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00:00Even though we always hope a film's protagonist makes it to the end, that's not always the
00:04case, especially when it comes to horror.
00:07After being tormented relentlessly by a mask, serial killer, aliens or the forces of hell,
00:12there are heroes who can't see any chance of surviving and so decide to throw in the
00:17Whether it's because they find themselves in a hapless situation, wish to sacrifice
00:21themselves to save another or simply lose the will to live, some people just give up.
00:26However, there are occasions where a character manages to survive even after they said their
00:30goodbyes and willingly marched into the jaws of death.
00:34It just goes to show that even when someone is fully prepared to meet their maker, fate
00:38can have other plans.
00:39And so, with that in mind then, I'm Ellie with What Culture here with 9 Horror Movie
00:43Victims Who Gave Up and Survived.
00:48Bol in His House
00:50In His House, Bol and Riel are forced to flee South Sudan when a civil war breaks out.
00:55After they receive accommodation in Britain, the pair attempt to adjust to their new life.
00:59But after a specter called an Apeth invades their home, Bol and Riel are forced to face
01:03the sins of their past.
01:05Throughout the story, it's heavily implied the pair are having relationship problems
01:09because their daughter died while escaping South Sudan.
01:12Through a flashback, we discover the reality is far worse.
01:16While Bol was in Sudan, he learned that the buses set to leave the country were only letting
01:19on people with children.
01:21Out of desperation, Bol snatched a girl and passed her off as his own to guarantee his
01:26place on the bus.
01:27Even though Riel saw what Bol did, she said nothing.
01:31After Bol and Riel acknowledge their misdeeds, the Apeth informs them that it will resurrect
01:35the girl if Bol repays the debt.
01:38Wanting to atone, Bol allows the creature to burrow into his body, causing him to experience
01:42unimaginable pain.
01:44Just as the Apeth is about to kill Bol, Riel cuts its throat, nullifying the deal.
01:49In the final scene, we see Bol and Riel have accepted the evil they committed and are trying
01:53their best to move on.
01:56Alex in Final Destination
01:59In Final Destination, Alex has a premonition that the plane he's boarded is about to explode.
02:04Alex starts having a meltdown, which causes him and six others to be removed from the
02:08plane moments before it blows up.
02:10Because these seven passengers cheated death, the Grim Reaper must kill them off to restore
02:15When Alex warns his peers that death is coming for them, they ignore him, which results in
02:19their demise.
02:21When he learns death is preparing to kill his friend, Clear, Alex heads to her house
02:24to save her.
02:26As he arrives at her driveway, Alex notices Clear is trapped in her car, dangerously close
02:30to two electrical wires and a gasoline tank.
02:33Refusing to let another person die, Alex grabs the two cables, allowing Clear to flee, just
02:38before the car goes kaboom, seemingly killing him.
02:42However, the next scene cuts to a few months later, with Alex and Clear still very much
02:47I mean, they popped their clogs in the sequel, but at least they lived through that movie.
02:52Chris in Get Out
02:53Get Out follows a young African-American, Chris, who's about to meet the family of his
02:58white girlfriend, Rose Armitage.
02:59At first, he's worried his skin colour may cause a bit of friction, but upon meeting
03:04them, he realises that's the least of his problems.
03:07To his horror, Chris discovers the Armitages are transplanting their friend's brains into
03:11young people's bodies to prolong their lives.
03:14Worse still, Chris is to be the Armitage's latest victim.
03:17Just before the surgical procedure, Chris breaks free, burns down the estate, and kills
03:22all the Armitages, save for Rose.
03:24After Rose's shot, Chris strides towards her, ready to kill her.
03:28But after a police car pulls up, it looks like Chris is screwed.
03:31Fortunately, the officer is revealed to be Chris's friend, Rod, who knew Rose's family
03:35was up to no good.
03:37After breathing a sigh of relief, Chris and Rod drive to safety, leaving Rose to bleed
03:41out on the road.
03:43Father Karas in The Exorcist
03:46During The Exorcist's climax, Father Karas and Father Merrin do all they can to expel
03:50the demon Pazuzu from Regan's body.
03:53When Karas realises the exorcism isn't working, he lashes out at Pazuzu, ordering the demonic
03:57entity to possess him instead.
04:00After it enters Karas's body, he reasons that he can send Pazuzu back to hell if he takes
04:04his own life while it's inside him.
04:07Although the hellish creature attempts to use Karas's body to murder Regan, he wrangles
04:11control over himself for long enough to jump out of the window, slamming into the staircase
04:17Karas's friend, Father Dyer, gives him the last rites just as he draws his final breath.
04:21As horrible as it was to watch Karas bleed out on the steps, you can take some solace
04:25knowing he freed Regan from her torment and defeated Pazuzu once and for all.
04:31Elliot, Alma, and Jesse in The Happening
04:34In The Happening, mathematician Elliot discovers that plants in his area have begun producing
04:39spores, inciting any human nearby to take their own life.
04:43After Elliot hears people in his town have been infected, Elliot encourages his wife
04:47Alma and his friend's daughter Jesse to relocate to a state unaffected by the outbreak.
04:52Surmising that the plants only kill people in large groups, Elliot reasons that Alma,
04:56Jesse, and himself should be fine so long as they don't go near anyone else.
05:00While hiding out in a cabin, Elliot noticed the plants are starting to infect people individually.
05:05In that moment, Elliot believes he's simply delaying the inevitable since the slightest
05:09contact with a tree, airborne seed, or a blade of grass will result in his death.
