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Hola y bienvenido a WatchMojo Español, hoy conoceremos a los regentes más temibles de toda Latinoamérica dentro de una dictadura. En nuestra lista podrás encontrar a Fidel Castro, Augusto Pinochet, Jorge Rafael Videla y más.


00:00The Generalissimo Dr. Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina, benefactor of peace
00:04Hello and welcome to Spanish Watchmojo, I am Jackie and today we will meet the most fearsome regents of all Latin America within a dictatorship
00:16Number 10, Fidel Castro, Cuba
00:19It will be our turn, but the ideas of the Cuban communists will remain
00:29We all knew that Fidel Castro was going to have a place on this list, not only because he is one of the most recent dictators in Latin America, but also because he was one of the most cruel and that he brought more changes to his country
00:44For others, Fidel, claiming to fight injustices, perpetuated an oppressive system full of contradictions and deaths of innocents
00:55Popular hero or egocentric psychopath?
00:58Before Castro, the government of Cuba was directly linked to the United States, but when he obtained power, he broke diplomatic relations with the country
01:09Many Americans, even some within the CIA, began to support Castro towards the end of the 50s. Castro was what they needed to get Batista out of the way
01:20He established a single party, taking away the ability of its inhabitants to vote, controlled the media and avoided by force any dissident movement on the island
01:31Number 9, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, Dominican Republic
01:36Unlike many dictators we will see on the list, Trujillo ended his government when he was assassinated on May 30, 1961
01:48The National Palace of the Dominican Republic receives a solemn audience to the representative missions of 38 countries
01:55He lasted in power a total of 31 years, in which he basically got rid of civil rights and committed a painful amount of violations against human rights
02:07Trujillo suffered from a complex of inferiority
02:10His class problem included, first, being accepted by the highest social sectors of society, second, being accepted by people of light skin
02:20Like many other dictators, he imposed a single party to govern his country and took the army as a weapon to eliminate directly the opponents, an average of 50,000 people
02:35Trujillo was obsessive with his personal appearance, always elegant, impeccable, showing off his military honors
02:43Why so much obsession with decorations, medals?
02:47Megalomania, it occurs to me
02:49He was finally eliminated with the help of the United States, as the country feared that as retaliation for its multiple crimes, a communist revolt would arise in arms
03:00Number 8, Alfredo Stroessner, Paraguay
03:04On May 4, 1954, a long repressive process began in Paraguay
03:09There were 35 years of human rights violations, arbitrary arrests, tortures, kidnappings and murders
03:16The military and political Uruguayan was the de facto president of his country, that is, he was not recognized under any law
03:25He came to power after leading a coup against the then president, Federico Chávez
03:31And there was no opposition in his rise on July 11, 1954
03:37When he came to power, the dictator found himself in a conflicted social situation
03:41At all times he was supported by the United States and under his command were killed between 3,000 and 4,000 people in their anti-communist campaigns
03:52Not to mention the non-existence of press freedom or politics, because he ruled with an iron fist and little flexibility
04:00Finally, after another coup, this time against him, he was exiled in Brazil and died in 2006
04:08This house of horrors is located in the east of Paraguay, near the border with Brazil and Argentina
04:13It was the property of the former dictator and some say that it served as a resting place
04:17He was never tried or convicted for all his crimes
04:227. Hugo Banzer, Bolivia
04:25If you had never heard of Operation Condor, let us put you in the know
04:30In essence, it was a campaign in Latin America backed by the United States, in which they promoted leaders who benefited from their intentions
04:40A group of military dictatorships in South America joined in a secret and brutal operation that would change the fate of thousands of people
04:48Operation Condor
04:50They murdered hundreds of people who opposed their implanted regents and committed several crimes of dubious morality
04:59This is how Hugo Banzer came to power, who persecuted and imprisoned the opponents of his government and even made illegal other political parties and unions
05:10Hugo Banzer, the dictator, knows how to fight the enemies of the regime and describes it step by step in a confidential document
05:20Annihilate all foreign elements
05:22The discontented people took power through a coup d'etat in 1978
05:28At dawn on Saturday, August 21, 1971, the president called the Bolivians to resist the coup d'etat, which seemed imminent
05:37He is the only dictator who was democratically elected when the country's system changed
05:436. Carlos Castillo Armas, Guatemala
05:48Castillo Armas received the support of the United States to overthrow the left government of his predecessor, Jacobo Arbenz
05:56Since many American companies and monopolies had their own interests in the country
06:07Political parties, agricultural committees and unions were banned as a good dictatorship, but Castillo Armas made everything worse
06:16He simply annulled the Constitution of 1945, depriving all his rights to civilians
06:22He also carried out a persecution against all intellectuals who considered a threat to his government
06:395. Los Somoza, Nicaragua
06:43The worst thing about this dictatorship was its longevity, since Anastasio Somoza García was promoted by his eldest son, Luis Somoza de Valle
06:52And then by his youngest son, Anastasio Somoza de Valle, uncle of a popular Mexican radio presenter
