Disclaimer: This topic is a matter of interest to the general public and contains questionable actions by a public official funded by taxpayer dollars. This is news footage about a public official’s on-duty conduct, provided with consent by the video’s owner and the subject of the video. This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only.
This video was sent to us as multiple clips with two clips partially missing audio. The clips jump because the person filming was live streaming different segments in between attempting to call and alert the wife of the person being detained. The live videos were downloaded after the incident. We combined the clips in chronological order.
Refer to our website for our interview with the subject in this case and other details regarding this story.
Our attempt to call Italy Police Chief regarding this issue:
This video was sent to us as multiple clips with two clips partially missing audio. The clips jump because the person filming was live streaming different segments in between attempting to call and alert the wife of the person being detained. The live videos were downloaded after the incident. We combined the clips in chronological order.
Refer to our website for our interview with the subject in this case and other details regarding this story.
Our attempt to call Italy Police Chief regarding this issue: