• letzten Monat
Die südkoreanische Netflix-Serie When Life Gives You Tangerines beleuchtet die abenteuerlichen Lebenswege der beiden Freunde Ae-soon und Gwan-sik über mehrere Jahrzehnte hinweg.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/you-have-done-well


00:01What's wrong with you, grandma?
00:04Let go of me!
00:05Hey, you! Let go of me!
00:07I said let go of me!
00:08What the...
00:12No one could stop the coming of spring,
00:15but the spring of Jeju was especially fast.
00:20Why does only Jesus not know
00:22that there's a whirlwind of spring?
00:25Your house is ruined, isn't it?
00:26How come you always leave fish?
00:30You only feed fish, not seduce them.
00:32But I'm not going to marry you.
00:34I'm gonna fly away
00:39I think you're going to be a great poet.
00:42A great poet?
00:44Do you know anything?
00:46If you wear a ring, it's over.
00:49Let go of me!
00:49Hey, stop being anxious.
00:51I'll take care of everything.
00:55Where are you going?
00:58In the days of No Thank You,
01:00they were on the other side.