07:00The devil is in the details
07:03In order not to fall behind in the fashion of serving the purposes of the United States, these three dictators also made use of their power with the National Guard to eliminate their opponents
07:16First he reorganized the armed forces, purging those of his adversaries and placing important positions to his allies
07:22Then making use of his position, he continues to gain followers in the Liberal Party and in Congress
07:27For 40 years the country was subject to his mandates and the family managed to amass a great wealth
07:35Fortunately, his mandate ended with the Sandinista Revolution, which had been trying to gain ground for many years
07:43The indiscriminate attacks against elements of the civilian population that sheltered the insurgents and the excesses on the part of the members of the National Guard
07:51Even more impregnated the international image of Somoza's government
07:554. Reinaldo Benito Antonio Viñone, Argentina
08:00The fate of Argentina was marked by a series of horrible and bloody dictatorships, one after another, but let's take the last of all
08:12Sometimes we are going to know well what happens without being known through versions or infidels
08:21Look, this that the military government is the government of silence, I at least try to do everything I can
08:29Viñone was the last president of his country, also the fourth and last of a dictatorship that called itself the process of national reorganization
08:40After a difficult period for his country, President Raúl Alfonsín finally entered, who won the democratic elections that were held in 1983 after several years
08:55If something we have to be clear, everyone, everyone has to be clear, I of course I have it clear because I am a general
09:02It is that democracy is valid as a way of life, democracy is valid as a way of life in civility in the country
09:11After the war of the Malvinas, Argentina had finally entered a period of democracy that remains to date
09:20Regarding the issue of the Malvinas, Mr. President, I want you to objectively answer me as a military
09:27Lieutenant General Galtieri said that the loss of the battle of the Malvinas was due to a calculation error
09:36Number 3. Fulgencio Batista, Cuba
09:39It may have been elected in a constitutional way, but what at first seemed like an election that would favor the country
09:48Became a dictatorship of terror
09:50Batista is getting close to these groups, while the president of Cuba, Gerardo Machado, reforms the constitution to re-elect
09:57But it is overthrown in 1933 by installing a provisional president
10:03Fulgencio assumed the presidency from 1940 to 1944 and then returned in 1952
10:12This time with the support of you know what country
10:16He managed to actively harm the government that preceded him, and when he returned, he led the country under a right-wing regime
10:23With intelligence and charisma, Batista had managed to gain the leadership of a group of military
10:29That together with other political sectors, sign a manifesto that demanded the elaboration of a new constitution that replaced that of 1901
10:38Finally, his nemesis Fidel Castro appeared, who remained in power through the Cuban Revolution in 1959
10:47Number 2. Jorge Rafael Videla, Argentina
10:51As we mentioned earlier, there are many dictators who terrorized Argentina for years
10:58One of the most notorious was precisely Jorge Rafael Videla, who was in power from 1976 to 1981
11:18Forced disappearances and even burnings of books opposing his mandate were the bread of each day during his regime
11:27Although his physical deterioration was noticeable, his mental lucidity revealed a firm certainty
11:32He was very aware of all the atrocities he had committed, and he did not regret the slightest
11:38In 1983, when democracy was reinstated, Videla was denounced, judged and condemned
11:45For the serious violations to human rights that he had carried out directly and indirectly during his time in power
11:53He also assured that the objective of the dictatorship had been achieved by reestablishing order
11:59Victim of strong pains as a consequence of a scoliosis
12:04We have not reached the end yet, but we are almost there
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12:13Now yes, let's go to the end
12:16Number 1 Augusto Pinochet, Chile
12:20On November 25, 1975, in Santiago de Chile, during the 60th birthday of General Augusto Pinochet
12:29A secret meeting was held between the leaders of the intelligence services of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay
12:37First appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army
12:41In 1973, Augusto Pinochet led a coup to get rid of the leftist parties, ending the presidential republic
12:52During his government as President of the Military Government Board, he persecuted people of leftist and socialist inclinations
13:00Even to political critics who dared to issue an opinion against him
13:06In this context of instability, it is where Pinochet and the Chilean army took the opportunity to strike Allende with the beneplácito of the United States
13:16At that time, Pinochet was the Minister of National Defense of Allende
13:20The numbers are approximate, but it is believed that during his government 80,000 people were detained
13:26And it is even known that he tortured thousands in order to obtain information or avoid a revolt
13:33After so many crimes, forced disappearances and unjustified executions
13:38Pinochet was arrested by orders of a Spanish judge after having visited London in October 1998
13:46Pinochet continued as Commander-in-Chief of the Army until 1997 and was later appointed Senator Vitalicio
13:54Yes, Senator Vitalicio
13:56Then he was allowed a house arrest for health issues that had deteriorated severely over time
14:04Which of these dictatorships did you think was the worst?
14:07Tell us in the comments and do not miss these other original videos of WatchMolloEspañol
