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Video Information:
Shastra Kaumudi
Greater Noida

~ What lies at the foundation of the Indian nation?
~ How to develop a love for India among Youth?
~ Is nationalism good for India?
~ How is India different from other nations?
~ What is the most Important Thing That Makes You Indian?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00So, what does the Indian nation stand for?
00:13You cannot love someone or something you know very little of.
00:20The nation at its root represents a community of people united through certain values.
00:32For someone to really love the nation, it is important that firstly he knows what those
00:40values are.
00:42Those values must be worth loving and even more fundamentally, certain values must exist.
00:51And those values cannot be just theoretical ideals on paper.
00:56So, what does the Indian nation stand for?
01:03See, a nation does not become admirable or respectable or lovable just by the dint of
01:12being a nation.
01:14You may very well have, theoretically, a nation that's founded on hatred towards a group of
01:23people or something, right?
01:27And there do exist so many nations that have come into existence this very way.
01:34They exist because of a certain dislike towards something.
01:38And we have had nations in history that existed just to obliterate other nations.
01:43And we have had nations where the connecting thread is as fragile as, you know, a shared
01:55language, shared ethnicity, shared food habits.
01:59So, a nation is not necessarily lovable on its own.
02:05If you say you are an Indian, I say I am an Indian, what connects and unites the two of
02:11Most people do not want to go into this.
02:13Most people are far more eager to talk of diversity than to talk of the underlying oneness.
02:24Because talking of diversity is easy, no?
02:28Each one of us is different.
02:30But isn't it commonsensical to ask that if each one of us is different, then what is
02:37it that enables each one of us to be called an Indian?
02:45When you say you love India, you are asked what exactly do you love?
02:51You have no answer to give.
02:53For most people, India is just a bit of land, a boundary on the global map, a political
03:02No, these aren't exactly things you can fall in love with.
03:06If you are to fall in love with something, then the thing has to have a sacredness in
03:12it, no?
03:14If you are to really love India, then India has to be more than a political entity.
03:20Then you have to know the values that constitute India.
03:23For that, first of all, there have to be values.
03:26And there have to be people who worship those values.
03:31India has been a nation because of its Vedantic foundation.
03:37I understand it will be quite risky for most people to acknowledge this.
03:43But that's what lies at the base of the Indian nation.
03:52Values that come from Vedanta.
03:58And now you know why youngsters have only a shallow relationship with the nation today.
04:07Because they are not familiar with the underlying values, the underlying Vedanta.
04:13It is quite horrifying.
04:16But you have very little beyond the masala dosa.
04:19Or maybe you have a few other things.
04:22Come on, like Bollywood, the Bhangra, the cow, the cow sitting in the middle of the
04:29highway that is.
04:31The monkey riding the elephant, peeing by the roadside.
04:35You would say Mahatma Gandhi, or you'd probably talk of the colours of Holi, or you'd probably
04:41talk of the Diwali lights.
04:44These are all good, nice, vibrant images of the Indian landscape.
04:49How can you fall in love with these?
04:52That's the entire thing.
04:53We do not know what India stands for.
04:58To love you need something, I said sublime, something sacred, something worth worshipping.
05:05And it's a sad thing that that which is worth worshipping does exist in India, but is often
05:14not deliberately introduced to us.
05:19The present generation has been deliberately starved of the essence of India.
05:28No wonder they have no real feeling towards the nation.
05:32They are Indians only by name, only by passport.
05:35And they don't want to remain Indians even in name.
05:39We think of this as some kind of a passing fad.
05:44It's not a passing fad.
05:45It points towards something deeper.
05:48The fellow is ashamed of his identity.
05:51He wants to wear a totally different persona, which is bound to happen, because he does
05:58not know his identity.
06:01The identity of India, the root of the Indian nation is essentially spiritual.
06:08You devoid Indians of spirituality, and they will remain Indians only in name.
06:16The Indian nation is founded on a very expansive ground, very expansive, very uplifting, very
06:25enriching, and therefore nationalism must flourish in India, but not the nationalism
06:33of the shallow kind, not the kind of nationalism that led to the world wars.
06:41Nationalism founded on truly Indian values.
06:45What do I mean by Indian values?
06:47I'm being very specific here.
06:49By Indian values, I mean the values enshrined in Vedanta.
06:57As long as the youth remain in touch with the essence of the nation, the nation will
07:06stay safe.
07:07When the youth start losing touch with Vedanta, the nation starts losing its inner security.
07:16Externally, you can try to keep the political entity safe using the army and technology
07:22and whatnot, but inwardly, the nation will decay.
07:27Let that not happen.
