• last month
Los animadores tuvieron un hijo.


00:00Let's talk about Julio, your son's father.
00:03How did you meet Julio?
00:05I met Julio in a bar.
00:07I did theater in Alcalá, in Teatro Alcalá.
00:10I think it was called Crímenes Delicados, with Lala Herrera.
00:13And in the next room was El Guido, doing another play.
00:16And we always went to a bar later, I don't know.
00:19And Julio arrived. At that time, Julio was a jury of Red.
00:23Julio was not known on TV.
00:26He was very well known in the journalistic field.
00:28And this man arrived, with a coat that could be seen...
00:34The nail?
00:35No, this.
00:37Like half-naked.
00:41But I found Julio super intelligent.
00:44I had seen him a couple of times.
00:45We started talking, I don't know, he sat with me in the bar, blah, blah, blah.
00:49And we went to an after party.
00:51Martín, I swear to you, for Joaquín,
00:53it's the only time in my life that I go to an after party.
00:55And I go to the after party.
00:56The first thing that comes to mind is Julio.
00:58He was in a bad mood, but the car he had...
01:01I'll take care of it.
01:03And we got to this after party, which was on Sunday.
01:06It was like a house with many floors.
01:08And suddenly, the gentleman who had taken me wasn't there.
01:13He disappeared.
01:15And I left.
01:16My car was parked at the gas station in front of the theater.
01:20And when I got to the gas station, Julio's car was waiting for me.
01:24And I said, where were you? Why did you leave?
01:27Because you disappeared and I don't go to after parties because I don't consume
01:32the substances that are consumed to be in an after party.
01:35I consume other substances, which are basically to sleep, not to get up.
01:40And from there, I confess that the first month I never had a date with him alone.
01:47No, I always took someone with me.
01:49A cousin.
01:51Because I was nervous, he was someone very different.
01:53What made you nervous?
01:56His fame as...
01:58As a free lover?
01:59As a womanizer.
02:02He lived in a completely different place from where I lived.
02:05His story was completely different from mine.
02:10Because I can be the ultra cool, but I am who I am.
02:13My dad is my dad and my mom...
02:14And I am proud of the life I had.
02:17But Julio was very strange for me.
02:22And therefore for my whole environment.
02:24For my friends, for my family.
02:26And when I got carried away, I got carried away.
02:28What made you get carried away?
02:30I fell in love with Julio's intelligence.
02:36Well, I knew it much earlier than you.
02:40And Julio is a seducer.
02:42Like Joaquín.
02:44They are perverts.
02:47They have something that I absolutely lack.
02:51We started dating.
02:52In love, in love, in love.
02:54Yes, obviously, yes.
03:02And Julio one day threw me the contraceptives.
03:04I take contraceptives to this day.
03:06But because I have endometriosis.
03:08At 25 years old.
03:09So I take contraceptives every day.
03:11So for me to get pregnant, it wasn't...
03:13Joaquín wasn't a goal.
03:15Julio threw me the contraceptives through the window of the car.
03:19And I told him,
03:20I wasn't in the Guadalupe roses, you know?
03:24Like this is not a Netflix series.
03:27Like he threw me the pills through the window.
03:29No, I have to go to the gynecologist and tell him that I want to be a mother.
03:33I want to be a mother.
03:34I want to know what happens with this, with endometriosis.
03:36Ready, he took the contraceptives from me.
03:38The first one, no.
03:40The second, no.
03:42The third, yes.
03:45So this was a conversation and a decision to be a father and a mother.
03:50You were already living together at that time.
03:53I went to live at Julio's loft in the center.
03:56Because Julito didn't live in Locurro at that time.
04:03No, now it's very easy to go there.
04:06No, I went to live with Julio at his loft in Esperanza Con Rosas.
04:10And how long did you stay with Julio?
04:12Very little.
04:13That's incredible.
04:14You don't have the impression that you were together for many years.
04:16How long did you stay together?
04:17Two years.
04:18I had couples, perhaps longer and deeper.
04:21And yet, with him I decided to have a child.
04:25I don't know.
04:26Well, you are an emotional person.
04:27Today, 16 years later.
04:2916, how much time has passed.
04:31I chose the perfect one.
04:33Because in the end, when you have a child, it's a relationship for life.
04:37In short, in the end, he gave me an ovary.
04:41What happened when you found out that you were pregnant?
04:44We were together.
04:46In the apartment.
04:48I was doing the pregnancy test.
04:50Yes, we got excited.
04:51It was super nice.
04:52You waited.
04:53Yes, we were looking for it.
04:55And I showed him something.
04:57Look, this is what I'm going to show you.
05:00Not for the person, but for what I did.
05:02It's been a long, long time since we decided to be together forever.
05:09But because when we decided to have a child,
05:14we knew that Joaquín was going to be with us for the rest of our lives.
05:21It's been a long journey.
05:25A difficult task to be a father.
05:29But it's been a wonderful journey.
