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Michelle Monaghan teases The White Lotus S3 Report by Mccallumj. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00To actually have gotten the job was really just such an exciting moment in my career.
00:05I've been doing this for 25 years. It did not feel like work.
00:07There's a lot of lessons to be learned this season.
00:10Michelle, it's great to have you on board the White Lotus.
00:13I feel like every now and again a show comes along that
00:17everyone just wants to be a part of.
00:19And the White Lotus is that.
00:21So is it as exciting as I think it would be?
00:24Yes, yes, yes. All of the above, all of the above.
00:27You know, I love it just as much as you do, you know.
00:31And when I got that call to audition, of course, and even just getting the pages,
00:37you know, it was so exciting.
00:38Like, I got to get inside, you know, the White Lotus season three,
00:42you know, even for a quick bit.
00:45And then, you know, to actually have gotten the job
00:49was really just such an exciting moment in my career.
00:51I've been doing this for 25 years, and this is, you know,
00:54this is a show that I, you know, hold in such high regard.
00:57And I've been a huge fan of Mike White for many, many years.
01:01So it was a welcome, welcome treat.
01:05Is it easy to tease the series without giving anything away?
01:09Yeah, I can tease the series a little bit.
01:11Go on, Michelle.
01:11I want to know how it differs from season one and two.
01:13Well, it's a great question.
01:15You know, I think what's interesting about this season,
01:17I think what Mike's done so brilliantly is he's taken Western culture
01:21and he's taken it to Asia.
01:22And so it's Western culture meets the spirituality
01:26and the philosophies of Eastern culture.
01:29And it's the intersection of those two and all the things that how they,
01:32it's kind of like the shiny and the shallow of the Western culture
01:36meets like, you know, the beauty, the beauty of Thailand.
01:42And so there's a lot of lessons to be learned this season.
01:46There's a lot of lessons to be learned and a lot of confrontation,
01:51which we all know very, very well from seasons one and two.
01:56And I think also what makes it a little bit of a departure
01:59is that we see the cast, we see the characters actually go out
02:03and explore Thailand.
02:05We see them sightseeing a lot.
02:07So we see a lot more of the destination as opposed to previous seasons.
02:11And I think as a result, the show feels bigger in scope.
02:15It has a lot more action and the cast itself is bigger as well.
02:19So those are kind of like probably the three biggest things to look forward to.
02:23Good job.
02:26Who were you particularly excited when you heard they were going to be on?
02:30Because Amy Liu is my girl, like I love her.
02:33So if I got the chance to be like spending time with her, but for you, who was it?
02:37Parker Posey.
02:38Oh my God, Parker Posey.
02:39I have loved Parker Posey as long as I've, I've loved my wife.
02:43And I got to live with Parker Posey and she's such a dream.
02:47I love her so much.
02:49She does not disappoint personally or professionally.
02:54I just, I adore her.
02:56I put that woman on a pedestal.
02:57I love her so much.
02:58Oh my God, I love it when people don't disappoint.
03:00Yeah, that was super exciting.
03:03Have you got, because obviously there's like a trio of you, the part that you're playing.
03:08Have you got a girl group like that?
03:09I do have a girl group like that.
03:11I do have a girl group like that.
03:14And they're really fun.
03:15I've got a really fun girl group.
03:17I feel like my face is getting red right now.
03:20We all do.
03:20I have one as well.
03:21I've got a great group for girlfriends, you know, and God bless them.
03:25We have so much fun together.
03:26And it's not quite like this friend group, you know, not quite as heightened as that
03:33and juicy and gossipy.
03:34But we have a beautiful time together.
03:36What's your role within the group?
03:38Because I feel everyone has their role, whether it's the peacekeeper.
03:41Oh, it's so interesting because there is that interesting thing where
03:44they say with like a trio, a group, there's somebody.
03:47What is it called?
03:48It's like someone's the victim, someone's the perpetrator.
03:51And then what's the and then there's the peacekeeper, right?
03:56I mean, I'm obviously going to say I'm the peacekeeper.
03:58I mean, that's me too.
04:00My girlfriend's already right now.
04:01So I'm the peacekeeper.
04:05And also, we always know in the White Lotus, there's going to be something that happens.
04:10Because that is how it is.
04:12Of course.
04:12So what are you like in a crisis?
04:14Like, wow, I go pretty calm, I think.
04:21Yeah, I'm pretty calm, cool and collected.
04:24Yeah, I think so.
04:26I think so.
04:26My husband is too, actually.
04:29But thankfully, we've not really been in.
04:31I mean, yeah.
04:32I mean, within reason, right?
04:34But I think I'm and I think it's just a testament.
04:38I'm pretty type A.
04:39I'm an Aries.
04:40So I'm an Aries.
04:41Oh, you're an Aries, right?
04:42Yeah, I get it.
04:43So I think it's just, I think it just tracks with me just being an organized person in general.
04:49And then as a result, if there are any hiccups along the way, I can roll with it.
04:54Oh, I love that you're an Aries.
04:55Although we apparently clash, don't we, I think?
04:57I don't think so.
04:58Aries and Aries, do they clash?
04:59Well, both of my sister-in-laws are Aries.
05:02And my mom's an Aries.
05:04And we don't, none of us really clash.
05:06We're all Aries.
05:07How weird is that?
05:09Yeah, your birthday will be coming up around soon.
05:12I know, I know.
05:13Happy early birthday.
05:14Yeah, you too.
05:17And what was it like in general for you getting to hang out and live,
05:21like live with a cast and work with a cast?
05:24I mean, it was unlike any other experience I've ever had, of course.
05:29It led to us forming the deepest bonding connections.
05:34You know, we literally lived, ate, breathed, worked, you know, within the hotel.
05:41And we also had this international crew.
05:44I mean, I think we had probably about 100 crew, 200 crew, actually more.
05:50But we had our Thai crew.
05:51And then we had people from all over the world.
05:53So we made so many friends, you know.
05:56It was a really special time.
05:57And we had nights where we would just hang out and watch, we'd drink singhas on the beach
06:02and watch sunsets, you know.
06:03And then we'd have other nights where no one would meet up and we'd all just rest.
06:07And, you know, it was really special.
06:10This doesn't sound like work.
06:11No, it was.
06:12It didn't feel like work.
06:13It did not feel like work.
06:15I'm not going to even try to sugarcoat it.
06:17It did not feel like work.
06:18Yeah, it just sounds divine.
06:20And it's just like, we've only given one episode to watch so far.
06:25And I just got the second one last night.
06:27Did you?
06:27It's so good.
06:28That's why I'm so jealous, because I'm just like, it's just one of those shows where you need more.
06:31I know, and I immediately texted Mike.
06:32I was like, oh my gosh, buddy.
06:34Like, now I just want to see it all, you know.
06:37And of course, we all must just be patient.
06:38But we're so used to binging it, of course.
06:41And I think what HBO does so brilliantly is like, we just, we have to wait for it.
06:45We have to be patient.
06:46Bring it back.
06:46Yeah, hang in there and wait it out.
06:49It's worth it.
06:50All right.
06:51I'm excited to see it with everyone else, I guess.
06:54Yes, me too, you and me both.
06:56And see what happens.
06:57But good luck with it, as always.
06:59And lovely to meet you.
07:00Lovely to meet you.
07:01Thank you, take care.
07:02Yeah, thank you.
