दूध और फल एक साथ खाने से क्या होता है । दूध और फल एक साथ खाने के नुकसान, गर्मी से राहत पाने के लिए कई लोग दूध में फल डालकर मिल्क शेक या स्मूदी बनाकर मजे से खाते और पीते हैं. हालांकि यह सवाल हमेशा बहस का कारण बना हुआ रहता है कि क्या दूध में फल डालकर खाना सेहत के हिसाब से ठीक है?
What happens if you eat milk and fruit together? The disadvantages of eating milk and fruits together, to get relief from the heat, many people make milkshakes or smoothies by adding fruits to milk and eat and drink it with pleasure. However, this question always remains the cause of debate whether it is healthy to eat fruits in milk.
What happens if you eat milk and fruit together? The disadvantages of eating milk and fruits together, to get relief from the heat, many people make milkshakes or smoothies by adding fruits to milk and eat and drink it with pleasure. However, this question always remains the cause of debate whether it is healthy to eat fruits in milk.
Summer में Milk Tea पीने के Side Effect, Body Heat Increase से लेकर Digestion Problem का खतरा
Salt On Cucumber: Kheere Par Namak Daal Kar Khane Se Kya Hota Hai | Body Swelling To Sinus...