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👉 Un devastador incendio ocurrido en el barrio Dalera de la ciudad de Campana ha dejado a cuatro menores, de dos, cuatro, siete y ocho años, sin vida. El incidente ocurrió mientras los niños jugaban en su habitación y su madre preparaba el almuerzo. A pesar del rápido despliegue de tres dotaciones de bomberos y personal de defensa civil, no se pudo evitar la tragedia. Las investigaciones están en curso para determinar las causas del incendio.

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00:00What we say is a tragedy until now in the afternoon.
00:04There we have her connected to the local colleague working in the place, Lirolay Bravo.
00:10Lirolay, in any circumstances, I would greet you, I would say good afternoon.
00:14Obviously, in this case, only in the formality of greeting you in that way, out of education.
00:19Tell me, please, Lirolay Bravo, news reporter from Campana, working in the place.
00:25What can you tell us about this situation?
00:29Well, we could say good afternoon, but unfortunately it is not what we can inform today.
00:34This tragic episode that just happened this afternoon here in the city of Campana,
00:39precisely in the Dalera neighborhood of the city of Campana,
00:44where four minors were lost, two, four, seven and eight years.
00:52According to the first investigations, as you can see, this fire occurs when the mother of the minors would be cooking
01:01and when a beginning of fire occurs, this young mother goes out to seek help from her neighbors
01:09to help her fight this beginning of fire.
01:12But when she tries to return to the house, the flames had advanced in what would be all the property
01:20and so the neighbors could not enter to help these four minors,
01:26who apparently would be playing like any boy in his room, playing the four little brothers,
01:33while his mother was preparing lunch.
01:36This event occurred after one and a quarter in the afternoon.
01:41They were working in the place, three firemen in conjunction with civil defense personnel,
01:47patrol command, and at this time he is working in the place, as you can see,
01:52the shift inspector, Dr. Ferreiros, who is performing the tasks of the moment.
02:02Lirolay, you are there in the neighborhood, the house,
02:07I ask you to know if you were able to confirm in the first place
02:12if the fatal outcome involved the four little ones.
02:15It was said that there were four, for sure, in the house,
02:18but at first it was said that there were three dead creatures.
02:22Yes, at first it was said that there were three minors,
02:26that one could have gone out, but we just confirmed that,
02:30we just confirmed that, unfortunately, there are four minors.
02:34Six people lived in this house, the parents and the four minors,
02:40and we just confirmed that it is this unfortunate loss of the four minors
02:45in the afternoon here in the city of Campana.
02:47What a tremendous confirmation that Lirolay brings us this afternoon.
02:51Yes, especially that they were very young boys,
02:58they have not been able, they have not realized the situation,
03:03what was happening, we do not have much information
03:06about how the fire occurred, only as a result of the story of the neighbors,
03:11who were the first to help this desperate mother,
03:14who went out to the street to ask for help,
03:17because in a situation like this, from the beginning of the fire,
03:20she did not try to get the minors out of the house,
03:24she just thought it was something that could be solved with the help of the neighbors,
03:29but given the circumstances, the fire advanced quickly,
03:33and in this way the minors were locked in this room,
03:37because as a result of the story of the neighbors,
03:39also because of what could be found,
03:41these children would be waiting for the mother to finish cooking,
03:45and thus be able to have lunch.
03:47Keep in mind that we are in the summer vacation season,
03:50that all the boys are at home,
03:52that the classes would start in March,
03:54so it is normal that the boys are at home playing quietly,
03:58but well, the fatal outcome occurred this afternoon here in the city of Campana,
04:02with this sad news of the death of these four minors.
04:05The confirmation is being brought to us by Lirolay Bravo,
04:08a colleague from Campana, working in the place.
04:10Lirolay, we are also gathering information,
04:13they tell us a little about some more details,
04:16which are becoming known about what this sequence was.
04:19We reiterate a news that hits us hard,
04:22what a tragedy, four little children died in a fire in a house,
04:27which had partially some sector still trying to do better,
04:31enlargements, typical of any humble family,
04:34which is seen that their family expands, grows,
04:37new creatures are arriving, all very young,
04:40even some realize that there was some process
04:43also to expand this very, very humble home.
04:46By the way, a mother, we review the data,
04:49who goes out to seek help when a beginning of fire is generated
04:53in the kitchen sector.
