• vor 2 Monaten
Mit der Dramaserie Forever wird der gleichnamige Roman von Judy Blume für eine neue Generation adaptiert. Erzählt wird darin die Geschichte zweier Schwarzer Teenager aus Los Angeles, die sich ineinander verlieben und dabei mehr über sich selbst herausfinden.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/forever--3


00:00You have no idea who I am, do you?
00:13Keisha Clyde.
00:14Is she still running?
00:18I never stopped.
00:19How about you, though?
00:20That's a maker, right here.
00:21Okay, nice to see you.
00:22Feels good to be seen.
00:23Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me, and I'll wait for you.
00:34These came for Keisha.
00:35They clearly cost a pretty penny.
00:37Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me, and I'll wait for you.
00:43What's wrong?
00:44Justin, I can't afford to like anyone right now.
00:46Don't say that.
00:48I gotta go.
00:51When you're gone, when you're gone, I'll go.
00:56When you're gone, when you're gone, I'll go.
01:03I think we have something good going, or we could if we gave it a chance.
01:07Wait for me, wait for me, wait for me, and I'll wait for you.