• last month
👉 Fabián Peláez fue liberado tras ser acusado de retener a su novia en su departamento y suministrarle drogas. La mujer logró escapar saltando desde un primer piso, resultando con tobillos fracturados. A pesar de la gravedad del caso y la oposición del fiscal federal Gerardo Pollicita, el juez Rafecas ordenó su libertad bajo ciertas restricciones, incluyendo la prohibición de salida del país y presentaciones mensuales en el juzgado.

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24
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00:00...of this situation.
00:13This happened last week, when a woman threw herself off the first floor,
00:20escaping from a situation, obviously, of illegitimate deprivation of freedom.
00:27She had denounced that she had been drugged,
00:32and we are talking about her partner at that time,
00:36a plastic surgeon, the plastic surgeon of San Juan, Fabian Pelaez,
00:43who was arrested, accused of drug smuggling,
00:46and detained, precisely, his girlfriend, in that apartment,
00:49which he had also rented, well, he was imprisoned.
00:53Despite, in this case, the opposition of the Federal Prosecutor, Gerardo Policita,
01:01who had obviously opposed the request of the defense of this man,
01:05the defense is being established, is headed by Fabian Pelaez,
01:09Dr. Fabian Pelaez, and Judge Rafecas gave him the freedom,
01:14after the statement that the woman gave under the figure of a witness of reserved identity.
01:20This happened a few hours ago,
01:23this woman who, in the Porteño neighborhood of Palermo,
01:26a few days ago, had, as we said, thrown herself off the first floor,
01:31escaping from this man.
01:33The woman had fractured her ankles when she fell on the asphalt,
01:38remember that a neighbor, this neighbor that you see there, in orange,
01:41was cutting traffic because this woman was desperate, practically naked,
01:45she walked a few steps and fell again on the asphalt,
01:49because she had fractured her ankles, as I was saying.
01:53Another person, another person helped her, they called the police,
02:00the police arrived just there, at that place,
02:04and she was rescued by the SAME, and this man was obviously arrested.
02:09Judge Rafecas ordered the freedom,
02:12but he imposed a ban on her leaving the country.
02:16She must appear in court once a month,
02:20this is a condition that many times prevails when there is freedom with these characteristics,
02:25because the magistrate said that there are no procedural risks,
02:30let's say, so that, for example, she escapes,
02:33or that the investigation is interrupted,
02:36since she has two younger children,
02:39and a very relevant activity, as a surgeon,
02:44in a clinic in the province of San Juan.
02:47In the case of Policita, the Federal Prosecutor,
02:51who, I reiterate, opposed this incarceration,
02:54in this case, for Policita, this crime would be included
02:59in the crimes of free supply of narcotic substances,
03:03narcotic substances, facilitation of the property,
03:07in addition, to carry out this type of conduct,
03:10that is, to have a place to do this,
03:13and for the prosecutor, let's say,
03:17he should still be arrested.
03:21What they consider, according to the interpretation of the prosecutor,
03:25and also, obviously, of the complaint,
03:28is that the doctor supplied cocaine,
03:33and ecstasy to his partner,
03:36despite the fact that he was under treatment with psychiatric medication.
03:40The fact occurred, as you remember,
03:43and we have told you here in A24,
03:46in Niceto Vega at 5900, very close here, including the canal.
03:50The woman had been hospitalized at the time,
03:53with a picture of intoxication, the fractures that we had told you.
03:58Yes, I understand.
04:00Of course, exactly.
04:02And, well, the justice considered that it was a really serious fact,
04:07very serious, and much more taking into account
04:10that he is a man linked to medicine,
04:13where he clearly knows the prejudices that bring
04:18supplying this type of drugs to a person,
04:22to a patient.
04:24But well, he was released,
04:26under, obviously, certain restrictions
04:29imposed by Judge Rafecas,
04:32and in the next few days some of the witnesses
04:35will continue to take statements.
04:38Some of them have already declared in the case,
04:41such as people who live in the place,
04:44the owner of the apartment, rented.
04:47We will see what happens in the next few days,
04:51and, obviously, also what happens with the victim.
04:56Thank you for watching!
