आज के तेज़ रफ़्तार वाले डिजिटल युग में एकाग्रता विचलित हो जाती है। जैसे काम में मल्टीटास्किंग करने से ध्यान एक जगह नहीं लग पाता और इसी वजह से एक भी काम पूरा नहीं हो पाता। ऐसा क्यों होता है? किसी भी कार्य में एकाग्रता कैसे बढ़ाएँ?आइए, जानें इस वीडियो में...
In our fast-paced digital era, staying focused and productive can feel like an uphill battle. While switching between tasks at work, we often feel tasks are not getting completed and we end up being defocused and unproductive. Why does this happen and how to stay focused at work?
In our fast-paced digital era, staying focused and productive can feel like an uphill battle. While switching between tasks at work, we often feel tasks are not getting completed and we end up being defocused and unproductive. Why does this happen and how to stay focused at work?