04:55We are realizing the ages,
04:58please, now I'm going to ask you for collaboration, Lirolay,
05:00in that sense.
05:01The ages of the minors are two years,
05:03they are two girls and two boys,
05:05two girls of 2 and 4 years,
05:08and the two boys are 7 and 8 years.
05:12Of course, because some ...
05:13This is all the information we could gather,
05:15in what is happening in this interim,
05:18since the beginning of the fire began,
05:20we, when we could go to the place,
05:22it was because of a beginning of fire,
05:23and as the minute by minute passed,
05:26we were finding out,
05:27and above all because of the anguish of this mother,
05:31who asked, please, to rescue her children from the flames,
05:35but unfortunately,
05:37firefighters intervened in the place with three donations,
05:41but it was too late.
05:43It was all despair in that sequence,
05:46which seemed eternal for this mother,
05:48and which became a tragedy.
05:50She understood that the most useful thing was,
05:52because there are also boys of such a young age,
05:54I am realizing that maybe some of them were playing,
05:57and maybe even the smallest one was sleeping,
06:00so clearly, with boys of such a young age,
06:03she was going to need help,
06:05she was going to need help.
06:06This image that we are seeing now,
06:08by the way, I am telling our A24 TV viewers,
06:10from all over the country,
06:11that it is live,
06:13we are talking with Lirolay Bravo,
06:15there, live in the place,
06:18if there is a possibility.
06:19Lirolay, your generosity is immense,
06:21and it is a pity for the circumstances
06:23in which you are collaborating with us,
06:25and giving us this chronicle of the pain and tragedy there in the place.
06:28If you have the opportunity,
06:29you want to move,
06:30try to talk to a neighbor,
06:31please feel free to do so.
06:33Yes, we were talking to the neighbors who were helping,
06:36let's say, when this fire began,
06:40we were talking to a young woman in the place,
06:43who told us that she tried to help,
06:46there was also another neighbor who had tried to enter the house,
06:49many of them are very distressed,
06:51because it should be noted that this family was new in the neighborhood,
06:55they saw her, they met her in the neighborhood,
06:58because she was always with her four little children,
07:00it was a family that rented this house,
07:03the owner of the house is in this moment in the place,
07:06but she does not want to talk to anyone,
07:08she is very distressed also,
07:10because this happened in her house,
07:12but all the neighbors are very distressed by the situation,
07:17because it was many of them who tried to help this mother,
07:21when she went out to the street to ask for help,
07:24and there were many of the neighbors who tried to enter this house,
07:29but they could not enter,
07:31since the flames had advanced immediately,
07:35and the arrival of firefighters was expected.
07:39Lirolai, let's go here,
07:42I will also tell you, gathering some data.
07:45They are arriving at this moment,
07:47they are going to extract the bodies of the house,
07:50the scientific police is arriving at the place,
07:54this is a very distressing moment for many.
08:00They asked us to run away from the place,
08:03because they are very sensitive images,
08:05which we are going to visualize in a moment,
08:07when the extraction of the four bodies of the minors is carried out,
08:11who are inside this house.
08:13Of course, Lirolai,
08:15there we are going to handle,
08:17with your generosity and your work in between,
08:20we thank you again,
08:22with all the caution, respect that the situation deserves,
08:25and we are going to be very obedient
08:27of all the indications that in that sense emanate from the authorities.
08:31I am even there sharing with the production at this moment,
08:35what is an image that synthesizes the drama,
08:38the image of one of the firefighters who had to enter the house there,
08:41because after the flames that started in the kitchen sector,
08:46the boys took refuge in a dormitory.
08:48Look at what it is, look at what it is at this moment,
08:50I say Lirolai to our public,
08:52the heartbreaking image, heartbreaking of a firefighter.
08:56Yes, yes, firefighters when they find themselves in this situation,
08:59imagine that they are doing their job,
09:02but they do not stop being parents, brothers, children,
09:06and this image is extremely distressing,
09:08extremely distressing to enter the house,
09:10not having been able to arrive in time to help this mother,
09:14and save these four minors.
