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Rob Gronkowski caught up with Billboard's Tetris Kelly on the red carpet for 2025 Fan Duel Super Bowl party powered by Spotify.
00:00Alright, so I'm asking everybody about the Halftime Show.
00:03Kendrick Lamar, man, what song are you excited to hear?
00:05Oh, man, you know, I love music and all, but I'm not great with song titles.
00:10That latest one, though, has a beat every time it comes out in the car.
00:14I'm always rocking out.
00:16Uh, what is it?
00:17It's gotta be Squabble Up.
00:18I'm seeing him vibe to Squabble Up.
00:20It's a diss track.
00:21Yeah, Not Like Us, that's what it is.
00:22It got a great beat to it, and, you know, he's definitely gonna play that one.
00:26So I'm excited to hear it.
00:28I mean, I'm just excited for it overall.
00:29I just love people that can perform and get people out of their seats and bring the juice,
00:34and that's what he does.
00:35Yeah, he does bring the juice.
00:36Now, you brought the juice.
00:37You had a festival, a music festival.
00:38Are you still doing that this year, and what can we expect?
00:40I won't be doing it this year.
00:41I'm actually most likely doing it at WrestleMania this year in Las Vegas.
00:45I just got too much going on right now.
00:47I got, you know, we're doing the Super Bowl with Fox, doing the pregame show, halftime
00:52show, post show, and all that, so just too much going on.
00:56So it might return to the Super Bowl one day, but we're going to WrestleMania now.
01:00That's amazing, and before you get out of here, I want to ask you, you know, Billboard,
01:03we're normally doing music, but we're here at a sporting event, so I want to see if you
01:06can teach us some sports jargon.
01:08What actually is a Hail Mary?
01:10A Hail Mary is when, you should have learned that when you were a kid, when you played
01:15NFL Blitz 99 on Nintendo 64.
01:17He thinks I played that.
01:18Oh, you should have, because everyone basically played that, and you just pick Hail Mary.
01:21And a Hail Mary is when you just hike the ball to the quarterback, and he just launches
01:26it up as far as possible to his guys, and hopefully, and prays that it's completed.
01:32Okay, I'm going to remember that, and a quarterback sneak.
01:36Quarterback sneak, where you just go under the center, hike the ball, and he just goes
01:39full speed forward.
01:40He doesn't draw backwards at all, just goes full speed forward behind his lineman.
01:43There you go, lessons from a champ.
01:45Thanks so much for chatting with us.
01:46No problem, man.
01:48Of course.
