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Pamela Leiva se refirió a su relación más estable, su matrimonio en 2017 con el publicista Carlos Segura.


00:00I'm going to ask you a question because you said short relationships, a year, or not so long.
00:05You were going to have sex, but at one point you commit, and you really commit, you're going to live, you decide to get married.
00:15What makes the difference at that moment?
00:19Desperation, I was going to say.
00:22Or was it more the desire to start a family?
00:24I think it was the desire to... I think several things.
00:28I think that first, the feeling that I already deserved to have a partner, and that it would happen because I was already, I don't know, 33 or 34 years old.
00:40There's a self-pressure.
00:42A self-pressure, and I started to see that all my friends were getting married, and this need and this eagerness to have a partner made me meet this person.
00:52We hooked up, and he was also very excited.
00:57Was it fast?
00:58It was all very fast.
00:59How fast?
01:00So fast that we were living together for a month.
01:03For a month?
01:04For a month.
01:07October, November, December, January, February, March.
01:11I got pregnant at 5 months.
01:13That fast.
01:14He was very happy, very happy.
01:17He started calling his parents on the phone.
01:19I locked myself in the bathroom and called my friend Melis.
01:22Melis, who was there.
01:24And Melis asks me, she asks me, are you happy?
01:28What are you going to do?
01:30I told her, I don't know.
01:32I don't know, because as she said, we never dreamed of being a mother.
01:37Never in my maternity family, I always saw her so linked to sacrifice, that my dream was never to be a mother.
01:44So, I was in doubt, but I was so happy.
01:47Like for the first time a pregnancy in my family was good news, because pregnancies have always been bad news.
01:52That I said, I decided to have it.
01:54And he asks me, he says, I want my son to be born in the marriage, and that's when we decided to get married.
01:59When I lose my baby, he tells me, I want us to continue with the same plans, that we get married anyway.
02:05And we decided to get married.
02:07And at that moment he behaved so well, he was a great companion at that moment of the loss, that I said, yes, this, this, this.
02:14And also when I got married, for me it was also a bit of avenging my mother and the family history.
02:19Because when I was a girl...
02:20All the things, all the stories.
02:22All the traumas, all the things.
02:24I remember that when I was a girl, many times in my neighborhood, they told me to help repeat the story of my mother and my sister.
02:30And I was so angry, Martín, when they told me that.
02:33No, if you are also going to be a single mother and you are also going to have two or three guys.
02:37Because that's how people referred to each other before.
02:39And I was very angry when they told me that.
02:42I didn't like it.
02:44So for me, getting married was also like claiming a little bit of the family history.
02:49The story of the women of my family.
02:51And in fact, that time, for my wedding, I was worried that we would all look beautiful.
02:57Because I felt that the party was not just mine.
02:59Of all?
03:00Yes, it was also of all my clan.
03:01How long did your wedding last?
03:02A year, just.
03:04A year, just.
03:06Why did it last a year?
03:08It lasted a year because, the truth is, I was not the one who wanted to separate.
03:14I mean, I thought that when I took that commitment in marriage, it was actually forever.
03:22And I knew that we could face problems.
03:24I didn't think it was going to be that fast.
03:27But I didn't want to separate.
03:29My ex-husband did.
03:33It was all very abrupt.
03:34Why? What happened?
03:35Because he had another partner at that time.
03:38He had a partner who was a friend of his.
03:43A person I knew.
03:46So, let's go back to the same story.
03:48Also, of course.
03:49The story repeats itself.
03:50So, for me, now, that's why a lot of things make sense to me.
03:56Because with her I could never generate a very strong bond.
03:58Because they had a story.
04:00In fact, after that was very hard,
04:03when I started to find out that at my wedding party they were already together,
04:09and that people saw them in the bathroom,
04:11and that a lot of people kept silent because of respect for me,
04:16but that she made a scandal in the wedding,
04:20that because she had married me.
04:23While I was giving your kiss,
04:25and I was inside giving it all, dancing, rolling,
04:28while I was weaving this whole parallel story.
04:31Then, later, when I realized that the third in the relationship was me.
04:37This came before?
04:38This came before.
04:39And why do you think he married you or hooked up with you?
04:42I think he lit up my world a little bit, the lights.
04:49I don't know, he's also a very low self-esteem person,
04:52with many complexes, with many traumas.
04:55Do you still talk to him?
04:56Not with him.
04:57With part of his family, yes.
04:59I have a lot of affection for them,
05:00and for me, one of the great pains, when I separated from him,
05:03was, for me, it hurt more to be away from his family.
05:07But the truth is that love is love,
05:09and love cannot be erased, and neither can people.
05:12And that love continues to be maintained.
05:15I love them very, very, very, very much.
05:18They are very beautiful people.
05:21I regret that the story had to be told like this, for them.
05:26Because I know that they miss me a lot,
05:28and I know that the family we had,
05:30they will never have it again.
05:33But today, looking back,
05:35I am grateful that my story has been told like this,
05:38I am grateful that it has only been a year,
05:41and it has not been more, that life has not left me.
05:44Perhaps we would not be sitting here talking,
05:46nor would I have lived everything I have lived.
05:50And that night in Viña, which for me, really,
05:52is a very beautiful dream that came true.
05:54That night in Viña, I think that
05:57if there was a happy person,
05:59and that she was not in La Quinta Vergara,
06:01it was your mother.
06:02Because, in addition, your mother had gone through
06:04very complex circumstances.
06:05She had had a heart attack recently.
06:07Recently, yes.
06:09Clearly, you decided, she and you,
06:12that she was not going to La Quinta Vergara,
06:14because it was very hard to live that from there.
06:16It was going to be a very strong shock,
06:18in emotional terms.
06:19And also for me, an escape from energy.
06:23And your mother's story is very strong and very powerful.
06:25And I would like the three of us to talk about it.
06:27Because your mother, I think,
06:29has to be very proud of you,
06:30you very proud of her.
06:32And finally, this has been built by you,
06:35by the women of your family.
06:37So, let's go get your mother.
06:42And while we go get your mother,
06:44let's remember that moment when
06:47you dedicate this song to your mother.
