived across the street from you, that's what I would tell my children.
07:42That's what I would tell my children.
07:44They say, who is that lady?
07:45I say, there's a crazy old lady who lives across the street.
07:47Don't go near her.
07:48Number three, the most annoying person.
07:51This defendant has a great defense.
07:54However, you wouldn't know it from how many times she insists on speaking when it's not
07:58her turn.
07:59From here, you're going to get five nights if I find that she misrepresented the age.
08:04She already has received.
08:05Oh, okay.
08:06I'm not ready for you.
08:08Being sued for false advertising over a cottage rental, defendant Ellen Schneiderman demands
08:14to be heard.
08:15Although she insists she's not sure when she should talk, this doesn't exactly stop her.
08:20Am I allowed to talk now?
08:23When I ask you a question, you'll talk, unless the figure he gave me is wrong.
08:26Well, that includes a refundable security deposit.
08:29Just a second.
08:30Everything the plaintiff says, she immediately counters, even after she's been warned repeatedly.
08:36She's lucky the judge doesn't throw her case out just because she's annoyed with her.
08:40In fact, Judge Judy tells her that right to her face.
08:44Listen to me.
08:45If what you do is interrupt, I'm just going to give him what he wants and throw you out.
08:48Do you understand?
08:51I can tell.
08:52You know, chill.
08:53Even Officer Bird tells her to shut up at one point.
08:55Number two.
08:56Hey, your daughter hit my car.
08:59In this case, school pickup almost ended in tragedy.
09:03Plaintiff Robin Brooke was picking up her sons when the defendant's daughter was crossing
09:07the street.
09:08Brooke hit the girl with her car, causing injury, but the worst was yet to come.
09:12And now what your lawsuit is, is you want her mother to pay for the mirror on your car.
09:18Yes, Your Honor.
09:21Brooke's side mirror was broken in the accident, and she wants recompense.
09:25Clearly, she's in need of a little perspective, and the judge does her best to provide it.
09:30She's not fixing your mirror.
09:33Get it through your head.
09:34She's not fixing your mirror.
09:36You should go like this.
09:37What a tragedy this could have been.
09:40Unfortunately, she seems to reject the idea that she's not the victim in this scenario.
09:45Yes, she agrees that so much worse could have happened here, but she still wants to be paid
09:50for her broken mirror.
09:51Well, it would be different if it was your son's clavicle.
09:54She ran into my vehicle.
09:56Your case is dismissed.
09:57We're done.
09:58Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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10:15$5,000 Haircut Plaintiff Carlos Campos has no chance.
10:20From the moment he walks in, the judge calls his lawsuit over a $10 haircut a complete
10:25waste of time.
10:26I'm a lawyer.
10:28San Antonio, Texas.
10:29Hope you don't use that against me.
10:31No, I'm going to hold your lawsuit against you because it's stupid.
10:34He takes his complaint about his unsatisfactory haircut way too far, suing for the small claim's
10:40maximum of $5,000.
10:43Some people might just go for the refund, but apparently, this is a matter of principle
10:47for the plaintiff.
10:48This is a television courtroom.
10:51So we actually have fun doing sometimes ridiculous cases, which I'm sure is the reason you came
10:58Well, no, in America, we entitle different opinions.
10:59Just a second.
11:00Listen to me.
11:01Judge Judy can't identify any principles here.
11:04She pokes a little fun at Campos' hubris before sending him away with $10.
11:09And frankly, he should be thankful he got that much.
11:12I'm not trying to be great.
11:13You're trying to be cute.
11:15You are cute.
11:16Mr. Campos, Mr. Campos, you are absolutely correct.
11:20That's why I have the job and you get $10.
11:23And that's the judgment of the court.
11:25How would you have ruled on these courtroom Karens?
11:27Let us know in the comments.
11:29And you want me to help you.
11:30I'd appreciate it.
11:31That's not happening.
11:32So I'm just out the money?
11:33You are.
11:34Do you agree with our picks?
11:38Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
11:40And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.