• letzten Monat
Die drei baltischen Staaten Litauen, Lettland und Estland sind "erfolgreich" an das europäische Stromnetz angeschlossen worden. Das sagte der litauische Präsident Gitanas Nauseda in Vilnius. Die drei Staaten hatten ihre Netze am Samstag von Russland abgekoppelt.


00:00Moments ago I received great news. The synchronization of the Baltic States electricity system with
00:08the continental European system has been successfully completed.
00:15Today history is made. We connect the Baltic States to our continental European electricity
00:22grid. Electricity lines with Russia and Belarus are being dismantled. These chains of power
00:31lines linking you to hostile neighbors will be a thing of the past. This is freedom. Freedom
00:40from threats. Freedom from blackmails.
