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Alcohol prices are expected to drop this week as the NT Government moves to scrap the floor price on alcohol in the Northern Territory. But residents in Alice Springs might not see the savings with local businesses offering to maintain the current prices. They say to help reduce alcohol-related harm.


00:00As the NT government moves to scrap the territory's controversial minimum alcohol price, Alice
00:08Springs Bottle Shops are choosing to go it alone.
00:12The Liquor Accords intent will be to maintain the status quo in relation to the floor price.
00:19The measure was introduced by the previous Labor government in 2018, banning sales below
00:24$1.30 per standard drink.
00:27It's been effective, it works, we've seen a very substantial reduction in hospitalisations
00:32for injury.
00:33But this week, the government will introduce legislation to Parliament to abandon the floor
00:39What it's clearly shown is that it's moved people on to stronger spirits and we've seen
00:43devastating results because of that.
00:46However, all Alice Springs Bottle Shops, except Coles and BWS, have indicated they'll voluntarily
00:52maintain the measure.
00:53That it does have an impact, that it does stop people selling cheap, particularly clean
00:59skin wines and cask wine.
01:01Alcohol control advocates have welcomed the move, but say the floor price must continue
01:05territory wide.
01:07It's much better to have legislation, to have a level playing field across the Northern
01:13Last week, the NT chief minister said she expects alcohol will be cheaper from next
01:16week if the floor price is scrapped.
01:20She also argued the measure has only benefited bottle shops by increasing their revenue.
01:25So it's quite disappointing actually that bottle shops in Alice Springs are seeking
01:28to keep this money in their pocket.
01:30But the Alice Springs Liquor Accord say scrapping the floor price will have little impact on
01:36liquor costs.
01:37Excise has gone up around 22% since the implementation of the floor price, so there wouldn't be any
01:44expectation of customers getting cheaper alcohol.
01:47BWS says it will be monitoring the bill's progress through parliament and will review
01:51any changes.
01:52BWS was contacted for comment.