05:32You are a beautiful companion.
05:35You are loyal like no other.
05:38You are respectful.
05:40You are passionate.
05:42And we have managed to form a different family.
05:47A family that, despite having different ways of loving each other,
05:53does it every day.
05:58I am very happy because I know that you feel that I will always be there.
06:02And I know that you will always be there.
06:04And that, in our way, we love each other in a way that maybe we didn't even think about.
06:10That is, being there.
06:12And that is, worrying about each other.
06:17We still have Joaquín, but we are, step by step,
06:21skipping all the stages, the challenges that being a father has.
06:29I love you.
06:32I love him.
06:34I want him to feel the same way.
06:36I love him because he is my family.
06:40Julio is my family.
06:42I get along with his grandmother.
06:44I think everyone knows that.
06:46I get along very well with his current partner.
06:51He is my family.
06:53It's a very strange family.
06:56It's perfect because people have to get used to the fact that families are not what we used to believe.
07:01In the past, the father, the mother, the children.
07:04Well, Joaquín has a very strange family.
07:07But I don't know if people who have been married for so long,
07:12or in traditional families, get along as well as I get along with his father.
07:16Why did the relationship last so short?
07:19Well, Julito read a few days ago,
07:22he gave a statement that he was a terrible father-in-law and a great ex-husband.
07:28I agree.
07:30We were younger.
07:32Julio was, I think that should be something to comment on,
07:36but he has said it in other interviews, so I don't think I'm violating his privacy.
07:42He was very involved.
07:44He was doing the red VIP.
07:47He slept on TVN.
07:49I was very lonely.
07:53We didn't have the time.
07:56And did you try to make it work?
07:58Or did you try, try, try?
08:00A lot?
08:01I gave it all.
08:04And did you break up to fall in love?
08:07The day we broke up, I didn't want it anymore.
08:09It was over.
08:11And yes, the first few months, of course, we didn't get along as well as we do now.
08:16But it was very easy to get along.
08:20Among my friends and acquaintances, I am a privileged one.
08:25Because Julio pays me a food pension.
08:28Because he is a present father.
08:33Economically, obviously.
08:37None of my friends have what I have.
08:41So, to make Julio, you have to do a search in the arms square, let's say.
08:45And to me, I think it's from the heart.
08:47I am privileged to have my son's father be the father he has.
08:57That's very sad.
08:58It's very poor.
08:59It's very miserable.
09:00Because it's a common denominator that happens a lot.
09:03Suppose I wanted a multimillionaire.
09:05But it's never good.
09:06It doesn't work either.
09:07You don't know what course your son is in.
09:08You don't know who his friends are.
09:09You don't know the things that matter to him, that interest him, that hurt him.
09:13No, no.
09:14It doesn't work for me.
09:15So, I chose to leave.
09:16Because Julio is a present father in all areas of life.
09:26You get along very well with his partners.
09:29Does he get along well with your partners?
09:32With some.
09:33Ah, it was him.
09:34Explain that to me.
09:36There was one with whom he didn't get along very well.
09:39And then there was another with whom he got along very well.
09:41But I didn't.
09:42And now we're all in a fight.
09:44And you with your partners?
09:47With almost all of them.
09:48It's just that Julio has had a lot of partners.
09:52And you decided today...
09:54But I'm not going to say with whom.
09:56Once I said, I can handle that one.
09:57And does he listen to you?
10:00I don't know, but he's not with her.
10:02And how do you do it?
10:03Do you have a regimen?
10:04We don't have a regimen anymore.
10:05I mean, we had the typical visitation regimen, weekend in the middle, I don't know.
10:09Because Julio also has a...
10:12He has Juli with...
10:13What's her name?
10:14With Claudia.
10:15With Claudia Nelo.
10:16And Juli and Joaquin are together.
10:18Yes, they get along very well.
10:19They adore each other.
10:20They are in the same school.
10:21We did it.
10:22After many years.
10:23But Julio still has to put together a whole system.
10:25Well, but...
10:26And you too.
10:27Of course.
10:28But now Joaquin is 16 years old.
10:29It's like, you have to go with your dad.
10:31You have to go.
10:32I don't want to go.
10:33Or you have to stay with me.
10:35I want to stay with my dad.
10:37So, mainly he goes when he wants.
10:41Sometimes he overcomes me.
10:43And you tell him, please, you are his dad now.
10:45Get out.
10:47I'm going on vacation next Friday and Joaquin stays with his dad.
10:50But in general we don't have a very strict regimen.
10:54You, for example, go to Julio's house and he invites you to eat, for example.
10:58You go to eat with his partner, the three of you.
11:00Joaquin has a big brother.
11:02Julio has a son.
11:03Of 30...
11:04Yes, because he is...
11:05He is living here, right?
11:06Yes, he is living here.
11:07No, they have...
11:08Yes, I have been there several times.
11:10We have never had a remember.
11:11A lament.
11:12Kill the illusion.
11:15We will never finish.
