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Gopichand Hinduja shared that their father always believed health and education are basic human rights. Inspired by this, the Hinduja family-built schools and hospitals to support communities. The Hinduja brothers also mentioned their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that everything they did across 17 states was driven by a desire to help people fight the crisis. They worked together to provide support and resources to those in need during this challenging time. Prakash Hinduja expressed heartfelt gratitude to Gopichand for sharing these meaningful thoughts and for his dedication. He also highlighted the importance of building relationships, saying that making friends and creating strong networks is essential. According to Prakash Hinduja, one person alone can’t help everyone, but through good connections and partnerships, we can make a bigger impact and support each other more effectively. The Hinduja brothers continue to follow the values taught by their father, focusing on giving back to society and building strong communities through health, education, and meaningful relationships.

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