Polemik PDSS di Sumsel, Siswa di 20 Sekolah Terancam Gagal Ikut SNBP
00:00The polemic of school data and PDSS students
00:05has also been experienced by a number of high-middle school schools in South Sumatra.
00:10There are as many as 20 schools, of which a total of 959 schools in South Sumatra
00:16have not yet completed PDSS input.
00:19In the end, thousands of students follow the national selection based on SNBP performance.
00:27Education observer Prof. Abdullah Rabu, 5 February, said
00:31the failure of PDSS input was due to technical difficulties.
00:36So far, it's been smooth, right?
00:40So it's never happened like this.
00:43So if the problem doesn't pass, it's different.
00:46It's a different problem.
00:48But this upload problem,
00:50years ago, far before, it never happened.
00:54At this time, it's also an intervention for the government, related ministries.
00:58Why is the problem of technical internet like this
01:04become a problem? It should be more sophisticated.
01:07One of the schools in South Sumatra failed to input PDSS, namely SMA Negeri Empat.
01:13Currently, the school is trying to go to the DPRRI
01:17to be able to get PDSS input time extension.
01:22The problem is actually we have uploaded everything from 5 semesters.
01:28However, there are 2 semesters that were rejected by the system.
01:34That's it.
01:36The rest is nothing.
01:38That's it.
01:39Because it was rejected until today, there is no certainty.
01:45Meanwhile, SMA Negeri Endang managed to complete PDSS input at the beginning of January
01:52in order to avoid technical problems.
01:54We have been warned from the beginning
01:56that the input should not be done at the end of registration.
02:01So at the beginning, we have input
02:03and the children have also been advised
02:05to be finalized, for example, before the last day.
02:11Minimum 2 days before the finalization.
02:16The school also hopes that the government can provide clarification
02:19for schools that have failed to input PDSS after a long time.
02:23From Palembang, South Sumatra,
02:25Winda Triagustina,
02:27Taram News Agency, reported.