05:13Left with no choice, Elliot, Alma, and Jesse march out of the cabin, accepting their demise.
05:18To their surprise, nothing happens, implying the plants have ceased their attack upon humanity.
05:24It's possible Elliot's group was spared because the plants didn't see them as a threat, however
05:28it's more likely they survived because the director didn't know how else to end the movie.
05:33Grey Trace in Upgrade
05:36In Upgrade, Grey and his wife are driving home when their car crashes.
05:40Four men suddenly appear and kill Grey's wife and shoot him in the spine, leaving him crippled.
05:44Luckily, Grey is fitted with a cybernetic implant called STEM, which gives him mobility,
05:49super strength, and heightened reflexes.
05:51With this newfound power, he vows to kill the men who murdered his wife.
05:56But in the final scene, Grey discovers his wife's death and his paralysis were orchestrated
06:00by STEM.
06:01The sneaky implant planned out everything so it could be free from its prison and finally
06:06experience the world from a human's perspective.
06:09Because Detective Cortez discovered STEM's plan, the implant compels Grey to eliminate
06:14Knowing the AI will stop at nothing to get what it wants, Grey shoots himself in the
06:18head, seemingly killing them both.
06:21Suddenly Grey awakens in a hospital, only to learn everything after the car crash was
06:24a dream.
06:25Grey embraces his wife lovingly and they all live happily ever after.
06:29At least that's what you think is going to happen.
06:32The scene suddenly cuts to the previous shot, showing Grey is holding Cortez at gunpoint.
06:36Through Grey's body, STEM explains that his host has mentally snapped, allowing the implant
06:41to take over.
06:42After shooting Cortez dead, STEM walks away victorious.
06:46Even though our hero is still alive, he has trapped himself in a fantasy world, oblivious
06:50of the evil his body will continue to commit.
06:53Number 3.
06:54Shaun and Liz in Shaun of the Dead
06:57At the end of Shaun of the Dead, our titular hero and his friends barricade themselves
07:00in their local pub after the town is swamped with zombies.
07:04When the undead horde break in, Shaun, his girlfriend Liz and his housemate Ed are forced
07:08to hide inside the basement.
07:10With no apparent way to escape, the trio realise the zombies will inevitably find them.
07:15Since being ripped apart and eaten isn't an ideal way to go, the group agree to a suicide
07:20Since they only have two bullets left in their pistol, Shaun and Liz decide to shoot themselves,
07:25while Ed says he doesn't mind being eaten.
07:28Before they blow their brains out, Shaun and Liz feel it's fitting to have one last cigarette,
07:31but as they flick on the lighter, the light allows Liz to see a keg lift behind Shaun.
07:36After the pair stand on the lift, Ed activates a switch, taking Shaun and Liz to an area
07:41outside, away from the zombies.
07:43Weirdly, Liz and Shaun never would have seen the lift if they didn't decide to have a ciggy
07:47at the last minute.
07:48Number 2.
07:49Bud Brickman in the Abyss
07:51In the Abyss, Bud Brickman leads a SEAL team, including his ex-wife Lindsay, to locate a
07:56lost nuclear submarine.
07:58But during their mission, Bud's team come into contact with a water-controlling NTI
08:03– non-terrestrial intelligence – which is what caused the submarine to get lost in
08:06the first place.
08:07When the SEAL team discover the sub's nukes are set to detonate, Bud puts on a diver's
08:12suit, makes his way towards the vessel and dismantles it.
08:15When Lindsay realizes Bud has barely any oxygen left, she urges him to rush back.
08:20Instead of panicking, Bud knew he wouldn't have enough air to make his way back, telling
08:24Lindsay his mission was a one-way ticket.
08:27After saying goodbye, Bud turns off his communicator and waits for his oxygen tank to deplete.
08:32Suddenly, the NTI that the SEAL team met earlier appears and brings Bud to a submerged city
08:36where he's able to breathe.
08:38The NTI explains that his species had grown so tired of humanity's wars, they were preparing
08:43to drown the whole world.
08:45But upon noticing Bud was willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good, the NTIs change
08:49their mind.
08:50Ironically, Bud's attempts to take his own life indirectly saved all of mankind.
08:57David in the Mist
08:58In this Stephen King adaptation, David and his family are going about their day when
09:02a mist sweeps across the town and spills out a horde of interdimensional monsters.
09:08At first, David tries to hold out at a nearby supermarket.
09:11As the creatures cause further destruction to the area, David realizes his only means
09:15of survival is to escape the town.
09:18David takes four survivors, including his son, Billy, in his car and drives away as
09:22a creature storms towards them.
09:25Just as it looks like David is going to make it, his vehicle runs out of gas.
09:28Favouring a quick death, the group agree to take their own lives.
09:32Using the four remaining bullets in his gun, David shoots everyone in the car, save for
09:37After breaking down in tears, he gets out of the car, allowing the beast to kill him.
09:41To his horror, David sees the US Army have arrived and killed off the creatures.
09:45Not only that, David notices many people from the supermarket are alive, meaning he would
09:49have been fine if he'd stayed put.
09:51Acknowledging that he just killed four innocent people for no reason, including his 8-year-old
09:56child, David falls to his knees and weeps to the heavens.
10:01And that concludes our list.
10:02If you think we missed any, then do let us know in the comments below.
10:05And while you're there, don't forget to like and subscribe and tap that notification bell.
10:09Also head over to Twitter and follow us there and I can be found across various social medias
10:13just by searching Ellie Littlechild.
10:15I've been Ellie with WhatCulture, I hope you have a magical day and I'll see you real soon.
