• letzten Monat
Der US-Grenzschutzbeauftragte Tom Homan hat so genannte "Zufluchststädte“ für Migranten, wie beispielsweise Chicago, als "Zufluchtsorte für Kriminelle“ bezeichnet. Homan kündigte an, gegen diese Städte vorzugehen, weil sie die Bemühungen von US-Präsident Donald Trump, Migranten ohne Papiere abzuschieben, blockieren würden.


00:00Sanctuary cities are sanctuary for criminals. I'm glad we got Pan Bandi running a DOJ now. Sanctuary cities are sanctuary for criminals. Make that clear.
00:09They say, well, we want victims and witnesses of immigration and crime to be free to come to the police without fear of us working with ICE.
00:17That is such crap. Because the victims and witnesses of crime don't want the public safety threat released in their communities?
00:23That's just ridiculous. The victims and witnesses of that crime want that bad guy locked up too.
00:28When they're done, give them to us. That keeps the community safer.