09:16They are very hard people,
09:18with the vocation of self-service that firefighters always have,
09:22they work permanently, day and night,
09:24they are volunteers, and they will have seen everything in their life,
09:27but I believe that this is the worst scene that any human being,
09:30including firefighters who are very hardened,
09:32who have such hard skin,
09:34they have to see, there is no way not to be moved and anguished,
09:38in front of such a picture,
09:40to find a handful of little ones there.
09:43You can also visualize at this moment,
09:46the commissioner of the city of Campana, Matías Córdoba,
09:49who is taking charge of all the corresponding tasks,
09:52who is supervising at this moment,
09:54everything that is happening in the place.
09:56You can also see,
09:58I don't know if you can see,
10:00the head of the fire department,
10:02who was in charge of coordinating the tasks,
10:06Javier Cravioto,
10:08who is also in the place.
10:10All the forces at this moment
10:12are moved by the tragic event
10:14that happened this afternoon,
10:16here in the city of Campana.
10:18As you will see, at this moment,
10:20the scientific police are being accommodated,
10:22to be able to extract the bodies of the minors from the place.
10:26He is going to do it,
10:28to try to enter as much as possible,
10:30inside the house,
10:32so that the neighbors do not have to live
10:34such a sad situation,
10:38so tragic.
10:42neighbors who also,
10:44who also gives us some data,
10:46that we are also gathering,
10:48in addition to thanking you once again,
10:50your work from the place.
10:52Lirolay Bravo, colleague of Campana.
10:54In despair,
10:56when they go to the request of the mother,
10:58in front of the screams,
11:00they try to pull down
11:02some opening,
11:04some wall,
11:06they can't do it in time,
11:08because what he did here,
11:10apparently the devastating effect
11:12and the fatal outcome of the creatures,
11:14is not so much the fire,
11:16but what has to do with the inhalation of smoke,
11:18the intoxication.
11:24And the neighbors,
11:26together with the firemen and everyone,
11:28lived the frustration of trying to do
11:30as much as possible,
11:32pull down a wall,
11:34open a gap from where to enter
11:36the home, because the sector of the door ...
11:38They could enter through the front door,
11:40let's say,
11:42through what would be the entrance
11:44of the garage, of the house,
11:46they could enter through there,
11:48they passed through the flames,
11:50they managed to extinguish the fire,
11:52they also raised the roof of the house
11:54so that the smoke would not spread
11:56in the slums,
11:58they were working until a moment ago
12:00to prevent
12:02the fire from spreading
12:04to the slum dwellings
12:06that are in this area.
12:08What a drama this afternoon,
12:10we repeat again,
12:12for those who are joining
12:14our broadcast,
12:16which is a lot of people,
12:18it is a real tragedy what happened there
12:20in Campana,
12:22a common and ordinary tragedy
12:24that begins, apparently,
12:26later the firemen's expertise
12:28in the kitchen area will confirm it,
12:30a mother who is alone
12:32inside the home with four children,
12:34all very young,
12:362, 4, 7 and 8 years old,
12:38believes that the convenient thing,
12:40of course, the best thing for her children
12:42is to go out and desperately ask for help
12:44from the neighbors,
12:46a help that does not arrive in time,
12:48because it triggers quickly
12:50and above all,
12:52what catches fire
12:54and generates a smoke
12:56of intoxication,
12:58which is what ultimately ends up having
13:00a lethal effect
13:02on the four creatures,
13:04four little brothers,
13:06apparently refugees in the housing sector,
13:08they are already working like this
13:10and I celebrate...
13:12They are working instantly,
13:14it is a matter of seconds
13:16that the extraction tasks are carried out
13:18and the bodies of the minors
13:20are also asking us to leave
13:22the place a little
13:24so that the scientific community
13:26can leave with peace of mind,
13:28as you can see,
13:30all the tasks are being carried out
13:32so that the extraction
13:34is totally reserved,
13:36so we are going
13:38to finish
13:40with this live
13:42with respect to the relatives
13:44of these four minors
13:46who are entering the place.
13:48Let's do one thing,
13:50we want and share your look,
13:52here we are all looking at each other
13:54in the studio, we are parents,
13:56it is a very difficult moment
13:58that is going to happen now,
14:00if you want, we will keep in touch
14:02eventually only by audio with you,
14:04we give up the image
14:06if it is what corresponds at this time
14:08and we are also very respectful
14:10of what the authorities are asking
14:12there in the place.
