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00:00But look, one of the really big stories is emerging in college basketball this season
00:04when you have a legendary coach like Rick Pitino and the story behind him from the top to the
00:11bottom and now working his way, you know, again back to the top with the school that he did it
00:15once before at St. John's is truly an inspiring story and I think going to get a lot of attention
00:21come March as well. Now again, there's a lot of time to play here. Pitino, by the way, Mike himself
00:26in a clip that we just played said basically the stats are not backing up the team's wins.
00:31They're just sort of winning in strange ways, but they beat Marquette. I would assume if they
00:36win their game. I don't know. I have to check their schedule this weekend. They'll maybe be
00:39ranked inside the top 10 in college basketball, which is it's got to be one of the big stories
00:44of the year. It really is an almost inevitable. Rick Pitino is as good as anybody that's ever
00:52done it Craig. He there was the old bum Phillips quote. I use this sometimes he can take his in
00:59and beat urine or urine and beat his in which meant that no matter which side the coach was on
01:06that side was going to win and that seems to be Rick Pitino from Boston you all the way back to
01:13St. John's. It hasn't mattered. He's been able to find a way to win and you know, he said there
01:20the stats don't back up them winning but maybe it depends on which stats you look at.
01:24They beat Marquette on the boards last night 50 to 28. That was the entire difference in the game.
01:32Marquette did some really good things but could never overcome being beaten on the board so badly
01:38especially on the offensive glass or their defensive glass. St. John's is offensive glass.
01:43That's where a lot of opportunities for St. John's came from. St. John's does not shoot the basketball
01:48well. It might even be fair to say they shoot it poorly. They were 3-16 from deep last night
01:55but it doesn't seem to matter to them because Kadari Richmond their terrific point guard
02:01finds a way to get the ball in the right hands and sometimes it's his hands. He was tremendous
02:06last night a near triple-double. He's one of the best players in the country and it was really wise
02:12of of Rick Pitino no surprise that he decided that if they were going to take their best shot
02:18at this season Kadari Richmond would be the guy to lead it.
