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The rainy season brings cooler weather, but it can also bring a few health challenges. Following a healthy diet for monsoon can help boost your immunity, improve digestion, and keep you feeling your best.

Rainy season health tips – Food habits
• Take a lot of garlic since it boosts immunity.
• You can take vegetable soups.
• Add turmeric to your milk.
• Adding fenugreek and jeera to your food can improve digestion.
• Include peanuts in your diet at least 2-3 times per week.
• Prefer fish to mutton and chicken.

Watch Mr. Lakshmanan of Kauvery Hospital, one of the best Dieticians in Tirunelveli, share easy diet tips to stay healthy during the monsoon season.

Watch This Video On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HI1eAwwJc1w

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