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Trump and Netanyahu together sitting together is the “most obscene picture of the 21st century,” Professor Kamel Hawwash, Palestinian academic and analyst tells Al Arabiya News.


00:00Professor, what went through your mind when you, I don't know if you were watching that
00:03press conference last night, but when you heard President Trump put forward that idea,
00:08I mean there were apparently gasps in the room, people were in disbelief. What went
00:13through your mind?
00:14I didn't see it live. I'd seen him sitting next to Netanyahu. That picture I think is
00:21the most obscene picture of the 21st century of a war criminal wanted by the International
00:27Criminal Court, travelling freely to the United States, being welcomed by the President
00:33of the United States, who is now, through the supply of weapons to Israel and what he's
00:40done today, both a genocidal and also an ethnic cleansing President of the United States.
00:47He is committing war crimes through what he has, or calling for them. So that's what went
00:52through my mind after I heard this. We of course, as Palestinians say, what the heck
00:57is going on? And how do we achieve our rights? Literally, the Palestinians have tried everything
01:05possible, both from a military confrontation, not just the last one, but over decades, to
01:11just free themselves of occupation. Let's be clear, that's all the Palestinians are
01:15trying to do. And people will disagree, some will call them terrorists, etc. But no one
01:22else around the world has felt occupation.
01:27For more UN videos visit www.un.org
